View Full Version : The Batman (film)

25-Jan-2021, 01:20 PM
I'm getting some deja vu?


25-Jan-2021, 08:17 PM
I don't know what this film is supposed to treat us with that we haven't already been saturated with in the past 15 years.

25-Jan-2021, 09:00 PM
I don't know what this film is supposed to treat us with that we haven't already been saturated with in the past 15 years.

My thoughts as well... And TBH, surprised it's not a transgender black handicapped Bruce Wayne too...

26-Jan-2021, 01:44 AM
My thoughts as well... And TBH, surprised it's not a transgender black handicapped Bruce Wayne too...

BWAHAHAHAHA! I too am at a loss as to what this movie could possibly offer. Been there...what like 3 times now? DC and Batman - get a grip on something beside your collective penises and do something else - like a version of "The Green Lantern" that doesn't make me want to shoot my grandma. Drop the frickin' hour long intros, jump in, and tell a damn story. DC almost lost its non-Batman pacifier with Wonder Woman.

07-Mar-2021, 01:40 AM
As much as I like Matt Reeve’s films, I have to agree that it looks like more of the same hyper-reality stuff we’ve seen since Nolan’s trilogy.

At this point I just wish they would have the balls to make a batman with other-worldly elements. We’ve seen the “real” take, now give me a batman fighting Clayface, Man-Bat, Mr Freeze, or something new. If Marvel can make Guardians of the Galaxy work, there’s no reason Batman can’t live in a more fantastical world.

They came close with Batfleck. Sadly his time as the character hasn’t been in the best movies, though I liked the actor in the role.

But hey, they haven’t had a great Superman movie since Donner’s original, so I’m not sure WB has a clue how to handle all these characters. As Mike mentioned, Green Lantern should be a full-blown franchise at this point. It’s waiting to print them piles of cash, they just can’t get the right people for the job(s).