View Full Version : Zombieland: Double Tap

25-Jul-2019, 04:19 PM

Looks great, it just already feels like too many joke reveals in the first trailer. I would’ve been happy with the whole trailer being the slow-mo kills and quick cuts. The beginning had me cackling!

25-Jul-2019, 08:33 PM
Didn't like the first one, so I'll probably skip this one as well.

26-Jul-2019, 09:52 AM
Looks like jolly good fun, but hopefully they've not spunked too much in the trailer. I'll resist the urge to re-watch the trailer a bunch of times and try and forget some of what I've seen so it's fresher when watching the movie. :)

Hopefully it does well and brings in enough folks who didn't see the first in the cinema. The trouble with belated sequels is the audience for the first have aged quite a bit in the intervening years. Ten years ago it was piss easy to get a gang together to hit the cinema for a flick, but now? I haven't been to the cinema in about two years at this point.

26-Jul-2019, 12:37 PM
They’d better put “ecstasy of blood” in there somewhere! Phenomenal track from the first movie. Some of the trailer shots have a nice western vibe that instantly made me think of that song and Tallahassee’s last stand.

26-Jul-2019, 04:17 PM
They’d better put “ecstasy of blood” in there somewhere! Phenomenal track from the first movie. Some of the trailer shots have a nice western vibe that instantly made me think of that song and Tallahassee’s last stand.

I loved the tone of the first movie. I remember seeing it in the cinema and the whole audience was on this rollercoaster. One minute you're all gung-ho, then next you're laughing away, then the next you're into some surprisingly emotional stuff ... and then, deft as you like, the filmmakers had us right back to laughing again before some more good old zombie action.

The first movie is nice and brisk, too. I wouldn't want to see some overlong sequel, although a bit longer than the first would be a-okay. :)