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View Full Version : Looking for more zombie films that are recent

25-Apr-2021, 07:22 AM
After watching "Night eats the world" I felt like I have gotten worse at finding zombie films that are this good.

So, I guess I'll just ask you guys for suggestions instead. I'm gonna make it into a list.

26-Apr-2021, 09:46 AM
Alive (Korean film)
Alone (US 'remake' of Alive)
Little Monsters
Zoo (British film)
Anna and the Apocalypse (British film)
The Cured

26-Apr-2021, 10:49 AM
I should make a list of what I've seen already.

World War Z
The entire George Romero anthology
Dawn of the Dead ('04)
Night Eats the world
Little Monsters
Land of the Dead
La Horde
Train to Busan
Kingdom (korean drama series)
Contracted (1 and 2)
The entire REC series
Berlin Undead
Night of the living dead
Day of the dead (both original remake and Bloodline)
Diary of the dead
The Rezort

man I'm pretty sure I've seen more than this but I'm forgetting names of lesser known Zombie films i've seen in the last 11 years of my indie film exploration.

- - - Updated - - -

Alive (Korean film)
Alone (US 'remake' of Alive)
Little Monsters
Zoo (British film)
Anna and the Apocalypse (British film)
The Cured

Thank you for reminding me that Alone is now released and on Amazon Prime, which I have.
I also havent seen Zoo, The Cured, nor have I seen Anna and the Apocalypse.

Moon Knight
26-Apr-2021, 02:08 PM
One Cut of the Dead.

26-Apr-2021, 06:31 PM
I should make a list of what I've seen already.

World War Z
The entire George Romero anthology
Dawn of the Dead ('04)
Night Eats the world
Little Monsters
Land of the Dead
La Horde
Train to Busan
Kingdom (korean drama series)
Contracted (1 and 2)
The entire REC series
Berlin Undead
Night of the living dead
Day of the dead (both original remake and Bloodline)
Diary of the dead
The Rezort

man I'm pretty sure I've seen more than this but I'm forgetting names of lesser known Zombie films i've seen in the last 11 years of my indie film exploration.

- - - Updated - - -

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (a.k.a. The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue), 1974. Spanish-Italian flick, one of the best non-Romero pre-Dawn 70s zombie movies.

The "Blind Dead" series (more early 70s Spanish zombies inspired by Night of the Living Dead, but with a "vampiric" twist, and largely responsible for spreading the popularity of the more complex "rotted/mummified/skeletal zombie" look than Romero's plain-looking "fresh cadaver" zombies from Night)

Zombie, 1979. Italian zombie flick absurdly and contradictorily promoted (by the producers, not by the people who actually wrote the script, who I am sure didn't have the slightest idea about how their product was going to be manipulated) as a "sequel" to Dawn, even though it has ZERO to do with it, and in fact if anything it could only be rationally promoted as a "prequel". One of the few non-Romero zombie movies that Romero himself enjoyed.

Hell of the Living Dead (a.k.a. Night of the Zombies), 1980. Incredibly inept (it will make you wonder if the human characters are really smarter than the zombies, or if director Bruno Mattei was very, very, very, VERY high on some kind of narcotic while making it) but hilariously entertaining Spanish-Italian zombie schlock, 100% "inspired" by (most people actually say "ripped off from") Night and Dawn.

Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror, 1981. Another hilariously entertaining inept Italian zombie schlock, this time also plagiarizing 1979's Zombie. This one won't make you wonder if the zombies are actually smarter than the dumb-as-bricks human characters: they plainly are (they even know how to set bear-traps to catch the retarded human prey!)

27-Apr-2021, 02:42 PM
"Anna and the Apocalypse" looks bizarre :)


27-Apr-2021, 04:37 PM
"Anna and the Apocalypse" looks bizarre :)


I tried it, but I just got fucked off with all the bloody 'talk-singing' stuff. That sorta thing has always bugged the crap out of me, so I just had to bail on that flick.

27-Apr-2021, 06:24 PM
The Battery

28-Apr-2021, 09:10 AM
The Battery

Yup, both worth checking out. Low budget indie flicks - especially Colin - which had a budget of £45.

28-Apr-2021, 03:46 PM
...which had a budget of £45.

LOL! Mind you that buys a lot of ketchup!

28-Apr-2021, 04:21 PM
LOL! Mind you that buys a lot of ketchup!

Obviously everyone working on it was doing it for free and no location fees etc, but a small crew (a lot of it done with just one or two people, I think) and keeping it contained in normal domestic surroundings for the most part helped do it, and the £45 made for a good advertising hook.

Despite it's extremely low budget, it was actually a decent little zombie flick. Worth seeing. :thumbsup:

Moon Knight
29-Apr-2021, 02:40 PM
Obviously everyone working on it was doing it for free and no location fees etc, but a small crew (a lot of it done with just one or two people, I think) and keeping it contained in normal domestic surroundings for the most part helped do it, and the £45 made for a good advertising hook.

Despite it's extremely low budget, it was actually a decent little zombie flick. Worth seeing. :thumbsup:

Now I HAVE to see this!

29-Apr-2021, 07:16 PM
One Cut of the Dead.

This :D

30-Apr-2021, 05:38 AM
Not super recent, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned "The Dead" and "The Dead 2: India".

I thought they were both pretty good, even though the second was a bit of a retread of the first. A little light on plot, but surprisingly well done Romero-esque zombies and beautifully filmed scenery, too.

30-Apr-2021, 08:58 AM
These are all awesome entries. I'm going to put them into a list so I can check it off as I watch each of these films on my days off. I've only recently heard about "The Dead" and I heard some good things about it. I used to follow a dude named Cauwel3 who did indie horror reviews but he's retired a few years ago and so finding zombie indie horror films have been hard for me as of late.

