View Full Version : The Walking Dead: World Beyond

15-Aug-2020, 10:35 AM
The Walking Dead: World Beyond premieres on Sunday, October 4th immediately following The Walking Dead Season 10 Finale.


16-Aug-2020, 02:55 AM
The Walking Teenagers.

16-Aug-2020, 04:23 AM
The Walking Teenagers.

I was going to say The Walking Dead: Millennial Edition:)

It looks kinda dull from the promos.

16-Aug-2020, 10:12 AM
"A Two Season Limited Event" ... now this is new to me. So are they just doing two seasons and that's it? *goes to Wiki* ...

The series will consist of two 10-episode seasons before concluding.

Perhaps this jives with the suggestion that TWD will end with its 12th season. Part of the point of World Beyond seems to be this 'three circle' crowd, and I'd imagine they're gonna try some sort of 'tie them all together with the Rick movie(s)' thing, which would make the most sense from a creative stand point.

The main concern with this show is having protagonists who are so young - teenagers don't exactly say "gravitas" or high quality acting (they're only very early in their careers, or perhaps brand new) - and as we've seen so often, teenagers are usually written so poorly. Either they're being idiots ignoring every sensible piece of advice they're given, or they're a bunch of whiny, screechy, self-involved nuisances getting under everyone's feet.

I'd hope this show doesn't write them that way, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of that nonetheless.

Looks like the most interesting thing would be the realisation of the world ten years deep into the ZA, plus some cool walkers and so on (bee hive zombie) ... but you look at those high schoolers venturing out into the zombie apocalypse, having spent their entire lives (IIRC) behind a safe wall, and you just can't see them being able to survive any time at all (realistically) in the harsh world of the ZA.

Moon Knight
16-Aug-2020, 03:16 PM
I don’t mind this cause it’s written as an event with a proper ending to build towards to. With that being said, the teen element is kinda off putting.

16-Aug-2020, 04:41 PM
I don’t mind this cause it’s written as an event with a proper ending to build towards to. With that being said, the teen element is kinda off putting.

Oh yeah, I don't mind that it'll be two 10 ep seasons at all - in fact that's a good thing - but it also needs to be 20 good episodes. FearTWD has consistently been, well, inconsistent to a considerable degree. Season 4 got off to a really good start, but then just dropped way down and squandered an awful lot of potential, and then continued on in that similar vein for all of season five unfortunately.

I'd really like World Beyond to be good, but yeah, a bunch of teens running around as the leads? It's not all that enticing.

I mean, sure, the idea of having the perspective of someone who has known nothing else but the ZA does sound like it has some good potential in it, but still ... ... teens, far more often than not, are not well written in TV and movies and just come off as annoying idiots who do blindingly stupid things as a matter of routine. I'd hope that World Beyond bucks that trend, but I'm not holding my breath TBH.

16-Aug-2020, 07:41 PM
It looks kinda dull from the promos.

the teen element is kinda off putting.

Can't say that it's filling me with any kind of enthusiasm either.

The teen drama angle is very curious choice though. It's kinda perplexing that someone thought that that might be a good idea.

- - - Updated - - -

FearTWD has consistently been, well, inconsistent to a considerable degree. Season 4 got off to a really good start, but then just dropped way down and squandered an awful lot of potential, and then continued on in that similar vein for all of season five unfortunately.

Covid boredom has brought me back to FTWD and I'm in the middle of S5. It's up and down alright, but at least it's not just shite like previous seasons (well 1 to 3 {although 3 was ok}). It's problem has always been that it's just a poor spin off that had and still has nowhere to go.

I think what I'd like to see from the Walking Dead universe now would be the view of a lone survivor, wandering from situation to situation and things are largely contained to their point of view. This would eliminate the major issue that TWD has, in that it litters its landscape with boring, insipid, characters that are just annoying in the main. People like Magna and Yumiko are just bloody awful. But there's so many NPCs in the show now that they just steal oxygen from what's left of the interesting people, of which there are many.

16-Aug-2020, 08:16 PM
I liked the look of the Bees Zombie, but my mind went straight here lol


Err this series is going to after be a wait and see for me, the trailer wasn't all that interesting, Also The Walking Teenagers made me laugh.

02-Oct-2020, 04:49 PM
Figured we might as well discuss the show here.

I saw episode one was on Amazon Prime earlier, so gave it a spin ... some thoughts:

There's a few details I quite like, e.g.
The idea of spraying walkers blue to study migration patterns.

But the teen characters ... ... they weren't overtly 'ugh', but I didn't get drawn to them at all. This first episode felt too much like it was trying to force profundity (and too quickly at that). So often, with teen characters, when they try to sound earnest they just come across as cringe.

