View Full Version : Zombi: Dawn Of The Dead (Argento Cut) 35mm Scan Question

See No Evil
25-Nov-2023, 07:38 PM
Hi folks,

Looking for some help. I'm running a project where I crowdfund scans of 35mm theatrical prints. I recently got a scan of an original Italian print of the Argento cut of Dawn. The print cuts off as the helicopter flies off in to the distance at the end, with the gobin track playing. There's no end credits whatsoever.

All the DVDs, Blu-Rays & 4k releases since 2001, have new credits dated as 2001, so they would not be original. The Dutch Filmworks 2000 DVD has the end credits in a different font/format, matching the opening credits.

Does anyone know anything about this, or failing that does anyone have an Italian 80s VHS version they can check the end credits and report back what they see?


27-Nov-2023, 08:42 AM
I've had a rummage through my copies and no luck.