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06-Nov-2021, 07:52 PM

06-Nov-2021, 08:55 PM
Boba Fett is dead.

07-Nov-2021, 11:42 AM
Can't say that I'm too excited for this. Disney bringing back Boba Fett was one of the most trite Disney things they could have done. It was simply cheap fan servicing. Also, we have 'The Mandalorian', which was basically the Boba Fett TV show without Boba Fett, cos Disney were too chicken shit to pull off their cheap necromancy at first. Now this feels even more redundant than it would have if they'd just made 'The Mandalorian' about Fett in the first place.

Plus, trying to make Fett a "good guy" is all wrong. The guy was a cheap hood working for a mafia boss. Now he's nearly a protagonist it seems.

07-Nov-2021, 02:05 PM
Last I heard, he is still being "digested".

08-Nov-2021, 07:49 AM
Plus, trying to make Fett a "good guy" is all wrong. The guy was a cheap hood working for a mafia boss. Now he's nearly a protagonist it seems.

I remember thinking along these thoughts when the second Pirates of the Caribbean film came out. Very much a Disney-product, it took the antagonists of the previous film (Barbossa and those two pirate goons) and turned them into good guys. In a way; It's giving the audience what it wants.

It's not necessarily what I want though but I'm not the target audience for any of this.

01-Dec-2021, 11:26 AM

01-Dec-2021, 12:34 PM
Well, it's got a lot of good talent attached - including Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni (of The Mandalorian) and Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) - and it seems that Dean Cundey (numerous John Carpenter films, the Back to the Future trilogy, Jurassic Park, Apollo 13) is cinematographer, so it should look awesome as well.

31-Dec-2021, 10:02 AM
So the first episode is out...

Watched it last night. I'll need to see more to see how it settles down, but it does feel very much akin to The Mandalorian in terms of style and feel. Pacing felt good in the first episode, answered a couple of questions and swept them aside swiftly so it could get stuck in.

Seems like it's going to be a sort of gangster-ish type of story.

Matt Berry does a voice of an android, so that's a bonus.

Will see how it pans out.

07-Jan-2022, 10:11 AM
So, two episodes in...

I'm kinda 'meh' on it, to be honest. It's certainly not bad by any means, but I'm kinda scratching my head as to why this spin-off was really needed. The second episode was almost entirely flashback and I don't particularly feel like it was a story that desperately needed telling, beyond how he got out of the Sarlac pit and how he lost his armour, and then a just bit of what happened afterwards. We've hardly seen any of what's currently happening to Fett & Co.

It looks the part, but I'm just not particularly gripped by it at all, unlike my reaction to The Mandalorian (which really perked me up and had me eager to see each week's episode).

I'll persist and hope that TBOBF improves and finds some real meat to chew into, but it kinda feels a bit drawn out (i.e. episode 2 didn't feel like it justified 48 minutes of screen time).

09-Jan-2022, 12:37 PM
As MZ says, it’s enjoyable enough, we just don’t really know where it’s going yet. By the closing for the pilot episode of Mandalorian, we knew the show was going to be about Grogu(Baby Yoda, at the time), but all we know about Boba at this point is that the show is about the gangster underworld of Star Wars.

I’m hoping episode three gives us a clearer idea of where it’s heading.

27-Jan-2022, 10:27 AM
Episode 5 was great - but the reason for that is that it was basically an episode of The Mandalorian for 99% of its running time (so fans of Mando who haven't been watching Book should at least watch this episode). Stuff happened, good fights, a little humour, a little heart - a good mix.

27-Jan-2022, 10:46 AM
Best episode of a very dull series so far.

It's quite telling just how empty your show is when the best episode from it doesn't even feature the main character or plotline.

27-Jan-2022, 01:07 PM
Best episode of a very dull series so far.

It's quite telling just how empty your show is when the best episode from it doesn't even feature the main character or plotline.