You guys have been my only source as of late. I appreciate you all so much btw

Also I just finished Alone. It's a little bit better than Alive in some ways but also about as nonsensical as the original in most scenes.

30-Apr-2021, 10:22 AM
I didn't get the fuss about "The Dead". I watched it, but wasn't keen on it.

30-Apr-2021, 06:08 PM
Not super recent, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned "The Dead" and "The Dead 2: India".

I thought they were both pretty good, even though the second was a bit of a retread of the first. A little light on plot, but surprisingly well done Romero-esque zombies and beautifully filmed scenery, too.

I haven't seen the second one yet, but the first one was indeed pretty good. The influence of "old school" (Romero, Fulci, etc.) zombie films is very evident. No exaggerated "super-zombies" that make dinosaur noises and can compete in a decathlon nonsense here. One of the better ones from the "recent" crop of zombie movies.

01-May-2021, 12:29 AM
If you've somehow missed "Shaun of the Dead" and "Zombieland", they are definitely worth seeing. I recently picked up "Zombieland 2: Double Tap", but haven't watched it yet.

I didn't notice "Survival of the Dead" on your list. Definitely not that good, but.... it's Romero.:confused:

I've seen people recommend "Dead Set", which is a miniseries where a zombie outbreak happens on a reality show set. I started watching it, but couldn't get into it for some reason. I think it is on Youtube.

"Juan of the Dead" looks interesting and has decent reviews. I've had it on my HDD for years, but never got around to watching it.

From what I remember, except for some shitty CGI zombie tigers that they had to shoehorn in at the end,:rolleyes: "Zombie Apocalypse" wasn't bad for Syfy channel garbage. Another gem with Ving Rhames.

"Resident Evil" was decent. The sequels went downhill as each new one came out. I had to shut the last one off about 5 minutes into it.:barf:

"Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn" was kind of interesting. Basically NOTLD set in a NY apartment. CGI / animated, but had a lot of familiar voices in it like Bill Moseley, Tony Todd, Joe Pilato, and Danielle Harris.

"The Dead Don't Die" is a newer popular one. It has mixed reviews, and I haven't bothered to see it yet.

It's older and no flesh eaters or real gore in it, but "Shockwaves" needs an honorable mention. One of my all-time favorites.

Also older, "The Dead Next Door" is an odd one that doesn't get mentioned much.

Here is a whole list of zombie movies to explore. I used it as a refresher.:)

01-May-2021, 10:19 AM
I recently picked up "Zombieland 2: Double Tap", but haven't watched it yet.

I didn't notice "Survival of the Dead" on your list. Definitely not that good, but.... it's Romero.:confused:

I've seen people recommend "Dead Set", which is a miniseries where a zombie outbreak happens on a reality show set. I started watching it, but couldn't get into it for some reason. I think it is on Youtube.

"The Dead Don't Die" is a newer popular one. It has mixed reviews, and I haven't bothered to see it yet.

1) Zombieland 2 isn't as good as the first. It was never gonna be. But it's a solid flick all-round and quite good fun. As long as you go in expecting it to not be as good as the first, then that should be helpful to your viewing experience.

2) While it has some issues, I dig that film. I think it's got a lot to say about extremes of politics with two very opposed but similarly entrenched sides fighting while the ship sinks. I defended the flick in issue #8 of Exploitation Nation.

3) DeadSet is good. It's been a while since I've seen it (it came out circa 2007 or 2008 IIRC). It's from Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror), so that should give a clue as to the tone. It might take a little bit to get going, but then it takes off.

4) I just couldn't get along with The Dead Don't Die. There were bits of it I liked, but it just felt so meandering and awkward and clumsy. Admittedly I'm not a fan of the director's work, but it was a bit of a chore to get through, tbh.

02-May-2021, 10:09 AM
Rewatched "The Dead" yesterday. It hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped, but I remember at the time of it's release I was really hyped for it staying true to real Romeroesque vision of the Apocalypse and zombies. It's got unique scenery and makes it work. The zombies are scary slow but vicious.

The script and acting isn't great. But you can do a lot worse in this genre and I would place it highly amongst more modern Zombie flicks.

13-Jun-2021, 09:44 PM
I always recommend REC and REC 2. Do not bother with the 3rd and 4th films.
There are no good "new" zombie flicks.
Only recent ones I enjoyed was COOTIES and UNCLE PECKERHEAD (not quite a zombie film...more like a Demon)

13-Jun-2021, 10:10 PM
I tried to watch either Quarantine or Rec (I forget which). I ended up shutting it off because it was so damn dark and the camera work was so jerky that I could barely tell what the hell was going on.:rolleyes:

When movies have the shaky-cam shit going on, I normally won't even try to watch them.

14-Jun-2021, 08:44 AM
Just remembered Pontypool. It's worth a watch.
I liked it a lot.

14-Jun-2021, 10:09 AM
Just remembered Pontypool. It's worth a watch.
I liked it a lot.

Definitely. Great central performance, too.

19-Jun-2021, 01:52 PM
There are some SYFY channel zombie movies that turned out to be watchable. Navy Seals v Zombies was surprisingly watchable. Then there is one with Lance Henriksen called Daylight's End which really was very good. Both are running zombies, I think Zack Snyder has seen this and stole and idea or two.

I also saw one called Dawning of the Dead... Again it was watchable and had a weird character death where one of the decent folk receives a very brutal death that would make you think this character was a villain that deserved a very horrible demise.

The Dead Next Door has some great ideas in it. Return of the Living Dead Part 3 was decent enough. I think the military test reanimation scene in was great.