View Full Version : Indiana Jones 5 (film)

05-Jun-2021, 05:25 PM
"Indiana Jones 5 is due to begin filming in the UK next week, we have confirmed with sources close to the production" - https://deadline.com/2021/06/indiana-jones-5-begin-filming-uk-next-week-harrison-ford-phoebe-waller-bridge-mads-mikkelsen-1234767764/

I've got a friend who works at Pinewood so I'll see if he knows anything...

05-Jun-2021, 07:57 PM
pls no

05-Jun-2021, 08:35 PM
Indiana Jones and the Geriatric Therapy Center of Perdition

09-Jun-2021, 01:56 PM
Christ, Harrison Ford is nearly 20 years older than Sean Connery was when he played his doddery old dad in The Last Crusade, what are they going to do with this one?! I think it's time to accept that all the action stars we liked as kids are way past it now. Also I noticed some photos from the set the other day featured Nazis again, how are they going to explain Indy ageing by about 40 years between 1938 when The Last Crusade was set and whatever point in WW2 the new one is set? Unless it's going to be flashbacks.....

09-Jun-2021, 04:37 PM
Christ, Harrison Ford is nearly 20 years older than Sean Connery was when he played his doddery old dad in The Last Crusade, what are they going to do with this one?! I think it's time to accept that all the action stars we liked as kids are way past it now. Also I noticed some photos from the set the other day featured Nazis again, how are they going to explain Indy ageing by about 40 years between 1938 when The Last Crusade was set and whatever point in WW2 the new one is set? Unless it's going to be flashbacks.....

Flashbacks with CGI de-aging? Better work on that posture, too *cough* The Irishman *cough*.

Mind you, not all the action stars of our past are out to pasture - I just saw pics of Sly Stallone (74) beasting his workout routine ... man's a fucking machine! :stunned:

However, yeah, in general we need better action stars these days. Too many pretty boys held up by wires and CGI. Not enough tough n gritty icons.

09-Jun-2021, 08:38 PM
Hollywood is a total joke today. Tough and gritty movies and actors pretty much completely went away years ago.:(

10-Jun-2021, 11:24 AM
Flashbacks with CGI de-aging? Better work on that posture, too *cough* The Irishman *cough*.

Mind you, not all the action stars of our past are out to pasture - I just saw pics of Sly Stallone (74) beasting his workout routine ... man's a fucking machine! :stunned:

However, yeah, in general we need better action stars these days. Too many pretty boys held up by wires and CGI. Not enough tough n gritty icons.

I had a further look and it does indeed look like that's the way it's going, flashback scenes and there are some photos of a younger guy wearing a very convincing looking "Harrison Ford in his youth" mask for some stunts.

Yeah Sly is still in good shape for his age, Arnold as well. I met Dolph Lundgren and Carl Weathers a couple of years ago at a con and both of them are still strong guys. I thought Carl was going to crush my hand when we did a "Predator" handshake!

10-Jun-2021, 11:36 AM
I had a further look and it does indeed look like that's the way it's going, flashback scenes and there are some photos of a younger guy wearing a very convincing looking "Harrison Ford in his youth" mask for some stunts.

OK! That could be interesting. A story of young/old Indy could have some depth to it. Fingers crossed!

10-Jun-2021, 04:49 PM
I had a further look and it does indeed look like that's the way it's going, flashback scenes and there are some photos of a younger guy wearing a very convincing looking "Harrison Ford in his youth" mask for some stunts.

OK! That could be interesting. A story of young/old Indy could have some depth to it. Fingers crossed!

Indeed. There could be something in there. Hopefully it'll not look weird and the stunt guy being 'young Indy' will have the right physical presence and stature etc, just the way he moves, you know?

Maybe it'll be something Indy did in the past that comes back to haunt him, some adventure he went on, or some relic he got his hands on - or possibly hid - that former Nazis now want, or something like that?

Despite some of it's wobbly moments (e.g. monkeys), I really quite enjoyed Indy #4 and felt it pretty much carried the same tone over. Some of the flack it got for "unrealistic" action sequences was just silly considering the stuff that goes on in the 2nd and 3rd movies! It's supposed to be that vibe - it's a 30s serial! The second movie has plenty of it's own bullshit going on, to be honest. I never quite got on with the second flick overall - some great bits, but there was something that always put me off it a bit ... it's always been my least favourite of the four. The first and third was masterful, though.


Also, did you see the latest bit of clickbait bullshit flying around the web lately? Karen Allen getting asked by an interviewer of Indy was a paedo 'cos of a couple of lines of dialogue in the first movie. :rolleyes:

Clickbait really is a cancerous creation, isn't it?

10-Jun-2021, 08:45 PM
There's definitely some dumb shit going on in 2 and 3 but 4 goes way overboard. The whole jeep thing over the edge... Don't get me started.

11-Jun-2021, 03:34 AM
There's definitely some dumb shit going on in 2 and 3 but 4 goes way overboard. The whole jeep thing over the edge... Don't get me started.