There was also some iffy coincidences, e.g.
No sooner have they left, it seems, than they've come across the overgrown wreckage of the plane that crashed - aboard which were the two sisters who look absolutely nothing alike in the slightest way - and then, oh look, the nerdy weird kid in the dreadful corduroy 'suit' is the son of the pregnant woman who was killed by one of the sisters.

As an aside - it was nice to see vehicles again, though, and even some dated tech getting used.

11-Oct-2020, 10:06 AM
Gave the second episode a go ... ... ugh.


Yet again we have teenage characters in a TV show/movie acting like total morons, wilfully making stupid decisions (even acknowledging how stupid said decisions are before doing them anyway!!!) - and despite being the 'smart one', who has been educated in the anatomy of walkers and how to kill them, she does everything wrong upon encountering her first walker and then, again quite stupidly, she refuses any help from her three friends (who, also quite stupidly, listen to her and hang back!) - the 'smart' one then acts all smug, despite nearly getting herself killed, attempts to kill the walker with her 'improved weapon' (a perfectly functional weapon custom-designed for distance killing walkers, but with, for no good reason, a feckin' fossil - seriously - tied to the end of it), but vomits all over it instead ... ... then just leaves it there! Still acting all smug and confident despite utterly failing to do anything correctly. Later in the episode she even goes on about 'having to kill one eventually' - despite NOT killing said walker.

Felix is a character I like, but good gravy, his backstory was so forced in this one. Indeed, the constant flitting back and forth to very brief flashback fragments gets kinda annoying and sort of disorienting. It was all the more cringey when Felix's backstory was boiled down to not much more than his sexual identity, which was handled in the most ham-fisted manner with on-the-nose dialogue and blunt force delivery by all involved. All crammed into a single scene while the opening credits are still going!

There's a few more snippets later when, conveniently enough, his family home is nearby - but does he confront his parents or what? We just cut back to the main timeline and that's it? We didn't even see him go into the house.

Later in the episode we see more instances of "The Endlings" - as they name themselves (cringe overload) - hold up in a tree house, but not only do they light every candle in the places - creating an obvious amount of light in an otherwise pitch black neighbourhood - but they also talk quite loudly and even roll a bowling ball about the place, yelling out "Big Mo!" ... ... speaking of which, why would you bother to pick up a bowling ball and carry it with you at all when you're making a cross-country trek? The piss-weakest of piss-weak excuses to drop a bowling ball on a walker's head.

I thought FearTWD had it's fair share of problems, but World Beyond is taking the biscuit ... the second episode got so cringey and stupid that I just had to start skipping forward here and there, and it kept getting worse.

I wanted World Beyond to be a good show, but blimey, if this episode is indicative of how it intends to proceed, then no thanks...

11-Oct-2020, 10:51 AM
Oh dear...

11-Oct-2020, 11:32 AM
Milking the zombie cow. To the last drop.

12-Oct-2020, 03:39 AM
I haven't watched the first episode (or last week's TWD) that I recorded yet. I'll watch TWD, but maybe I won't bother with TWD: Millennial Edition. I had a feeling it would take terrible to a new level.

- - - Updated - - -

Nope, not watching this shit. After being underwhelmed with TWD's finale, I got less than two minutes into last weeks episode before I got annoyed, and shut it off. Just because they keep pumping crap out, doesn't automatically mean I am going to keep watching. I'm not watching Talking Dead, where they just sit around blowing each other about how "awesome" the episode was anymore, either. Sorry, AMC.

12-Oct-2020, 10:13 AM
Oh dear...


12-Oct-2020, 02:47 PM
How is modern entertainment so easy to fuck up?

I mean zombie shows...what's so bloody hard about making a zombie show?

12-Oct-2020, 04:24 PM
How is modern entertainment so easy to fuck up?

I mean zombie shows...what's so bloody hard about making a zombie show?

Another thing with World Beyond is, yet again, focusing on civilian characters. We've had that in both the original show (good) and FearTWD (mostly repeating stuff from TWD), so to have a third show focusing on civvies - and teenagers, to boot! - takes the piss. FearTWD missed a golden opportunity to show the country collapsing from inside government, public services, and law enforcement, and now World Beyond is just doing the same old stuff - but much worse - seeing as it's having to service certain specific requirements.

12-Oct-2020, 08:08 PM
Well, I spose FTWD just crapped out because of its limited budget. Showing a full on zombie war would cost a pretty penny I reckon.

But, yeh, I'd like to see something in TWD universe that, say, deals with a squad. Perhaps they deserted when the shit hit the fan and then have to survive on the road in the early stages. That might be a good angle for at least a series or two and we can move away from the civilians and their "drama".

This teenage walking dead thing is only running for a limited time, so maybe there will be others that can do that as well.

