View Full Version : Ukraine

24-Feb-2022, 08:23 AM
Oh dear!

24-Feb-2022, 10:20 AM
It's not "the Ukraine", it's "Ukraine". The "the" was from when it was under Soviet rule.

Also, yes - very much oh dear.

Typical Putin. It's a real shame for the people of Russia, too, to be stuck with a crumbling old relic of the Soviet era (and KGB to boot) as their immovable leader, who's pissing about with this nonsense instead of helping them be a nation that is respected for good reasons across the world. A tub-thumping cartoon riding around topless on a horse.

24-Feb-2022, 10:43 AM
[fixed ;)]

Can't help but think if the decision had been made to make Ukraine part of NATO or not far sooner that may have helped.

All very confusing and head scratching stuff... And as if CV hasn't f***ed up peoples daily lives enough, now we'll have this adding to it even if it doesn't progress to anything worse.

24-Feb-2022, 02:46 PM
[fixed ;)]

Can't help but think if the decision had been made to make Ukraine part of NATO or not far sooner that may have helped.

All very confusing and head scratching stuff... And as if CV hasn't f***ed up peoples daily lives enough, now we'll have this adding to it even if it doesn't progress to anything worse.

Putin being the arsehole Internet troll of the world again. And of course, give him an inch and he'll take a mile, so there's no way you can't not do anything about it.

I wonder how many local and national problems there are facing the Russian people that are being ignored and left to fester as a result of this kind of posturing and stupidity on Putin's part. He's a thug and a bully and he only cares about himself and appearing to be strong, rather than doing a good job. Any kind of internal political opposition gets snuffed out, it's sickening.

And quite right, we've still got Covid and it's myriad knock-on effects to be dealing with, and now here comes this asshole rattling his sabre. Dickhead.

24-Feb-2022, 05:39 PM
I hear that Vladimir Putin has deployed his secret lethal weapon for the invasion of Ukraine:


God help them! They don't have a prayer now.

24-Feb-2022, 07:04 PM
Truly alarming stuff! And Putin is pretty bad too!

- - - Updated - - -

BREAKING NEWS: France has surrendered!

24-Feb-2022, 11:58 PM
Every sanction imaginable should be used against Russia.

25-Feb-2022, 08:37 AM
Every sanction imaginable should be used against Russia.

Problem seems to be it isn't putting Putin off :(

Can only hope his military goals are finite. ie: Part of Ukraine, not all? And not beyond :eek:.

Some analysts suggest this will be the end of Putin because the sanctions will be so damaging for Russia.

But I've also seen analysts saying that because this it pushes energy prices up, and because Russia supplies so much gas to Europe, they actually do well on that front. Need to look more into that!

All for a strip of land...

25-Feb-2022, 01:30 PM
And now they've captured Chernobyl. Fantastic. :mad:

Analysts saying it's more to do with strategic position and provision of power for that area of Russia nearby (and the unlikelihood that they'd get bombed there, for obvious reasons), but seriously, when they're smack bang in the middle of deconstructing/storing/disposing of the catastrophic Soviet disaster that was the CNPP beneath that huge new shield that was put in place, that botoxed maniac is trampling all over the place. Just goes to show how much of a cunt he is.

- - - Updated - - -

As an aside, and as a Formula 1 fan, I see that the Russian Grand Prix (which was scheduled for September, IIRC) has been shit canned.


Shame for the Russian F1 fans, but your leader is a nutjob knee deep in bullshit and he's flinging it everywhere, the twat.

26-Feb-2022, 12:20 PM
As an aside, and as a Formula 1 fan, I see that the Russian Grand Prix (which was scheduled for September, IIRC) has been shit canned.


Shame for the Russian F1 fans, but your leader is a nutjob knee deep in bullshit and he's flinging it everywhere, the twat.

Russia have been kicked out of the Eurovision Song Contest!

I'm tempted to suggest the UK should invade Ukraine now too!

27-Feb-2022, 12:18 PM
Russia have been kicked out of the Eurovision Song Contest!

I'm tempted to suggest the UK should invade Ukraine now too!

I always thought it was a bit odd they were in it to begin with. Russia's always kind of 'been it's own thing', if that makes any sort of strange sense?