I haven't seen 4 yet. You mean there is something in it worse than surviving a nuke (or whatever) by hiding inside a fridge?!?:eek:

11-Jun-2021, 06:46 AM
I haven't seen 4 yet. You mean there is something in it worse than surviving a nuke (or whatever) by hiding inside a fridge?!?:eek:

I even forgot about that. That's dumb too.

The whole film is moronic.

11-Jun-2021, 09:48 AM
Temple of Doom is way better than Crystal Skull. No comparison. I've seen Temple of Doom a bunch of times (I actually saw it at the movie theaters when it was brand new), and don't mind at all seeing it again every now and then. It's a well-crafted action romp with a creepy setting. It has many memorable scenes and sequences. Crystal Skull I saw only once, and that was more than enough already. Never again.

11-Jun-2021, 04:38 PM
I just don't understand why people get so pissy about the 'nuclear fridge' thing when there's that whole 'jump out of a plane' sequence in Temple of Doom that's just as absurd.

12-Jun-2021, 10:15 AM
I just don't understand why people get so pissy about the 'nuclear fridge' thing when there's that whole 'jump out of a plane' sequence in Temple of Doom that's just as absurd.


do not agree

12-Jun-2021, 11:38 AM
NO! Harrison Ford turns 79 in July. I don't mind movies about age or with old characters BUT I have zero desire to see a nearly 80 year-old Indy. No. Nein. Nyet. Non. Bango. Hayi. Ani, etc.

12-Jun-2021, 07:07 PM
I’m excited for more Indy! I get it, Crystal Skull is fun to hate, but I still enjoy it. Even with its issues, I find it to be a fun adventure film and loved getting more time with the characters. With this new one, I’m not expecting Indy to be doing crazy action in his older age, but I could watch Ford simply sit in a chair and do his shtick all day, so I’m happy for more.

Not to forget, this is the first Indy film to be helmed by someone other than Spielberg. Mangold has a pretty great resume, so maybe we should wait to at least see a trailer before convincing ourselves it’s garbage?

12-Jun-2021, 11:23 PM
When it comes to remakes, reboots, and revivals of franchises that are long past their prime, I don't need to be convinced that they are garbage. I just assume it because they almost always are. I need some serious convincing that they're not before I'll even consider watching them. It's like having shitty movie PTSD.:)

13-Jun-2021, 10:17 AM
When it comes to remakes, reboots, and revivals of franchises that are long past their prime, I don't need to be convinced that they are garbage. I just assume it because they almost always are. I need some serious convincing that they're not before I'll even consider watching them. It's like having shitty movie PTSD.:)

Has there ever been one you've liked, out of interest?

13-Jun-2021, 09:56 PM
Has there ever been one you've liked, out of interest?

Lately? No, not really. Plenty of past ones, though.

Dawn '04 and Night '90 are favorites of mine. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, The Fly, and a few others I'm probably forgetting were very good. The Crazies and Land of the Dead were both decent. The Evil Dead wasn't terrible. The Hammer remakes / reboots of the old Universal monster movies were mostly pretty enjoyable, too.

I am going to give the newest Halloween movies a watch. I actually bought the last one recently. Same goes for Zombieland 2.

As far as most remakes and reboots go, the Youtube reviews that show excerpts and poke fun at how bad they are, are honestly more entertaining than the actual movies themselves.:)

14-Jun-2021, 09:09 AM
I feel like things have changed and there are more good remake/reboot/sequels now. Only thinking of recent films(10-15 years): Blade Runner 2049, The Invisible Man, 3:10 to Yuma(Mangold-director of Indy V), True Grit, Casino Royale, Dredd, Planet of the Apes trilogy, It, Logan(Mangold-again), etc.

Those are just off the top of my head. Established IP will stick around and continue to be exploited. The difference is that 20 years ago it was almost guaranteed to be bad. A quick cash in. This of course still happens on occasion, but more and more studios are hiring creators with a real love and respect for the stories. With plenty more on the way that show real promise, it doesn’t feel like the blanket statement of “all remakes/reboots suck” really works as well as it used to, IMHO.

14-Jun-2021, 07:44 PM
I saw the True Grit remake, and while I didn't think it was horrid, I didn't think it was particularly good, either.

I still think that most remakes, even more modern ones, are just shitty, generic feeling, cash-ins. Just look at ones like Poltergeist, Child's Play, Robocop, Pet Sematary, Rob Zombie's Halloween movies, Carrie, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Wicker Man, Day of the Dead (pick one), The Fog, The Amityville Horror, The Omen, Ghostbusters:barf:, etc, etc.

A few of those I have actually seen (and was stupid enough to have even bought:rolleyes:), but others I just watched reviews and excerpts on Youtube to see if they were worth the time.

15-Jun-2021, 09:47 AM
I saw the True Grit remake, and while I didn't think it was horrid, I didn't think it was particularly good, either.

