View Full Version : i miss u mary -jane

general tbag
29-Jul-2006, 01:29 AM
well been clean for 5 months and it sucks. i miss mary jane and all her sisters to. stupid us drug tests.

29-Jul-2006, 01:37 AM
why do you have to take drug tests?

all drug testing is bull. unless you are flying a plane or driving kids to school, i cannot think of any reason why what you do in your free time is any business of an employers.

legalize marijuana and mushrooms NOW.

general tbag
29-Jul-2006, 01:57 AM
most corporate job require it for insurance... yadda yadda . that one difference i like about canada , drugs tests arent mandatory.

i feel like dave chappelle at the end of half baked on the bridge .

29-Jul-2006, 02:51 AM
*smokes bowl in honor of tbag*

29-Jul-2006, 03:03 AM
I too know the "have to quit" blues :( had to quit for the national gaurd, it might be a good idea as I plan on being a Medic. But eh

29-Jul-2006, 03:36 AM
probation + drug tests suck.

but i buy stuff to doctor my urine

29-Jul-2006, 02:38 PM
I quit smoking by my own choice. Now I only do on occassion... usually only if I'm already drunk, just because it makes my state of moronicness (that's not a word!) that much more enjoyable.

It kinda sucks having pothead friends that are always blowing it in my face and offering it to me, knowing I don't like it all that much any more.

29-Jul-2006, 03:18 PM
unless you are flying a plane or driving kids to school, i cannot think of any reason why what you do in your free time is any business of an employers.

It isn't ANYONES business. Even if you fly a plane, smokin a doobie on your day off doesn't make a difference.
Besides, they are only really for Opiates and THC.
Cocaine stays for only a couple of days and Alchohol for Hours and Acid not at all.
Its just an excuse to reach inside your body and police your every move. If they could read your thoughts, they would do that too.

I had to take a lie detecter test in the mid 80s (before it was illegal) for a friggin Gas station job and it was one of the more humiliating experiences of my life. And the results were WRONG. I told the truth and it said I was lying and vice versa. Totally intrusive and unneccasery.

Gub, corp and Insurance f*** OFF!

When you get a corpoarte drug test, do they watch your dingdong like for Probation?

29-Jul-2006, 03:25 PM
I'm suprised weed is still illegal and looked down upon by some people.
I'm a card carrying NORML (http://www.norml.org/) member.:D

29-Jul-2006, 07:18 PM
Some drugs though, are best gotten rid of - Heroin for example. The serious sh*t needs getting rid of, as it's dangerous either on it's own or in the slightly wrong hands.

Weed is so commonly accepted these days that it's essentially legal, I think the reason why it's not legalised is because there are fears it could make it more acceptable and deliberately turn more people onto it (I'm either way on that to be honest), I've smoked weed and put weed or "dirt bar" into muffins before and it's done me no harm (ain't smoked weed in quite some time now though, well over a year in fact).

I see no problems with mushrooms (or those nuggety type things which have the same effect), although I didn't do them when I had the chance - kinda wish I did :lol: - I did actually film the results when my housemates tried them back in the autumn semester of 2004. Needless to say it was absolutely hilarious, I still laugh my ass off. Apparently the walls were dripping, anything beyond the living room was "dead space", stepping outside into the garden (to take a p*ss) was like stepping into outer space and was too much for their minds to comprehend. Adam was terrorised by used toilet rolls sitting atop the toilet sistern and was seeing "killer strawberries" in his head. They all had a good time though, we watched The A-Team during it, I was sober and just filmed though ... that was a tad lame as I couldn't join in or see it first hand...but like I said, I have no problem with mushrooms. It's funny actually, they're not illegal to buy at all, but when you cut the heads off they become illegal - how random.

I've had the opportunity to do cocaine but I had absolutely no want to take part, for one thing I didn't want to waste a line of very expensive snow that I didn't buy, but also that I had no want to try it at all. Adam tried it but didn't like it or see any point in it, but Tom (the household drugs expert - he'd also done ecstasy and some other things that I forget) was getting stuck in on the little baggy. To be honest I saw no point in cocaine at all, though I didn't try it, so I'll shut up on that one for now...

That's my splurged rant on drugs...:eek:

Pushead Jim
29-Jul-2006, 07:23 PM
the weed will NEVER be legalized. To many corupt politications and law enforcement getting too many kickbacks(this applies to all illegal drugs not just weed. And dont forget "the war on drugs" it is nothing more than a war on civil libertys! I personally think ALL drugs should be legal and avaible in your local pharmacy over the counter for anyone over 18. however if you are not mature enough to handle your sh*t my taxpayers dollars should not pay for your trip to the ER after you OD. If you could buy enough(insert drug of choice here)to kill yourself for 5 dollars there would be no drug problem in six months.:elol:

29-Jul-2006, 08:42 PM
:bored: :bored: :bored:


*Post edited by MZ. Please refrain from overuse of smilies (as stated in the rules/FAQ) as it can seriously slow down or even freeze some people's computers* MZ

30-Jul-2006, 07:44 PM
HA! You have no idea my friend. It;'s funny that you started this thread up right now....

It is now Sunday afternoon where I am at and I spent 24 hours in jail on Thursday/Friday for.....get this...."Manufacturing of Marijuana". That's right....."Manufacturing":barf:

So now I'm out on a 10 grand bond and have a felony on my record....sweet.:mad:

How did this happen you ask? Well, someone in my neighborhood supposedly had a problem with our loud music(I'm a musician), and decided to call and inform the f*cking Drug Task Force of my house being a "Meth Lab"(I've never even touched that stuff).:rolleyes: So while watching "Leon" on Thursday afternoon(right at the part where HIS house gets raided:rockbrow: ), my house gets raided by the DTF.

What did they find? Two plants in the basement that were barely even a foot tall, with no buds. Damn I hate these pointless laws.

Like I was actually harming any of my fellow civilians, you know?


30-Jul-2006, 10:50 PM
that SUCKS.
They weigh the roots too, bastids.
Good Luck fightin the good fight.

Maybe you could beat it depending on how specific the warrant was. ie; where and what.