View Full Version : How would things have went if Peter and Harry where in the house together?

10-May-2024, 01:47 AM
So switch Ben for Peter. Does Harry respect Peter more being an officer of the law? Does Peter pull the gun on Harry much earlier to frighten him ala Flyboy? Does Peter execute Harry quicker?

10-May-2024, 02:46 AM
It depends: if Peter is not armed, my guess is that Cooper would still be his good ol' a-holish stubborn self. But if Peter is packing... "OK, officer, what is it that you would like us to do? Board up the whole house? Sure, no problem, they don't call me Mr. COOPERation for nothing!"

10-May-2024, 12:06 PM
Peter is a little bit more physically intimidating than Ben, just from physical size/presence, I think - so perhaps Cooper would've been a bit more reticent to mouth off quite so readily. I think Peter would've shut down Cooper's shit much quicker ... and I kinda hope that Peter would've also said "hey, let's block the staircase, climb into the attic space, pop a hole in the roof and wait for rescue in safety!"