I still think that most remakes, even more modern ones, are just shitty, generic feeling, cash-ins. Just look at ones like Poltergeist, Child's Play, Robocop, Pet Sematary, Rob Zombie's Halloween movies, Carrie, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Wicker Man, Day of the Dead (pick one), The Fog, The Amityville Horror, The Omen, Ghostbusters:barf:, etc, etc.

A few of those I have actually seen (and was stupid enough to have even bought:rolleyes:), but others I just watched reviews and excerpts on Youtube to see if they were worth the time.

I agree on most of those ... although I'm a fan of RZ's Halloween movies, and they certainly don't feel 'generic' IMO.

I enjoyed Pet Sematary, but ultimately there was little point as the original movie had it sorted. I also enjoyed The Amityville Horror, especially as I wasn't at all fussed about the original movie (but I did find the original sequel to be quite good IIRC).

Otherwise agreed. Never bothered with Poltergeist - because why?; Robocop remake was a piss take doused in CGI and in a PG-13 straight jacket with clumsy politics; Carrie, never bothered - because why?; ANOES2010 - what a steaming pile of horse shit that was, made by people who had no understanding of the original movie or the horror genre or movie making in general, the idiotic CGI 'Freddy in the wall' scene (achieved in the original with a cheap sheet of painted spandex, IIRC) was far more expensive and looked infinitely worse and fake as hell and summed up the entire movie. The Wicker Man - never bothered with it, because why?; Day of the Dead ... no. Just no. The Fog - saw some snippets of it and it was beyond horrendously bad. The Omen - again, never bothered with it, because why? And then we come to Ghostbuster 2016 ... what a bugger up and again a case of filmmakers who simply didn't understand how and why the original movie turned out so great. There's some great videos online comparing the original and remake in regards to similar scenes (i.e. plot development scenes, like introducing the proton packs), which flag up some of the ways in which the remake just absolutely cocked it all up.

24-Jun-2021, 05:15 AM
I just read that Harrison Ford injured his shoulder while filming a fight scene. Hopefully, it's nothing major. They are going to continue filming what they can for now.


24-Jun-2021, 09:02 AM
I just read that Harrison Ford injured his shoulder while filming a fight scene. Hopefully, it's nothing major. They are going to continue filming what they can for now.


They should change the scene so he just pulls a gun out and shoots the guy...

- - - Updated - - -


24-Jun-2021, 09:23 AM
Jeezus. It took the guy in the video until around 10:30 to get to the freakin' point.:rolleyes:

24-Jun-2021, 11:36 AM
I just read that Harrison Ford injured his shoulder while filming a fight scene. Hopefully, it's nothing major. They are going to continue filming what they can for now.


A fight scene!!!!! Who in the HELL is a 79 year-old man gonna be fighting??? My father is 80 now. He was a bad ass back in the "day." He's in awesome shape for someone that age but a 12 year-old could blow him over. I don't buy that shit. It's nonsense. At 70....perhaps and maybe. HUGE difference between 70 and 80. By 80, you are frail no matter how tough, big, etc. you were in younger days.

24-Jun-2021, 12:09 PM
Jeezus. It took the guy in the video until around 10:30 to get to the freakin' point.:rolleyes:

He's the entire Earth to conquer. He's kind of busy!

- - - Updated - - -

A fight scene!!!!! Who in the HELL is a 79 year-old man gonna be fighting??? My father is 80 now. He was a bad ass back in the "day." He's in awesome shape for someone that age but a 12 year-old could blow him over. I don't buy that shit. It's nonsense. At 70....perhaps and maybe. HUGE difference between 70 and 80. By 80, you are frail no matter how tough, big, etc. you were in younger days.

Well, if the rumours above are true, it might well be he's in his younger days...

24-Jun-2021, 07:46 PM
Indy finds himself in the struggle of his life, fighting a new deadly enemy: the common cold.

24-Jun-2021, 10:44 PM
Indy finds himself in the struggle of his life, fighting a new deadly enemy: the common cold.

Take it easy there, H.G. Wells.

24-Jun-2021, 11:08 PM
Ford has a long history of getting injured on sets, even back in the 80’s. It’s practically part of his acting process….

25-Jun-2021, 04:39 AM
Take it easy there, H.G. Wells.

Indy finds himself in another exciting chase sequence, this time involving a motorized wheelchair.

20-Oct-2021, 02:36 PM
After talk of the plot involving time travel that would mean Indiana never existing and instead passing the position/role over to a new female lead, all of a sudden production seems to have been delayed for a year... Panic rewrites?

20-Oct-2021, 02:53 PM
After talk of the plot involving time travel that would mean Indiana never existing and instead passing the position/role over to a new female lead,

Indiana Jones and the Woke Machine

20-Oct-2021, 03:15 PM
Surely the list of things that people want out of an Indiana Jones movie always begins with "1) Indiana Jones."

Also - it's been delayed by a year? Huh? What's been going on with it?

20-Oct-2021, 04:18 PM
Surely the list of things that people want out of an Indiana Jones movie always begins with "1) Indiana Jones."

Also - it's been delayed by a year? Huh? What's been going on with it?

All rumours... but with some things backing it up...