View Full Version : Napoleon (2023) - Ridley Scott film

15-Jul-2023, 10:49 AM
I actually don't know that much about Napoleonic history, so this might be an educational watch :)


17-Jul-2023, 11:34 AM
Saw this the other day and found the trailer to be quite underwhelming. Also finding it hard to see Phoenix in the role as well.

I'll probably check it out at some stage, but Scott has been leaving me very cold with his output in the last 10 or so years. Although he has a proven eye for the period, as seen in 'The Duellists'. But I think his recent lacklustre offerings is mainly just down the fact that Scott's best years are behind him, just like a lot of directors that cut their teeth in the 70's.

17-Jul-2023, 12:26 PM
Yeh, agree Scott seems to hav e lost his mojo!

21-Jul-2023, 02:23 PM
I think it looks great. The trailer is awesome.

A colleague of mine has seen it. He said he didn't really know more about Napoleon coming out than he did going in. So I don't think it's going to be all that educational.