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View Full Version : Paradise Z (film)

31-Jan-2021, 09:10 AM
Hey, it's 2021, of course zombie films need to start becoming woke... So it'll be bad..?


31-Jan-2021, 10:38 AM
Simply having a lesbian couple as the protagonists doesn't make it "woke".

Now, if there was a load of preachy sermonising crowbarred into it, then it'd be some cringy "woke" thing - but the trailer suggests none of that. There's certainly no eye-roll-inducing text, like Captain Marvel had slathered all over it, for example.

There's nothing there to suggest it'd be some Twitter-fuelled cringe-fest of jackhammered wokery.

31-Jan-2021, 12:05 PM
Simply having a lesbian couple as the protagonists doesn't make it "woke".

Now, if there was a load of preachy sermonising crowbarred into it, then it'd be some cringy "woke" thing - but the trailer suggests none of that. There's certainly no eye-roll-inducing text, like Captain Marvel had slathered all over it, for example.

There's nothing there to suggest it'd be some Twitter-fuelled cringe-fest of jackhammered wokery.
Lead characters being lesbian, seemingly for no reason other than to be lesbian...

31-Jan-2021, 02:38 PM
Lead characters being lesbian, seemingly for no reason other than to be lesbian...

As opposed to, what, another generic hetero couple with no chemistry whose only purpose is for two things: 1) a bit of nookie, 2) bolted-on 'peril' via cheap emotional short cut?

I think it's a bit knee-jerk to judge it based on that trailer alone, especially as them being a lesbian couple isn't used - at least in the trailer - for any kind of grandstanding.

I can't be doing with asinine jackhammer cringe wokery, corporatised for Twitter-based cash grab purposes, but you're seeing something totally different than I am from this trailer. :confused:

31-Jan-2021, 03:58 PM
especially as them being a lesbian couple isn't used - at least in the trailer - for any kind of grandstanding.:5 seconds in, intimate lesbian shoulder rub...
7 seconds in, lesbian kiss...
10 seconds in, lesbian nipples...

Yep, no grandstanding of lesbianage ;)

For me, this is just more of the current trend... Heck, last year, wasn't Star Wars and even the Last Of Us 2 lesbianated too?

I think it's a bit knee-jerk to judge it based on that trailer aloneMaybe I just have a very sensitive wokedar...

31-Jan-2021, 04:09 PM
5 seconds in, intimate lesbian shoulder rub...
7 seconds in, lesbian kiss...
10 seconds in, lesbian nipples...

Yep, no grandstanding of lesbianage ;)

Maybe I just have a very sensitive wokedar...

1) None of that was "grandstanding", though. How's that any different than 'hetero shoulder rub/hetero kiss/hetero nipples'. It was literally that ordinary in the trailer. Not a jot of 'grab the audience's head, and shove it down their throat' ... that sort of thing would be like, for example, the Captain Marvel trailer shoving "history ... herstory ... HER story, geddit, huh huh?" ... or the 'all the Marvel women save the guy' moment from Avengers Endgame that was so cringe and forced (unlike the far more natural moment where three of the Marvel ladies teamed up during the big battle in the previous film Infinity War).

In this trailer it's literally - here are two people who get involved in a zombie outbreak. They just so happen to be a lesbian couple. There's no flag waving grandstanding or whatever other heavy-footed megaphoning like you seem to think.

The trailer's much more focused on zombie action (of course it has to be feckin' raptor zombies again ... lazy), or indeed, the ropey shoehorning of trying to get the title into the dialogue and to play up the irony of "paradise".

2) Oversensitive, I think.

Who knows what the actual film is like - we haven't seen it - but nothing in this trailer, at least, suggests whatever you've got into your head.

01-Feb-2021, 11:33 AM
A fairly positive review here at least (& seems it was released last year? And also under the title 'Death Earth'?):-
