View Full Version : Anyone else collect movie posters?

18-Apr-2021, 01:17 AM
I mean the lobby stuff - either 24x36 or 27x40. I have a bunch of these. Right now I have 5 24x36s up and one 27x40. The 24x36 crowd: Logan's Run, The Empire Strikes Back (one of the best movie posters ever!) Count Yorga, Vampire, The Mummy (1932), Bride of Frankenstein. The 27x40 is The Return of Count Yorga and it's frickin' awesome as June sunshine! I have about 25 others stored away. I rotate them around a bit.

18-Apr-2021, 10:06 AM
1) For you having them...
2) For you having somewhere I assume to actually put them up?

18-Apr-2021, 11:42 AM
If you're ever in Turin, check this place out;


I came upon it almost by chance while there. They have an absurd collection. I bought an enormous poster of "Seven Blood-Stained orchids" which I've yet to hang up because it's literally bigger than any place I've ever lived in.

19-Apr-2021, 12:48 AM
1) For you having them...
2) For you having somewhere I assume to actually put them up?

Yes. I have them framed. My wife and I have a decent sized house. She is rather tolerant of my decorating ideas. Not every chick would dig a giant "The Return of Count Yorga" poster even if it is in my home office. 5 or 6 is about the limit even in a good size abode. I'm not trying to start a museum. :lol:

Decent posters can be relatively affordable. I've paid about $25 or so on average for a good quality, durable poster. It's the frames, man. We should all quit our jobs, throw in our money and start selling frames. WOW.

19-Apr-2021, 10:00 AM
It's the frames, man. We should all quit our jobs, throw in our money and start selling frames. WOW.


20-Apr-2021, 12:51 AM
1502 15031504 Keep in mind that I'm certainly no photographer, my house is kinda dark (very to some folks, but anyhoo) here are a couple of them. Perhaps the fact that I've had a drink or 5 has impacted my photography skills.

One bright spring day here soon, I'll get good shots of them all.