View Full Version : Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (Netflix film)

17-Dec-2023, 10:56 AM
20yrs too late? And no.3 was terrible!


17-Dec-2023, 12:15 PM
Well the trailer doesn't make it look as terrible as #3, at least - whether it'll actually be any good, well, time will tell ... but just on this initial trailer I'm up for it, but reserve the right to be thoroughly disappointed if it turns out shite, which is entirely possible as belated sequels are really difficult to pull off.

I mean, Coming 2 America was ... ... forgettable and kinda pointless, with some nice bits here or there, but yeah ... can't really remember anything at all about it, but the original, which I've also only seen the one time, that I can actually remember!

17-Dec-2023, 05:20 PM
3 was shockingly bad and 2 was more or less a re-run of 1 IIRC. But the original is one of the greatest 80's movies. I'll give this a go, but fear that it'll be just another busted flush like most other modern iterations of classic movies.

17-Dec-2023, 10:10 PM
Aye, the original two kicked bottom. The second movie was a turbo-charged version of the first, keeping all the best stuff of the original while snorting a shitload of booger sugar and delivering awesome action and high-speed comedy.

23-May-2024, 01:24 PM

'Member? - Yeah, I 'member!

Hopefully this'll be good memberberries, though. *fingers crossed* Looks like fun so far. :)

24-May-2024, 07:51 AM
I hope they make something good of this...

24-May-2024, 12:45 PM
I hope they make something good of this...

At the very least it needs to be better than #3. :lol: