View Full Version : John Wick 4 (film)

24-Dec-2021, 11:28 AM

24-Dec-2021, 10:40 PM
The 3rd movie was a bit of a downstep from the previous two ... but ... that's only judging against a very high bar. JW3 was still a lot of fun and I definitely wanna see JW4. Bring it on!

25-Dec-2021, 10:24 AM
The 3rd movie was a bit of a downstep from the previous two ... but ... that's only judging against a very high bar. JW3 was still a lot of fun and I definitely wanna see JW4. Bring it on!

Agreed and agreed...

25-Dec-2021, 12:48 PM
Agreed and agreed...

I also liked how they knew how to make Halle Berry's character good. She's not out there squaring off against opponents she's physically smaller and lighter than (*cough* Birds of Prey *cough*), but she's using her two dogs in a very skilled way to multitask her mass killing, lol, plus the necessary skills with the guns - Berry getting to show off she was training for it just as hard as Reeves.

25-Dec-2021, 05:46 PM
I also liked how they knew how to make Halle Berry's character good. She's not out there squaring off against opponents she's physically smaller and lighter than (*cough* Birds of Prey *cough*), but she's using her two dogs in a very skilled way to multitask her mass killing, lol, plus the necessary skills with the guns - Berry getting to show off she was training for it just as hard as Reeves.

The fight choreography (including with the dogs) was like ballet!

25-Dec-2021, 10:55 PM
The fight choreography (including with the dogs) was like ballet!

Yeah! One of the things I love about the John Wick movies is that the key creatives really understand action choreography and how to film it. There's so many films where you can't see the craft behind the action because it's all shitty shaky cam and close ups - but the John Wick films really should you what's going on, you can see the training the actors have gone through, you can see the craft by the stunt teams to create these sequences, and it's all come together beautifully.

They're like the Formula 1 of action movies. Top tier.

26-Dec-2021, 06:36 PM
I find the John Wick movies going the Fast and Furious way by going more over the top each movie, I hope they dial it back in the forth.

01-Jan-2022, 02:24 PM
I’ve enjoyed all three, but the original is the crowning jewel. The sequels have gotten a bit “busy”. Like the Matrix sequels, it’s like they’re taking their ideas too far, when the simplicity is what worked the first go round. I mean, every person on the planet is a mercenary in the sequels! Every single character on screen is getting those text messages about the price on Wick’s head??

01-Jan-2022, 11:00 PM
I’ve enjoyed all three, but the original is the crowning jewel. The sequels have gotten a bit “busy”. Like the Matrix sequels, it’s like they’re taking their ideas too far, when the simplicity is what worked the first go round. I mean, every person on the planet is a mercenary in the sequels! Every single character on screen is getting those text messages about the price on Wick’s head??


Yeah. The sequels have expanded it perhaps a smidge too much, but I wouldn't say it's got the bloat or self-serious problem that Matrix 2 and 3 suffered from (despite their successes).

The amount of assassins does seem quite silly by now, though. Is there really that much work going around?! :lol:

That said, though, JW2 and JW3 are fucking rad. Sure, the purity and straight forward clean nature of the first movie can never be beaten. However, JW2 impressively upped the scale. JW3 is the least of the three, but on it's own high grading scale it stands way above many other films in the similar genre.

23-Nov-2022, 11:24 AM

23-Nov-2022, 01:09 PM
Fuck yeah! Looks awesome! :thumbsup:

You can't help but wonder why there are so many assassins in the John Wick world. Is there really that much assassinating needed doing? :lol: You'd have thought their crime rate would be almost nothing. :p

24-Nov-2022, 08:23 AM
Fuck yeah! Looks awesome! :thumbsup:

You can't help but wonder why there are so many assassins in the John Wick world. Is there really that much assassinating needed doing? :lol: You'd have thought their crime rate would be almost nothing. :p


Reminds me of Elon's comment regards the bizarre state Twitter was in, where towards the end of a working day, there were more canteen staff in the building, than other staff...

05-Mar-2023, 11:55 AM
Not long now....

And a fat Scott Adkins? Just take all my money!



20-Mar-2023, 04:47 PM
Seeing it a week Wed...

30-Mar-2023, 08:33 AM
A reasonable flick. A few great moments. Lots of more average moments. And a couple of strange almost bonkers choices. eg: A blind super duper assassin able to fight in blade and gun fights anywhere - Frustratingly daft choice that TBH damaged the film for me!

The least of the 4, but OK.

24-Jun-2023, 10:41 PM
Finally got around to seeing it!

Obviously, it's John Wick, so it's not going to be bad.

However, the sequels have progressively got more and more elaborate, the scale of the whole assassin world getting bigger and bigger and bigger ... plus with bullet-proof suits, there's only so far you can actually go and you'll inevitably paint yourself into some corners. It does feel like a franchise that's getting too grand for its boots, especially considering the fairly straight forward first film, which was lean and mean whereas #4 doesn't need to be as long as it turned out to be.

That said, there's still some really good sequences - the two best ones for me were the steps of the Sacre Coeur and the main highlight was the, for lack of a better descriptor, the 'Hotline Miami sequence' (shot from above with the dragon's breath shotgun rounds).

The blind assassin was simultaneously awesome and silly. Disbelief was indeed on extended suspension thorughout the film, especially as the 'rules' of his abilities constantly shifted (e.g. he used the doorbell thingies once and that was it, sometimes he seems as if he does have some sight - like with the card game??? - and other times he's kinda spraying-and-praying).

Probably fair to call it the 'least' of the four, but that's on John Wick's own scale - and not as if by some large margin, either. Compared to almost every other movie getting released this year, it's easily in the top five with it's feet up and sipping on hot chocolate. :D

25-Jun-2023, 10:01 AM
The blind assassin was simultaneously awesome and silly.So unbelievably problematic and daft it dented the film for me...

Agreed that it's the least of the four, but still good.

28-Jun-2023, 12:28 PM
So unbelievably problematic and daft it dented the film for me...

Agreed that it's the least of the four, but still good.

I'll also add that the sense of scale in the movie was fantastic - the use of locations in particular - very grand and adds this sense of size that is often missing from much bigger budgeted films than this, so they really make full use of their locations (some of them fairly exclusive). I had somewhat assumed that the scene on the steps leading to the Sacre Coeur was done with green screen beside a replica, but it was the actual steps.

I'd assumed that as, obviously, the Arc de Triumph sequence was done using green screen for the location (with some CGI cars in the mix to populate it more, and for certain hit stunts) ... speaking of, that was a pretty kick ass action sequence, and the Osaka Continental action sequences were also pretty darn rad as well.

So, it's a bit over-sized and the character and formula feel a bit like they've really done all they can pretty much do, but very entertaining nonetheless and I'll certainly be re-watching it for years to come like with all the JW films.