View Full Version : Santa Clarita Diet (Netflix series)

28-Mar-2021, 04:51 PM

29-Mar-2021, 04:27 PM
I came to this series late - after it had already been cancelled, in fact - but I watched through the three seasons last year, when very much in need of some escapism, and Santa Clarita Diet was perfect for that. It was wonderfully written and performed and each episode bounced along quite energentically. The third season wasn't quite as sharp as the previous two (mainly the teens' own side-plot that didn't quite gel with the rest of the material), but it was still very good.

I guess it never quite got the numbers it deserved, and it kinda flew under a lot of folks' radars - but those who have watched it have loved it. So, I might have arrived quite late to the party, but it was a blast. It's a real shame Netflix shit-canned it.

Well worth watching!

30-Mar-2021, 11:16 AM
I came to this series late - after it had already been cancelled, in fact - but I watched through the three seasons last year, when very much in need of some escapism, and Santa Clarita Diet was perfect for that. It was wonderfully written and performed and each episode bounced along quite energentically. The third season wasn't quite as sharp as the previous two (mainly the teens' own side-plot that didn't quite gel with the rest of the material), but it was still very good.

I guess it never quite got the numbers it deserved, and it kinda flew under a lot of folks' radars - but those who have watched it have loved it. So, I might have arrived quite late to the party, but it was a blast. It's a real shame Netflix shit-canned it.

Well worth watching!

I'm new to it... ;)

01-Apr-2021, 09:50 AM
I really enjoyed this show! Shame they gave it the boot already. I could have happily watched Olyphant do his shtick for years.

01-Apr-2021, 10:52 AM
I could have happily watched Olyphant do his shtick for years.


https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNmU1ZDFmNmQtNGU4Ny00NWRmLWFhYTctOGI2NGU0ZWMwMj QzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEzNzczMA@@._V1_.jpg

They were obviously having a fantastic time with the dialogue and the scenarios. He and Barrymore had a perfectly slick patter together. The writing and performances on that show was excellent, such spot-on timing and delivery.

01-Apr-2021, 03:08 PM
We watched about 3-4 episodes last night. We were trying to eat dinner while Drew was trying to eat the entire neighbour. Not a good mix!

01-Apr-2021, 05:02 PM
We watched about 3-4 episodes last night. We were trying to eat dinner while Drew was trying to eat the entire neighbour. Not a good mix!


I remember many, many years ago, when watching Hellraiser 2 for the first time, I was eating my lunch when that scene with the crazy guy who was tearing himself up 'cos he kept seeing maggots all over his skin ... proper grossed me out. One of the rare times I had to stop watching.