View Full Version : Zombie Novels?

31-Jul-2006, 06:22 AM
Lo people, was just after a bit of advice. Im currently based in Afghanistan and really want some good zombie books to read. Any suggestions? Or any site you can point me to? Cheers :)

31-Jul-2006, 06:32 AM
yo man nice to see another british guy on here, so heres a free downloadable pdf one that i loved called autumn


and i can also suggest looking up the ultimate zombie booklist on google and downloading 36 hours.
im so generous today:D

oh and look out for camel spiders :lol:

31-Jul-2006, 07:05 AM
Thanks man, much appreciated :)

31-Jul-2006, 07:31 AM
no prob, autumn is short but very good, 36 hours...not so mutch but pretty damn long theres also some in the format of journals, kinda like the documents you pick up in the resident evil games, one called rise or risen i think lasts for a few years and its very good, both of which are on the ultimate zombie booklist.

31-Jul-2006, 09:32 PM
It's not a zombie novel, but you could do a lot worse than Richard Matheson's
"I Am Legend", end of the world survival horror at it's best. I think i read somewhere that Romero aknowledged it as an influence on his movies.
Also, Robert Kirkman's ongoing comic series "The Walking Dead" is worth a look,
the graphic novels are up to volume five now and I really rate them. Hope this helps.
Take care over there, man.:)

31-Jul-2006, 10:21 PM
Hellsings right , Davids books are awesome!! A great take on the zombie plague...wonderful read, the original of the series "Autumn" was a wonderful read...first book in years that gave me the creeps while reading it. I have all of them in zipped form if you're interested, you just need MS reader to read them , it's a quick & free download.
let me know and I'll email them...

31-Jul-2006, 10:52 PM
len barnhart's reign of the dead & reign of the dead:apocolypse

a prequel is due out sometime this year

31-Jul-2006, 11:45 PM
If you can find it, I suggest the zombie anthology, Book of the Dead. Edited by Skipp and Spector. Short stories by Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, Robert McCammon, Douglas E. Winter and many others. It's out of print now, but I got a cheap copy on ebay.

Pushead Jim
01-Aug-2006, 04:59 AM
Good zombie stuff here! some of it told from the zombie perspective. does not stay true to the romero mythos but good none the less. if you like this one there are two more in the series. also check out 13 bullets by same author for a fresh perspective on a vampire story. I can not say enough about Daves stuff, it is all good. and it is FREE to read online.

the autumn series is also good. and two thumbs way up for walking dead.

01-Aug-2006, 10:53 AM
Hellsings right , Davids books are awesome!! A great take on the zombie plague...wonderful read, the original of the series "Autumn" was a wonderful read...first book in years that gave me the creeps while reading it. I have all of them in zipped form if you're interested, you just need MS reader to read them , it's a quick & free download.
let me know and I'll email them...

oh yeah, heh, moody let people download all the novels completely a while back to see if they wanted to buy it then suddenly must have realised sales were down or something and took it down.

and the 5th book disintergration is out soon.

hes also done a homage (ripoff) to 28 days later called hater which ive preordered allready. should get it in a few days and ill say if its good.
he should continue mark thane though his online book that was pretty cool.

teh walking dead comic is now avaiable in a hardback and ive been following since issue 17 and got all the back issue one cheap off ebay its really good too.

monster islands good but kinda makes me eyes go kinda buggy after looking at the screen to long, but wed all rather burn out our retinas for sommut free rather than save em by paying 7.99 :lol:

01-Aug-2006, 12:52 PM
I would also suggest Brian Keene's The Rising and its sequel City of the Dead.

01-Aug-2006, 01:28 PM
i think the risings really overrated myself its kinda borng and yet its allways regarded as one of the best.:rockbrow:

01-Aug-2006, 03:10 PM
Cheers for all the advice lads. I've read 'I am legend' and its one of my favourite books. Ive ordered Anthology of the Dead, Autumn (even tho its free) and The Rising. Gonna check out The Walking Dead now =] Oh and its not the camel spiders I need to watch out for - Its those fking Taliban :mad:
Ta for the help :)

01-Aug-2006, 10:29 PM
well apparently the experts believe bin laden is either dead or alive, might wanna spread the word :lol:

01-Aug-2006, 11:23 PM
Lo people, was just after a bit of advice. Im currently based in Afghanistan and really want some good zombie books to read. Any suggestions? Or any site you can point me to? Cheers :)

There are some stories on permuted press if you search this site it will get you to it....good reading! I believe it is here in the Dead Discussion!

01-Aug-2006, 11:51 PM
I recommend "The Rising" and "City of the Dead" both by Brian Keene. I also recommend the Reign of the Dead books. I am also looking forward to World War Z.

02-Aug-2006, 12:18 AM
as for comics AVOID ESCAPE OF THE LIVING DEAD LIKE THE PLAGUE!, its worse than a chav with scurvy.

02-Aug-2006, 02:47 PM
I just finished World War Z and I have to say that it is the best zombie novel I've read bar none. So, I highly recommend you pick it up once its released, or get it ow if you can find an ARC copy.

03-Aug-2006, 02:32 AM
Having never read the actual book Dawn of the Dead, what are some of the events in there that are either not in the movie or vastly different from the movie? Is it a good read?

I'd heard that the rednecks in the woods are elaborated on a little more, along with some other events.