View Full Version : Disney is struggling...

30-May-2023, 10:50 AM
Seems everything Disney touches at the moment is struggling... Their TV series and films, such as Indiana, the latest Mandalorian, Willow, etc... And their crazy Galactic Cruise resort closing...

eg: And now "The Little Mermaid"...


31-May-2023, 03:14 PM
And actually removing the Willow series from Disney+ as part of a cost-saving exercise (presumably with other unpopular material being shoved aside as well)? Wow... :stunned:

It's amazing how many times we hear about Disney productions going waaaaaaaay over budget because of extensive reshoots and so much indecision (e.g. over the CGI - hence why so much CGI looks rushed in Disney productions - because it is rushed to meet the narrowing time frame in which to get it done, and with no extra payment to the artists toiling away on the ever-shifting sands they're working on, it seems).

Add in the hugely expensive advertising campaigns, and wtf? Then they claim their crap movie is getting crap reviews because of trolls and reviewing bombing ... so your mega multi-multi-multi-million dollar ad campaign has been undone by some randoms on the Internet? Doesn't seem value for money, if that's the case then! :lol:

Interesting with this film, too, on the China front. They're trying to claim racism is the reason it's doing badly (not that people just don't want to watch a 2+ hour CGI fest unnecessary 'live action' remake of a beloved cartoon classic), and yet in China the latest Fast & Furious movie is at #1 ... and er, oh yeah, the Fast movies have one of the most "diverse" casts in any modern franchise.

Speaking of, it's funny how Hollywood hasn't caught on to how/why the Fast franchise has implemented such a cast - none of the characters harp on about their skin colour, or put other people down on the basis of , it's not about berating the audience, it's not about shoving it into every piece of [I]advertising, or centering the ad campaign around "diversity" (*ahem* Rings of Power *ahem*) instead of, oh I don't know, why the movie is gonna entertain you and be a fun watch ... you know, how they used to advertise flicks. :lol:

01-Jun-2023, 04:55 PM
🎼 I don't know when 🎶
🎼 I don't know how 🎶
🎼 But I know something's starting right now 🎶
🎼 Watch and you'll see 🎶
🎼 Some day I'll be 🎶
🎼 Part of WOKE! world 🎶