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View Full Version : Invasion (Apple TV series)

21-Oct-2021, 01:08 PM

23-Oct-2021, 04:09 PM
First episode was decent. Real slow burner but I like that. Introducing the characters etc.
Its in Dolby vision on Apple TV. Image looks incredible, if slightly dark.

Onto episode 2.

23-Oct-2021, 04:17 PM
First episode was decent. Real slow burner but I like that. Introducing the characters etc.
Its in Dolby vision on Apple TV. Image looks incredible, if slightly dark.

Onto episode 2.

OK.. I'll give it a few weeks and if still good news, I'll jump onboard :)

24-Oct-2021, 09:05 AM
All 3 episodes available watched and I wanted to see the 4th straight away so thats a good sign. Looking forward to Friday for it.
Good characters, unfolding storyline. Im onboard.

02-Nov-2021, 09:04 AM
Finding it a bit up itself at the moment. On episode 4 and not sure how much this 'mysterious stuff' happening will hold my attention around plot lines of people which I find contrived.

And if I have to watch another X minute self absorbed supposedly super emotional section about a sad lesbian, I'm gonna just press 'delete' on it. Yes, we get it, super duper super loving super duper amazing relationship lesbians!

02-Nov-2021, 12:04 PM
Finding it a bit up itself at the moment. On episode 4 and not sure how much this 'mysterious stuff' happening will hold my attention around plot lines of people which I find contrived.

And if I have to watch another X minute self absorbed supposedly super emotional section about a sad lesbian, I'm gonna just press 'delete' on it. Yes, we get it, super duper super loving super duper amazing relationship lesbians!

The producers wish you to awoken.

09-Nov-2021, 04:52 PM
Four episodes in and finding it contrived and slow... I'll give it one more.

09-Nov-2021, 06:06 PM
Four episodes in and finding it contrived and slow... I'll give it one more.

Woke up and smell the coffee, Neil.

16-Nov-2021, 11:21 AM
Just done episode 6. I'm still intrigued although there was a 15 minute sequence where it was shot so dark you couldn't tell what the hell was going on.

16-Nov-2021, 11:54 AM
Just done episode 6. I'm still intrigued although there was a 15 minute sequence where it was shot so dark you couldn't tell what the hell was going on.

LOL! I watched it last night too... It's just about scraping my interest, at least with ep6 picking up the pace a bit. And yes, f***ing dark :) At least we had a break from bestest most lovey love in the world lesbians...

Six episodes in and all we have is an alien spider that can be stabbed to death with some sort of alien kryptonite?

07-Dec-2021, 02:49 PM
Still soldering on. Gone so far thru I feel invested now. But eight episodes in... and spending six minutes for a scene on a phone call from a phone box to an answer phone.... and we're still none the wiser about the aliens... and we're still dealing with the bested everest lesbian love ever... Hmmm...

08-Dec-2021, 12:28 AM
Still soldering on. Gone so far thru I feel invested now. But eight episodes in... and spending six minutes for a scene on a phone call from a phone box to an answer phone.... and we're still none the wiser about the aliens... and we're still dealing with the bested everest lesbian love ever... Hmmm...

It's what's called a "woke-up call".