The thing's a piss take anyway. Even when the UK enters something half-decent, it's all just block voting and silly politics. About the only thing of value in it, not that I ever watch it in actuality, is Graham Norton's withering commentary.

27-Feb-2022, 05:31 PM
I always thought it was a bit odd they were in it to begin with. Russia's always kind of 'been it's own thing', if that makes any sort of strange sense?

The thing's a piss take anyway. Even when the UK enters something half-decent, it's all just block voting and silly politics. About the only thing of value in it, not that I ever watch it in actuality, is Graham Norton's withering commentary.

No stranger than Australia being in it :)

27-Feb-2022, 10:35 PM
No stranger than Australia being in it :)

They are???!!! :stunned:

28-Feb-2022, 01:00 AM
I always thought it was a bit odd they were in it to begin with. Russia's always kind of 'been it's own thing', if that makes any sort of strange sense?

Russia's in Europe. It makes perfect sense that they would be part of it (as lame as the whole contest is).

Makes a damn sight more sense than Israel being in it.

28-Feb-2022, 09:16 AM
I always thought it was a bit odd they were in it to begin with. Russia's always kind of 'been it's own thing', if that makes any sort of strange sense?

The thing's a piss take anyway. Even when the UK enters something half-decent, it's all just block voting and silly politics. About the only thing of value in it, not that I ever watch it in actuality, is Graham Norton's withering commentary.

It's only a spectacle and should only be treated as such. Remember, Finland won with Lordi. If they can win with that, you can win with anything (and that's a good thing!)

Lots of people appreciate it. I think it's a fun way to argue, amicably, across nations.

15-Mar-2022, 11:50 AM
The situation is terrible, and the refugee crisis grows every day. Polands population has increased by 5% due to the flood of refugees into the country. I'm on standby with several relief agencies to provide medical relief as soon as the WHO says to go.

Word is it's not going to get better anytime soon.

15-Mar-2022, 03:34 PM
It's hard to second guess Putin's thoughts here. Did he think he'd take Ukraine easily by now, because clearly it's been slow progress for the Russian military.

And did he expect the huge sanctions/financial hit (although gas price hikes are obviously helping him).

And then we have the public image including even in Russia itself. I mean when people are willing to risk a decade in prison doing this? Wow!


16-Mar-2022, 11:19 AM
I've read stories about how top brass in the Russian military have pilfered funds to buy yachts to pootle around the flashier parts of Europe's coast, and of course with Poo Tin firing/removing/whatever else a bunch of his top brass, it suggests that either they'd been telling him porkies about how grand their abilities were militarily speaking, or he's swept them aside because they were pushing back.

If Shit Tin wants to be all old school about it, former KGB boy that he is, then someone within the Russian government needs to drag him out back, sling him up against a wall, and put a bullet in his madman head. He's off his fucking rocker.

Good to see some people in Russia questioning the clearly bullshit narrative being spun locally, despite the extraordinarily harsh reactions/sentences from the authorities. That alone exposes Turd Box for the crazed dictator that he is to his own people. Two mere words spoken and you can be arrested and disappeared. Children, detained with their protesting parents, thrown into cages.

Wake up, people of Russia. You deserve so much more respect from your own government than what you're getting. Instead of improving your democracy and your opportunities in life, he's killing your sons and splashing your cash for his own insane goals. Absolute fucking scumbag, so he is.

16-Mar-2022, 09:35 PM
Truly alarming stuff! And Putin is pretty bad too!

- - - Updated - - -

BREAKING NEWS: France has surrendered!

Do I detect a faint hint of mocking overtones directed at Mr. Steven Frederic Seagal in your above response, sir? Are you out of your mind, you mere mortal man? Do you have a death wish? Do you wish to be obliterated from existence? Don't taunt that one-man army, that unstoppable fighting juggernaut, and tempt him to open a can of "A Whole New Dimension of Pain" on you.

17-Mar-2022, 10:55 AM
A 'deepfake' video of Zelensky 'calling for Ukraine to lay down its arms' has been exposed.

Fan fucking tastic - more of this shit to come in the future, then, in all walks of political life. How soon before a war is started because of a deepfake?

17-Mar-2022, 11:21 AM
F***ing heart breaking... Not a pleasant watch!