It seems to me that the producers are just locked into a holding pattern with TWD and are content to just churn out the thing with different faces.

Moon Knight
13-Oct-2020, 03:22 PM
Meanwhile, FTWD 6x1 was pretty damn good.

13-Oct-2020, 04:40 PM
I lost track of FTWD in the middle of season 3. I don't know if I will ever return and get caught up with it either.

13-Oct-2020, 04:43 PM
Meanwhile, FTWD 6x1 was pretty damn good.

WTF was up with Morgan's eyes, though? He looked like Christopher Lee's Dracula when he is in full vampire mode:


Moon Knight
13-Oct-2020, 04:56 PM
WTF was up with Morgan's eyes, though? He looked like Christopher Lee's Dracula when he is in full vampire mode:


I agree. A bit much lol.

13-Oct-2020, 05:14 PM
Meanwhile, FTWD 6x1 was pretty damn good.

Hmmm ... I've got it, but haven't seen it yet (I'm doing a re-watch of TWD season 9, so my walker attention is pointed that-a-way) ... hopefully season 6 will be better than all that 'painting trees' bullshit from season five.

I lost track of FTWD in the middle of season 3. I don't know if I will ever return and get caught up with it either.

I was on the brink of packing it in with season 3, but kept on as season 4 saw a new showrunner take over - and the first episode of season four was excellent, and the season introduced a couple of new characters I actually quite like, but inevitably it started running out of steam or suffered from too much filler (and the weirdo villain in the back half just annoyed the hell outta me). Season 5 had some good ideas, but waaaaay too much filler - and, amazingly, despite having an episode set in a mall during the zombie apocalypse, they managed to fuck up pretty much every opportunity to homage Dawn of the Dead, which irked me, haha.

FearTWD has always suffered from this or that along the way. The original intention was swept aside post haste in season 2, which wallowed in plotlines we'd already seen done far better on TWD, and then season 3 was all over the shop. Season 4 felt like rats leaving a sinking ship to some degree while also introducing some cool new stuff and a jump in quality, but season 5 squandered a lot of that quality jump. And cool ideas worthy of much deeper exploration (e.g. the woman going around as part of a team who were attempting to decommission nuclear reactors before they melted down) were kinda half-done while we went off painting trees with feckin' Alicia and her idiotic 'broken gun barrel' weapon.

Anyway - I'll start a thread for FearTWD's sixth season now and folks can talk about it there...

14-Oct-2020, 02:44 PM
Hmmm ... I've got it, but haven't seen it yet (I'm doing a re-watch of TWD season 9, so my walker attention is pointed that-a-way) ... hopefully season 6 will be better than all that 'painting trees' bullshit from season five.

Yeh, S05 lost me again. Such a strange, inconsistent, show.

14-Oct-2020, 04:48 PM
Yeh, S05 lost me again. Such a strange, inconsistent, show.

Yep. Absolutely all over the place, which is a real shame. Way too much filler, as well, and certain characters getting too melodramatic in a kind of cringe way.

But then FearTWD can do something awesome, or have a really interesting character, and your interest is held on to ... then it'll do something really stupid. Remember the guy who jumped off the top of a building (a hospital IIRC), crash landed on a car (to create a distraction - which drew away walkers who could still very much see their lunch right in front of them all moving about and not attempting to hide at all) ... and then later that very same person came back as a zombie and got up and walked about, even though such a fall would shatter every bone in their body. A bit of a limp seemed to be the only injury!

18-Oct-2020, 05:18 PM
Watched the first two of this. Don't know what to make of it yet. There's a little too much teen angst going on, but I'll say that I'm sort of ok with the "journey" aspect of the show so far?

18-Oct-2020, 11:16 PM
What is it with TWD and it’s spin-offs that make the audience want to see it’s teenage characters die horrible deaths? ��

27-Oct-2020, 04:09 PM
The only thing I’m going to say about this particular episode is as soon as what’s-his-name gave what’s-her-name the paint brushes my wife and I both, in almost perfect unison cried out “No more painting trees!”

I’m convinced the producers and the network knew they had a pile of shit on their hands so they shoehorned in the civic republic stuff because they that’s the big mystery fans of TWD and FTWD want solved and it was the only way they could keep people watching. Worse yet, they sprinkle it in little snippets as end caps to each episode. My wife and I have decided to skim the episodes on fast forward and just pay attention to the parts concerning the CR.

27-Oct-2020, 04:19 PM
I once made a zombie cartoon and it was VERY difficult to do, with more than 5,000 seperate images!

