View Full Version : It's here... The trailer for SYFYs Day of the Dead...

26-Jul-2021, 04:38 PM
Oh dear


26-Jul-2021, 04:42 PM
An absolute classic of the genre - ABUSED once again.

What a boatload of bullshit that looks like. Jesus! And the cringey 'funny' dialogue? Piss off.

"An Ode to George A. Romero"? Arrogant, fool-headed, hacky morons. :barf:

26-Jul-2021, 04:51 PM
I can't get my head around the fact that whoever produces these attempts at re-telling the original story just don't make the original script. That could easily be fleshed out for a 10 episode TV series that very well might become a classic. No-one seems interested though. All they want to do is gain the notoriety as being the next production company to create something worse than the last effort.

This might turn out to be fun for some kids that know nothing of the Romero works, but as a massive fan of Day I am again left to wonder if I will ever see the original script on film. With each passing attempt it is less and less likely. I have more chance of winning 3 lotteries.

26-Jul-2021, 05:26 PM
Oh dear


Oh f***ing dear indeed! What the flying f** has this got to do with Romero's Day Of The Dead?

26-Jul-2021, 06:18 PM
UGH..... what total GARBAGE.:barf: Truly insulting to Romero's classic. These people just don't "get it".:rolleyes: I wouldn't expect any less from the shitty See Fee channel, though.

26-Jul-2021, 07:49 PM

I'm gonna be the contrarian here and say that I'll at least give it a shot.

Mind you, I say the same thing about most stuff these days and most of them turn out to suck.

26-Jul-2021, 08:45 PM
Oh f***ing dear indeed! What the flying f** has this got to do with Romero's Day Of The Dead?

Nuff said :annoyed:

27-Jul-2021, 10:00 AM
Despite all these remakes of Day of the Dead, I wonder if the original script isn't included in that ownership?

Still, though, it would make more sense to try and do that original script - or a version of it - rather than whatever this shit is.

Moon Knight
28-Jul-2021, 03:40 PM

29-Jul-2021, 05:37 AM
Looking back on all the attempted "remakes" of Day, only one thing comes to mind.... That scene from the movie "Airplane!" where all the passengers are lining up to beatdown another passenger who is panicking. Except I'm picturing the original "Day" film as the panicking passenger and al these "Day" remake directors/producers as the other passengers who are lining up to beat the living s*** out of it.


29-Jul-2021, 10:54 AM

"Day of the Dead was announced last year, but there was little news about it until now. It’s set in the first twenty-four hours of a zombie apocalypse, as a group of strangers come together to try to survive."

How difficult is it to understand that for any alleged "remake" of Day of the Dead to begin to even to be considered "legit", most of the story should take place among survivors in a zombie-besieged bunker right smack in the middle of an already raging zombie apocalypse that has devastated the land above, most definitely not its beginning? Can't they even get that part right?? Why do these kinds of projects most often end up in the hands of people who just don't get it???

29-Jul-2021, 01:05 PM

"Day of the Dead was announced last year, but there was little news about it until now. It’s set in the first twenty-four hours of a zombie apocalypse, as a group of strangers come together to try to survive."

How difficult is it to understand that for any alleged "remake" of Day of the Dead to begin to even to be considered "legit", most of the story should take place among survivors in a zombie-besieged bunker right smack in the middle of an already raging zombie apocalypse that has devastated the land above, most definitely not its beginning? Can't they even get that part right?? Why do these kinds of projects most often end up in the hands of people who just don't get it???

I know, right?!

They might as well call it Night of the Living Dead, carrying on like that.

All these grotesque perversions that have been shitting out of the two-cell brains of filmmaking idiots have continually bolloxed that up. Day is bleak. They're trapped. Surrounded. They're on the brink. Can they think of a new approach or will they perish? Can warring factions work together for their whole good? Surely that'd be quite apt for today's climate and yet they still don't seize upon it! :stunned:

31-Jul-2021, 10:58 PM
I’m kind of shocked you guys are offended by this. Name brand recognition with zero comparison to the original, that’s the fate of the Day of the Dead name. This is like the third or fourth time at this point, so I expected more of the same.

It’s kind of funny that this continues to happen with the name of what is arguably the best zombie film ever produced. I guess you can only go down from Romero’s film, so I just expected it.

01-Aug-2021, 06:58 AM
was it these forums where we used to define this sort of thing as "name-rape"?

jesus, mary, and joseph....it's insulting to even attempt to "honor" the late mr. romero's name and legacy with this crapfest.

- - - Updated - - -


01-Aug-2021, 09:42 AM
This looks like a teen romance flick like Vampire Diaries but with Zombies and riding the coat tails of Romero's legacy to try and get the older generations to watch this shit in case the kids don't like it.

01-Aug-2021, 10:46 AM
jesus, mary, and joseph....it's insulting to even attempt to "honor" the late mr. romero's name and legacy with this crapfest.

Yeah, that was the most galling part of the trailer.

Get tae fuck.

01-Aug-2021, 03:41 PM
Think the day part of this is when it's filmed, look awful.

07-Aug-2021, 10:30 AM
I do wish they'd stop using this name for crap zombie fare.

17-Oct-2021, 02:09 PM
Watched the first episode and can confirm it is indeed dog-shit. These are The Return of the Living Dead type zombies that are still moving without their heads.
I wont be watching any more of this

25-Oct-2021, 04:18 AM
Why is Day of the dead being remade so excessively? Are the licensing rights dirt cheap? Is it not the least successful and known of GAR's first three zombie flicks? Are they raking in that much extra dough by leeching of it's name?
This looks like it could be a somewhat entertaining horror comedy on it's own, but they are ruining expectations by naming it after an unrelated property.

If it's not gonna be about scientists and soldiers training zombies in a underground bunker then call it something else. Even the Dawn remake with all it's deviations from the source material at the very least had a mall.