View Full Version : Critters Attack! (2019)

26-Apr-2019, 09:46 AM

So "Critters: A New Binge" seems to have come and gone with little fanfare, however there was another Critters project on-the-go - a feature film - which is coming soon to DVD & Blu-Ray. Dee Wallace returns to the franchise (she was in the first film) but as a different character.

It appears to have more of a budget deserving of the l'il toothy furballs, as well (A New Binge appeared to be very low budget).

27-Apr-2019, 12:53 PM
I’m not a huge follower of the series and need to revisit them, but this looks like a lot of fun!

MZ, you notice the quick shot with the equipment that looks suspiciously similar to the Ghostbuster’s PKE meter??

27-Apr-2019, 04:03 PM
MZ, you notice the quick shot with the equipment that looks suspiciously similar to the Ghostbuster’s PKE meter??

haha! Yeah, I noticed that straight away. :lol:

I also like how they have continued with the old school practical (hand) puppetry. That vibe is key to the Critters' look and feel on-screen.

I've not been able to watch "A New Binge", unfortunately, although I've heard very mixed things about it (the main criticisms being the characters/actors and the distinctly low budget). It was a surprise to hear about "A New Binge" (essentially a handful of shorts that make up about 70 minutes of content IIRC), but a while back what came as much more of a surprise was this random news that Dee Wallace was appearing in a new Critters movie - and here we are - and much more accessible to Critters fans, too! I'll be getting this on home video for sure. :)

05-Sep-2019, 04:26 PM
Well, I've finally seen the new Critters movie...

Critters Attack! (Bobby Miller, 2019) DVD Review:

For 27 years the Critters franchise, which originally hit cinema screens in 1986 in the wake of the huge success of Joe Dante's Gremlins (1984), has pretty much laid dormant. Aside from a fantastic fan-made short film in 2014 (Jordan Downey's well received Critters: Bounty Hunter), those beloved fur balls with a monstrous appetite have been left to starve and gather dust. But, much like buses, you spend ages waiting for one only for two come along at the same time. Critters Attack! is not connected to the Shudder short series Critters: A New Binge (despite sharing the same production company), which was released in March 2019 to mixed reviews – but what of this fifth film in the carnivorous series: can it measure up like a rumbling post-feast rift, or will it fall flat like a pungent fart nobody in their right mind should have trusted?...

Follow the link to see the full review and some screenshots.

27-Sep-2019, 02:30 AM
According to Dee Wallace, she is playing the same character, but the character is using a different name.

17-Apr-2020, 11:50 PM
MZ and any other Critters fans.....There will be a free watch party for Critters 2: The Main Course with commentary/Q&A with Director Mick Garris on April 19.


I’m loving all these free commentaries and screenings during the pandemic...

18-Apr-2020, 10:15 AM
MZ and any other Critters fans.....There will be a free watch party for Critters 2: The Main Course with commentary/Q&A with Director Mick Garris on April 19.


I’m loving all these free commentaries and screenings during the pandemic...


Naturally the time is no good for we Brits, but hopefully there'll be a recording of it made available somewhere - I'm a huge fan of Critters 2 (and, well, the franchise in general).

I recently watched a script read through of a season 3 episode of Big Mouth (you can find it on YouTube), featuring a bunch of the cast members via video chat. Well worth a watch for any fans of that show. :)

11-Mar-2021, 12:52 PM

So "Critters: A New Binge" seems to have come and gone with little fanfare, however there was another Critters project on-the-go - a feature film - which is coming soon to DVD & Blu-Ray. Dee Wallace returns to the franchise (she was in the first film) but as a different character.

It appears to have more of a budget deserving of the l'il toothy furballs, as well (A New Binge appeared to be very low budget).

*Hides face* The Critter movies are a guilty and I mean very guilty pleasure.

11-Mar-2021, 04:43 PM
*Hides face* The Critter movies are a guilty and I mean very guilty pleasure.

Guilty pleasure? :rockbrow:

Critters rock! ... Although "Critters Attack!" did not rock, sadly, and still felt low budget with nowhere near enough Krite action (and waaaaaaaaaaay too much melodramatic character stuff you didn't really care about).