16-Nov-2020, 03:30 PM
Jesus, this is a bleedin struggle. The writing is absolute pants and the characters are just shit. Plus, the amount of talking...fuckin ell. Just constant, endless, yap, about overwrought shite. Everyone whining about the feelings and crap they had to do years before. My god, if I was with this group, I'd want to shoot myself.

The ONLY thing I want to find it about is what these New Republic arseholes are up to. Thank christ this is a limited run thing.

'The Walking and Talking Dead The Teen Angst Beyond'.

16-Nov-2020, 04:26 PM
I managed two episodes, and even in the second I was having to skip forward in little increments because the teen characters just got more and more infuriating. Even the 'smartest' one of the group just goes along with idiotic decisions, or acts in idiotic ways. The whole 'talk loudly in a lit-up tree house amidst an entirely dark suburb while rolling a balling ball around' just did it for me ... I packed it in and took it off the watch list. Even the structure of the episodes, irked me, and some of the flashbacks as so forced and filled with on-the-nose dialogue ... I just couldn't be doing with it. I'd hoped it would have been better, there's some good material and ideas in there, but blimey ... the duff stuff just really ruins the whole deal.

Even with it's various recurring issues, FearTWD absolutely pummels World Beyond.

With so much else to watch, and not enjoying World Beyond, I wasn't gonna stick with it.

16-Nov-2020, 04:50 PM
It sure sounds like I made the right decision by refusing to watch this crap. Just from the two minutes of the first episode that I saw, I had a feeling this was going to be terrible.

15-Feb-2021, 05:56 PM
It sure sounds like I made the right decision by refusing to watch this crap. Just from the two minutes of the first episode that I saw, I had a feeling this was going to be terrible.

It's shit. Complete and total shit. Can't put it any other way. Bunch of frickin' brats who've been brought up to feel special because they were lucky enough to live. Whatever. I'd rather watch a doc on koala reproduction.

15-Feb-2021, 07:51 PM
It's shit. Complete and total shit. Can't put it any other way. Bunch of frickin' brats who've been brought up to feel special because they were lucky enough to live. Whatever. I'd rather watch a doc on koala reproduction.

I watched til the end of S01 and it does get a little better in places and there's at least one good character, in the shape of the military girl who turns out to be a mole.

But I have no interest in returning to see what happens to these people "beyond" that. They hold absolutely zero interest for me and are the worst examples of that whingey teen introspective cliche that I've seen in ages. Endless, endless, whinging and whining. Just a terrible idea and execution of a show. TBH, if the entire series was from the POV of the bad guys (New Republic), the show would have been a million times better. As it is, it was all just so uninteresting.

16-Feb-2021, 10:36 AM
I watched til the end of S01 and it does get a little better in places and there's at least one good character, in the shape of the military girl who turns out to be a mole.

But I have no interest in returning to see what happens to these people "beyond" that. They hold absolutely zero interest for me and are the worst examples of that whingey teen introspective cliche that I've seen in ages. Endless, endless, whinging and whining. Just a terrible idea and execution of a show. TBH, if the entire series was from the POV of the bad guys (New Republic), the show would have been a million times better. As it is, it was all just so uninteresting.

I think my biggest issue is that I'm all "teened out" right now. I have 3 of these fucks in my house, eating, nay - inhaling food, going through clothes, shoes, and now they want to drive. I don't have any more room for youthful things right now. My "understanding teens party boots" are all worn out.

16-Feb-2021, 01:07 PM
I think my biggest issue is that I'm all "teened out" right now. I have 3 of these fucks in my house, eating, nay - inhaling food, going through clothes, shoes, and now they want to drive. I don't have any more room for youthful things right now. My "understanding teens party boots" are all worn out.

Sell them on eBay.

17-Feb-2021, 10:56 AM
Sell them on eBay.

Tempting...I wonder what the going price is for guano gatherers in Myanmar/Burma/whatever it's calling itself this month?

26-Mar-2021, 01:17 PM
The walking dead 10 sezon (https://www.ustakredi.com/genel/the-walking-dead-10-sezon-nasil-izlenir-2021/) izlemenin başka bir yolu yokmu para ödemeden.

EDIT BY MODERATOR: "Isn't there any other way to watch without paying?" - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ustakredi.com%2Fgenel%2Fthe-walking-dead-10-sezon-nasil-izlenir-2021%2F

26-Mar-2021, 01:29 PM
The walking dead 10 sezon (https://www.ustakredi.com/genel/the-walking-dead-10-sezon-nasil-izlenir-2021/) izlemenin başka bir yolu yokmu para ödemeden.

EDIT BY MODERATOR: "Isn't there any other way to watch without paying?" - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ustakredi.com%2Fgenel%2Fthe-walking-dead-10-sezon-nasil-izlenir-2021%2F

I believe the latest Walking Dead season is only on pay per view sources...