View Full Version : NOTLD music on Chapelle's Show

28-Jul-2006, 02:58 AM
Just now, on Chapelle's Show, there was a skit called "The Monsters". Kind of a take-off on The Munsters, only with Dave as a werewolf, Charlie Murphy as a "frankenstein", and some other guy as a mummy. The idea is, they're mistaking ppl's fear of them as racism against blacks and attacking them. Pretty funny skit.

What caught me as interesting is that when the "Frankenstein" is let down for a promotion because...he's a monster, and tears his boss's arm off (cool joke if you're familiar with "Son of Frankenstein"), what's playing under it is music from the original NOTLD. It's the theme when Barbra is being chased by Cemetery Zombie to the house. If you saw it, I think you know what I mean.

If it wasn't that exact music, it sure was close.

28-Jul-2006, 04:31 AM
does anyone on this forum NOT watch chappelles show?:D

i just saw that then the out takes show didnt notice the sound, though i cant rightly recall the sound from night, its been a while since ive seen it.

but the gay ladnscaper dude in the out takes dancing with a lawn mower to "ass,ass,titties" will disturb me to my grave:dead:

30-Jul-2006, 07:52 PM
does anyone on this forum NOT watch chappelles show?:D

I watch Chappelle's Show....but not this "Lost Episodes" bullsh*t. They're just the skits that Chappelle didn't want aired and they did it anyway to try and make a few bucks while he's gone.

I watched one episode and I don't want to watch any of the others. The "Byaaaahh" thing was funny...but the rest of the episode sucked.

Just like that stupid, stupid, stupid "Mind of Mencia" show. He's just trying to ride on Dave's coat tails. And EVERY FREAKING JOKE in the show is race related. True, Dave has alot of those.....but every joke doesn't rely on race.

31-Jul-2006, 01:58 AM
does anyone on this forum NOT watch chappelles show?:D

Me. I just think he's plain retarded half of the time :evil:

But a white, blind KKK member. LOL! Classic...:D

31-Jul-2006, 02:22 AM
Me. I just think he's plain retarded half of the time :evil:

But a white, blind KKK member. LOL! Classic...:D
well, actually, he was a black, blind KKK leader....but, nevertheless, that's the funniest skit he ever did, IMHO.:D I was literally in tears the first time I saw that one.

31-Jul-2006, 01:04 PM
well, actually, he was a black, blind KKK leader....but, nevertheless, that's the funniest skit he ever did, IMHO.:D I was literally in tears the first time I saw that one.

Yeah, I didn't even realize my typo. I was so out of it last night. That was the funniest though, by far. Funnier than my typo. :D

31-Jul-2006, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I didn't even realize my typo. I was so out of it last night. That was the funniest though, by far. Funnier than my typo. :D
The guy doing the interview was hilarious in that skit - and, of course, Chapelle is at his best. When the kids pull up next to the truck blasting Rap music.......TOO funny!!!

31-Jul-2006, 02:08 PM
yea...I heard that too...