So much of TBOBF feels perfunctory as it's so dominated by flashbacks or events that take place prior to stuff we've seen on Mandalorian - therefore we know how it's going to shake out, so there's no suspense and actually little interest. Did we really need to see so much of Boba and the Sand People, for instance? There's barely been any movement on his story moving forward (i.e. being the new crime lord in town), and I don't really know what's going on or why I should particularly care.

Meanwhile, episode 5 was awesome - because it was an episode of The Mandalorian, for one, and because it actually had stuff going on of real purpose, nor did it drag its arse.

I've been really surprised by how 'meh' TBOBF feels, compared to how vital The Mandalorian feels. I'll say that episode 4 of TBOBF was better than the previous three, but that's not saying an awful lot. The show's got the look and the setting and the characters, but it doesn't really know what to do with any of it.

29-Jan-2022, 08:49 AM
It's main problem is that it's just fan servicing. The whole idea of bringing back Fett in the first place is pure fan service. But beyond that, the creators have little to nothing. Everything that has been interesting about the show has been background stuff. The foreground material and the main character have been unbelievable dull. And Fett himself looks ridiculous, because the reality of Morrison's age conflicts terribly with the fact that he's supposed to be only in his early 40's. The flashback stuff is rendered even more absurd because Boba Fett is supposed to be in his mid 30's!

Morrison is 61 and he looks it too.

The whole thing has been an incredibly trite exercise and "The Mandalorian episode" has shown it up terribly. Honestly, I can see this Boba Fett show being a one and done and to be honest and quietly forgotten by most people except for the Boba Fett Fanclub, that would be the best outcome.

29-Jan-2022, 09:20 AM
Having watched just ep1, and now reading your comments, I'm beginning to think I shouldn't bother with the rest of the episodes now!?

29-Jan-2022, 12:21 PM
Having watched just ep1, and now reading your comments, I'm beginning to think I shouldn't bother with the rest of the episodes now!?

At least watch episode 5, because it directly ties-in with The Mandalorian and, I'd assume, will help fill in some gaps before season 3 comes along.

We'll see how the last two episodes go...

03-Feb-2022, 11:59 AM
Episode 6 - another good one, but again that's down to it mostly being a Mandalorian episode with various returning characters. Boba's in it for like one minute, not that that's a bad thing necessarily because the first four episodes were kinda dull and meandering.

03-Feb-2022, 01:20 PM
The Book of Everyone But Boba Fett

03-Feb-2022, 01:47 PM
...because he is really dead.

Update: Yep, he's still being "digested", folks, as per true Star Wars canon.

11-Feb-2022, 04:01 PM

The Drinker is pretty scathing in his assessment. Certainly some fair points in there. Plenty of material that didn't need to be in there clogging up the place and denying room for material that did need to be wedged in.

The last three episodes should be viewed by Mandalorian fans because there's some info in there that'll help with season three, I'd imagine, but considering the talent involved - many of whom are directly responsible for Mandalorian!!! - I've been left disappointed by this show.

11-Feb-2022, 05:14 PM
Having only watched 1 episode then, and with plenty of other things on my list, I'm going to skip the rest of the series then...

12-Feb-2022, 12:01 PM
Having only watched 1 episode then, and with plenty of other things on my list, I'm going to skip the rest of the series then...

I think episodes 5 and 6 and to a lesser extent 7 are kind of required viewing for Mandalorian fans, 5 and 6 especially as they basically are actual episodes of The Mandalorian.

13-Feb-2022, 08:04 PM
I think episodes 5 and 6 and to a lesser extent 7 are kind of required viewing for Mandalorian fans, 5 and 6 especially as they basically are actual episodes of The Mandalorian.

Can I watch just those then without 2-4?

13-Feb-2022, 10:14 PM
Can I watch just those then without 2-4?

You could probably just watch TBOBF episodes 5, 6, and 7 and be fine - just to keep you appraised of all Mandalorian-related storytelling. 5 and 6 most particularly.

14-Feb-2022, 02:13 PM

15-Feb-2022, 10:07 AM
Erm, I posted that same video 3 days ago. ;) :p

12-Aug-2022, 02:16 PM