View Full Version : Thor 4 (film)

25-May-2022, 11:24 AM
Not quite sure how Jane is now a super duper uber warrior?

Christian Bale in one of these? Epic!

Looks fun!


25-May-2022, 12:26 PM
I quite enjoyed the previous film, despite one or two wobbles or indulgences, so hopefully this'll be good.

Mind you, you've gotta be really careful when you're making your hero look foolish or putting them in situations where they're the butt of the joke. If you're not carefully you'll end up like Roger Moore - wearing gorilla suits, dressing up as a clown, and doing Tarzan calls as he swings on a vine. Or if you go too far you'll just end up mocking your own hero.

Putting them in a comedic scenario ... you've gotta be really careful. Some moments gave me a bit of pause. I really hope they don't overstep the mark.

27-May-2022, 08:38 AM
That's interesting. A number of articles I've seen comment on are they making Thor the butt of the joke too much now?

And there's also the interesting angle that there's this effort to not objectify women, yet that rule of course doesn't seem to apply to male characters. The double standards are interesting... ie: Swap Jane into the scene where all the clothes are removed and individuals are reacting in a similar fashion to her being naked :)

27-May-2022, 09:20 AM
And there's also the interesting angle that there's this effort to not objectify women, yet that rule of course doesn't seem to apply to male characters. The double standards are interesting... ie: Swap Jane into the scene where all the clothes are removed and individuals are reacting in a similar fashion to her being naked :)

That's the big one that really stood out to me (ooh err, missus! :lol: ) ... older films where that sort of a joke has been used for saucy humour are now glared at by the easily offended segments of the commentariat, but it's okay the other way, eh? "Righting wrongs" or "adjusting the balance of the scales" etc are the usual poor excuses for such hypocrisy. That's part of the trouble with this identity politics lark, you can never be woke enough and you can never escape the sheer number of pitfalls. It's a snake eating its own tail and sooner or later it's gonna munch all the way up to the head.

Double standards are "not okay", they'd say ... except when they are, which is quite often, of course. :rockbrow: "We're flipping the script", they'd say ... by what, doing the exact same thing you claim is totally unacceptable and 'dated'? Give over. :rolleyes:

There's a whiff of belittling one's heroes going on in mainstream media, you get wafts of it scattered around coming and going. Not to say it can sometimes work quite well, but intention is always the important thing, as is context (ironically two things that those obsessed with identity politics rarely, if ever, have time for). Too many bad apples and the whole bunch is spoiled.

29-May-2022, 11:23 AM

09-Jul-2022, 09:17 AM
Think I'll be giving this one a miss then :(


09-Jul-2022, 02:05 PM

"The more I think about it the more angry it makes me. I think it's terrible. I think it's genuinely, properly terrible."

Tell us what you really think, Mark! :lol:


So, it sounds like it doubles-down on the humour to the point of just taking the piss out of itself so much that nothing has any meaning of weight.

That approach has irked me with other films in the past, because it makes you think "if you're not going to care, why should I care either?"

Every now and then you need a little pin prick to let the air out of expanding seriousness (even pretentiousness), but when everything is a gag, when everything is to be mocked, it's just silly.

I did quite enjoy Thor 3, particularly as it was a breath of fresh air after the utterly dreadful Thor 2, but Thor 3 was right on the edge of what was acceptable in that specific style and form. It's seeming as if Thor 4 has crossed the line and gone so far that the line isn't even visible.

09-Jul-2022, 05:23 PM
bc_SUxTdLDw"The more I think about it the more angry it makes me. I think it's terrible. I think it's genuinely, properly terrible."

Tell us what you really think, Mark! :lol:


So, it sounds like it doubles-down on the humour to the point of just taking the piss out of itself so much that nothing has any meaning of weight.

That approach has irked me with other films in the past, because it makes you think "if you're not going to care, why should I care either?"

Every now and then you need a little pin prick to let the air out of expanding seriousness (even pretentiousness), but when everything is a gag, when everything is to be mocked, it's just silly.

I did quite enjoy Thor 3, particularly as it was a breath of fresh air after the utterly dreadful Thor 2, but Thor 3 was right on the edge of what was acceptable in that specific style and form. It's seeming as if Thor 4 has crossed the line and gone so far that the line isn't even visible.

And seemingly yet more superduper this against superduper that, unless this superduper thing is more superduperer than that superduper thing... ie: A single wish for anything you want at all...? Hmmm...

16-Jul-2022, 02:24 PM

Spoilers, hobnobviously ... ... man, the more I hear about this movie, the more it sounds really fucking stupid and like a tonal fuck up.

Other than Spider-Man and the next Ant-Man, I think the MCU finished for me with Endgame.

16-Jul-2022, 04:30 PM
I really hope Taika Waititi doesn't get to do a Star Wars movie. It'll make the "tonal fuck ups" in 'The Last Jedi' look like sensible decisions.