View Full Version : Mission Impossible 7 (film)

23-May-2022, 08:02 PM
Take my money!


23-May-2022, 09:38 PM
1) Is it just me, or are YouTube embeds regularly not playing? Just get a grey screen error message most of the time. :confused:

2) Also, yes, this movie looks awesome. 4/5/6 have been amazing (and that's not to diss the first three, which are all either great or solid). They've brought thingymy back from the first movie, too. Ah, go on, someone say "NOC list" for me. :D

24-May-2022, 08:55 AM
1) Is it just me, or are YouTube embeds regularly not playing? Just get a grey screen error message most of the time. :confused:

2) Also, yes, this movie looks awesome. 4/5/6 have been amazing (and that's not to diss the first three, which are all either great or solid). They've brought thingymy back from the first movie, too. Ah, go on, someone say "NOC list" for me. :D

"Just get a grey screen error message most of the time" - I've never observed that? Do you get that immediately in place of the thumbnail image, or only when you click it to play the video?

Got to wonder how much longer Cruise can keep these up :)

24-May-2022, 01:02 PM
"Just get a grey screen error message most of the time" - I've never observed that? Do you get that immediately in place of the thumbnail image, or only when you click it to play the video?

Got to wonder how much longer Cruise can keep these up :)

1) I get the thumbnail image, but when pressing the play button you get the spinning circle thing and then the grey screen ... ... that said, I tried it on the video below and that worked fine - so it's kinda random when it happens.

2) Dude's 59 years old now, but he keeps himself in great physical shape to do these things.

I've been re-watching a bunch of the Bond movies and Roger Moore was 57 when he did A View To A Kill (his last Bond flick) and he certainly looked it. However, 57 then with leaving much of the stunt work to the professionals versus 59 now and keeping yourself in peak physical condition because you are the one doing the stunts quite often are two different things.

Still, he'll have to hang it up in the not too distant. Probably trying to squeeze as many of these things under the wire as possible while he still can - good on him, and it's immensely thrilling for we viewers. There's no doubt about it that doing it for real packs a way bigger punch. That helicopter sequence in the MI: Fallout was real heart in your mouth stuff. You can just sense that it's real, regardless of whether or not you know it's been filmed as such. You can just see it and feel it - likewise with the upcoming Top Gun 2.