View Full Version : Bruce Willis at the Razzies

08-Feb-2022, 04:34 PM
Turns out this years Razzie has his own section called WORST PERFORMANCE by BRUCE WILLIS in a 2021 MOVIE

List of all the Razzies is here at IGN https://www.ign.com/articles/razzies-2022-nominations

Also the guys at Red Letter Media have a good video descussing Willis late movie career here.


08-Feb-2022, 06:49 PM

08-Feb-2022, 09:26 PM
Looking at that IGN list of 'Worst Reviewed Movies of 2021'...

I totally disagree on "Kate", which I thought was a hell of a lot of fun and kicked fucking bottom. "Night of the Animated Dead", though? Yeah, get tae fuck. "Spiral: From The Book of Saw" ... yeah, what was the point of that? Just let that franchise die already.



(Special Category)

Bruce Willis / American Siege

Bruce Willis / Apex

Bruce Willis / Cosmic Sin

Bruce Willis / Deadlock

Bruce Willis / Fortress

Bruce Willis / Midnight in the Switchgrass

Bruce Willis / Out of Death

Bruce Willis / Survive the Game

Geez ... who does he owe money to?! No wonder he comes across as such a miserable prick these days, getting stuck in cookie cutter dreck that smells like curious movie deals constructed by a multitude of production companies you've never heard of, who take up a solid minute plus of running time just to get through their endless bloody logos.

09-Feb-2022, 09:17 AM
Eight films on one year! Wow!

Mind you, he's listed as having about the same number this year too!

09-Feb-2022, 10:50 AM
Eight films on one year! Wow!

Mind you, he's listed as having about the same number this year too!

Some of them, most likely, are just glorified cameos I'd imagine. A few minutes of screen time, just enough to flog it to bargain bin hunters and nations where English is a second language. I think there's a lot of churned-out action thrillers that do quite well throughout Europe and Asia and South America. A considerable portion of the budget no doubt goes into BW's pocket. He gets a boatload of cash, the production gets a big name star to flog their generic movie. At least there's a bunch of crew who are getting employed and putting food on the table with these things.

09-Feb-2022, 12:55 PM
Some of them, most likely, are just glorified cameos I'd imagine. A few minutes of screen time, just enough to flog it to bargain bin hunters and nations where English is a second language. I think there's a lot of churned-out action thrillers that do quite well throughout Europe and Asia and South America. A considerable portion of the budget no doubt goes into BW's pocket. He gets a boatload of cash, the production gets a big name star to flog their generic movie. At least there's a bunch of crew who are getting employed and putting food on the table with these things.

Does he really need to 'compromise' for the cash? - https://wealthygorilla.com/bruce-willis-net-worth

09-Feb-2022, 05:04 PM
Eight films on one year! Wow!

Mind you, he's listed as having about the same number this year too!

Did he get divorced or raided by the IRS???

He's taking bottom of the barrel roles usually reserved for has-beens with money/substances problems.