View Full Version : The Harder They Fall (Netflix film)

24-Oct-2021, 03:19 PM
Welcome to the cleanest Wild West ever seen by the looks of it...


24-Oct-2021, 03:51 PM
I love me some westerns and if this one manages to toe-the-line between gritty suspense and playful fancy (like Tarantino's films) then I'm in.

But I have low hopes for anything Netflix.

24-Oct-2021, 07:01 PM
A Wokestern?

25-Oct-2021, 09:23 AM
A Wokestern?

Huh? Suppose it might appear to at this current time be box ticking for there to be an all black cast, but I believe it's based on all real people? At least I think so...

25-Oct-2021, 10:05 AM
Huh? Suppose it might appear to at this current time be box ticking for there to be an all black cast, but I believe it's based on all real people? At least I think so...

I've heard that the film is more interested in western movie action and style than banging any particular drums, with some viewers expecting a lecture on race disappointed that the movie was just trying to be, you know, a movie.

The characters in the flick are all real people who did exist, although I think the case is that beyond that it's all fictionalised ... which then makes you think "why bother?" ... so in other words most of these characters never met each other in real life, and Idris Elba's character was executed around about the age of 18, so yeah ... message seems to be just "there were black cowboys, okay so let's have western fun with them", it appears.

Apparently the action and such is well put together.

25-Oct-2021, 11:45 AM
We've had blaxploitation flicks for 50 years, there's nothing new (or woke) about that.

25-Oct-2021, 12:21 PM
I've heard that the film is more interested in western movie action and style than banging any particular drums, with some viewers expecting a lecture on race disappointed that the movie was just trying to be, you know, a movie.

The characters in the flick are all real people who did exist, although I think the case is that beyond that it's all fictionalised ... which then makes you think "why bother?" ... so in other words most of these characters never met each other in real life, and Idris Elba's character was executed around about the age of 18, so yeah ... message seems to be just "there were black cowboys, okay so let's have western fun with them", it appears.


Apparently the action and such is well put together.

I'm expecting a slick John Wick type affair :)

My only concern from the trailer are the innocent people seemingly just be killed for the kicks? Doesn't seem the actions of characters I want to care about?

25-Oct-2021, 04:51 PM
We've had blaxploitation flicks for 50 years, there's nothing new (or woke) about that.


What's different is the invention of social media and how it has turned self-righteousness and political naval gazing up to eleven, the creation of 'churnalism' and how that perpetuates the closed loop thinking of the loudmouth minority on Twitter, how film critics and writers apply hashtags and political readings to even the most miniscule and brief asides in a film and then make it seem as if that's a huge deal and what the movie/show is all about.

Naturally, it remains to be seen what this movie is exactly - but from what I've read it just wants to be an action packed western, not a polemic - but these days it seems the advertising department is pushing 'wokery' more than many of the movies/shows actually are (although there are some thuddingly 'woke' movies/shows out there, many of which have been roundly rejected at the box office for being poorly written drivel that puts 'themes' and appearances over plotting, story, and characterisation).

Back to blaxploitation - some great movies came out of that movement, and some of them make quite direct statements on the political situation(s) of the time, but of course because there wasn't all this social media gubbins it made those moments work far better than they do now. Also, blaxploitation flicks were also intended to be, ya know, enjoyable!

04-Nov-2021, 11:18 AM
Watched this last night. I enjoyed it.

The story is mostly standard western revenge stuff, but it does have fun with it and features some stylish gun battles and violence.

There's only one clunky bit: when they visit 'a white town' and it's quite literally that. Everyone's caucasian (and overcome with the vapours at the sight of a black person), the sand is white, and the buildings are white, and there's basically not a bit of colour in any costume or building etc. It's just silly and a bit smarmy and all for a cheap joke that isn't actually funny anyway. Meanwhile the 'black town' (it appears that in the story the big bad of the story specifically built a town for black people) is awash with colour to the point of looking like a knock-off Disney World attraction. Anyway, said 'clunky bit' is only a few minutes long.

The rest of the flick is basically a black cast filling all the main roles, hero or villain, and it proceeds pretty much as most other westerns might do. There's very little 'banging stuff over the audience's head', which is good as the main goal should be to make an enjoyable film rather than a preachy lecture (so mission accomplished on that one), but that'll be why some critics were a bit down on the film no doubt, critics who were expecting a hand-wringing polemic and were disappointed to not get it. To be fair, the story doesn't do much to make itself stand out in terms of the plot or characterisation, but it handles the tropes well and doesn't drag all that much despite it's lengthy run time.

Worth checking out. :)

04-Nov-2021, 10:34 PM
A reasonable watch. Very much a hard attempt at style over content IMHO.

04-Nov-2021, 11:09 PM
A reasonable watch. Very much a hard attempt at style over content IMHO.

There's certainly a lot of style, that's for sure ... sometimes too much.

Some of the performers get a bit too wrapped up in it, while others dial it down just a little to help balance things out a bit, or at least what's under their personal control.

Django Unchained still kicks its ass.