View Full Version : for those who hate spiders!

29-Jul-2006, 11:20 PM
Did you see the movie "Eight Legged Freaks"?
I went to the website and thre is a neat game to play there, here is the link...

its freaky to play I hope you can get it!
You need to have shockwave to play!

30-Jul-2006, 08:07 PM
Did you see the movie "Eight Legged Freaks"?
I went to the website and thre is a neat game to play there, here is the link...

its freaky to play I hope you can get it!
You need to have shockwave to play!

www.eightleggedfreaks.com (http://www.eightleggedfreaks.com)

DID YOU SEE THE MOVIE? I have it on dvd. kida fun. The spiders have little human like voices and some movements that is not that noticible unless you look and watch carefully.


01-Aug-2006, 03:50 AM
www.eightleggedfreaks.com (http://www.eightleggedfreaks.com)

DID YOU SEE THE MOVIE? I have it on dvd. kida fun. The spiders have little human like voices and some movements that is not that noticible unless you look and watch carefully.

yesss I saw it soooo funny...the spiders were creepy but the voices they gave them toned the creepy out it. Did ya go play the game yet? I have it downloaded on my desktop.

01-Aug-2006, 11:11 AM
As strange as this is - me being the arachnophobic that I am, I actually own the DVD of ELF - I even saw it in the cinema for cryin' out loud (Kari Wuhrer and Scarlett Johansson provided the needed distraction). However, the short film on the DVD with a woman in a bath with a spider crawling about was too realistic for me and it creeped me right the f*ck out.

Needless to say ELF isn't one of my frequent viewing pleasures, ha!

01-Aug-2006, 12:37 PM
I was just laying in bed and felt a tickle on my arm. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something black on my arm and it's wasn't a tattoo, because they don't move. I jumped up and rubbed my arm frantically... then saw the fastest spider EVER running down toward my sheets. I quickly grabbed a shoe and smashed it down on the spider. When I lift the shoe, the freakin spider takes off running again! I finally got it killed but now I don't want to go back to my bed. :confused:

01-Aug-2006, 01:19 PM
You guys ever heard Kevin Smith's story(on "An Evening With Kevin Smith") about his "Superman" script and how producer Jon Peters wanted Kal-El to fight a giant spider at the end of the film?(Im sure MZ has:p )

Well, that didn't happen in the "Superman" flick, but shortly after, Peters produced "Wild Wild West". If you've seen this heap of trash, then you know where I'm going with this....

All this spider talk reminded me of this after I watched "An Evening...." the other night....

But anyway.....back on topic....
My buddy's sister got bitten by a Brown Recluse(sp?) on her bottom lip while she was sleeping and had to be in the hospital for four days. FOUR DAYS?!?!?

That sh*t was so swollen and discolored, I couldn't help but laugh....

01-Aug-2006, 01:39 PM
I love spiders, Wanted to get one tatted to my back (Magnified black widow) but my girlfriend said she would avoid me forever if I did that ahh well.

01-Aug-2006, 02:05 PM
lol, you f*cking knows it mate, that was one of the most hilarious stories he told in AEWKS - the giant-f*ckin-spider, lol.

Mike - tell me about it, creeps me right the f*ck out. The other night I kept leaping out of bed every 30 minutes cos I thought a spider was on me, it was just my arm hair twitching (had my fan going so it would blow the hairs about) so every now and then I feel a twitch that feels like a wee beasty is crawling on me. As this had happened twice before at my desk then I'm a bit jumpy about it (especially as one time I was so frantic to get the spider off me I hit myself in the nuts). So I kept leaping out of bed, checking the duvet and all that. It certainly wasn't a relaxing night's kip.

Another time a long time ago I was sleeping on the floor in my room (not sure why now) but I was directly below the light in my room and I opened my eyes and a bloody nasty was spindling its way down to my face. I leapt the f*ck out of the way.

Another time, when sleeping on the sofa bed downstairs (room was being decorated) I woke up in the morning and my face had cobweb all over, needless to say I almost sh*t myself. At the very least, thank f*ck I wasn't conscious to witness something crawling on my goddamn face! :eek:

01-Aug-2006, 02:22 PM
Another time, when sleeping on the sofa bed downstairs (room was being decorated) I woke up in the morning and my face had cobweb all over, needless to say I almost sh*t myself. At the very least, thank f*ck I wasn't conscious to witness something crawling on my goddamn face! :eek:

Holy ****, I wouldn't be able to sleep for weeks if that happened to me!

01-Aug-2006, 05:47 PM
Neither would I ... if it wasn't for my body's unique ability to get the required average of sleep (for me) on a daily basis. I'm telling you, no matter what crap I've got going on, sooner or later my body will give in and just give me sleep, it's weird.

It was like when my Gran died last year, my family were getting very little sleep or none at all after she had passed on, but I ended up getting my usual amount of sleep still. Now this is not to say I'm an uncaring bastard, not at all, I was devestated by this loss - but I'm using this as an example of how my body seems to be able to insist on me getting at least 8 hours kip everyday (unless the alarm clock dictates otherwise, but in such a case my body doesn't give up lightly)...:rockbrow: