View Full Version : What kind of freak is Mel Gibson

31-Jul-2006, 06:23 PM
I was willing to continue seeing his flicks after Passion of the Christ, but he's lost me for good now. As$hole.

31-Jul-2006, 06:25 PM
I was willing to continue seeing his flicks after Passion of the Christ, but he's lost me for good now. As$hole.
Stop listening to the media until the "situation" has been proven and rectified. So far, the only person REALLY bitching is some Jewish Paparrazzi dude. I don't like ole Gibson, but,.......who drinks and acts sane? Not me, not you, not anyone......just because he is Hollywood does NOT mean he is perfect. If we were to say "f*ck you!" to all the celebs that did this or that, most of us would be watching Hack Flicks made by a bunch of perfect robots. (this will never be)
Don't let the media dictate who is acceptable in the art/acting world.
Damn, I could name a buttload of people that have said/done much worse and are considered geniuses.

31-Jul-2006, 06:31 PM
Adreno has a great point.

Besides.....how can you not like Riggs/Max?:D

31-Jul-2006, 08:03 PM
I was willing to continue seeing his flicks after Passion of the Christ, but he's lost me for good now. As$hole.

I do not see what the big deal is. We all say and do things we do not mean when we are drunk. The incident just proves he is human like the rest of us. We all make mistakes. it is just worse for celebs for they are in the public eye.

31-Jul-2006, 08:04 PM
well, his apology makes it look like he might have said some REALLY wild crap...

I still don't know what you guys are talking about.:confused:

I know it's about Gibson....but from there, I don't know...

31-Jul-2006, 08:05 PM
well, his apology makes it look like he might have said some REALLY wild crap...
again,.....who, while drunk, hasn't said some pretty wild crap? People need to stop taking what the media says as "gospel" - - Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I've said some things while drunk and can't remember..... for f*cks sake, alot of it has been said here ...and none of this "one speaks the truth while drunk" crap!!!......f*ck the news media!!!!!:mad: Hell, if it was Peter Jackoff, I'd be defending him too. I'm sick and tired of the Media being in control of manipulating the way society thinks. (for the most part)
One day, I'd love to be famous just so I can stand there on TV and sh*t my pants, giggling like a madmad screaming, "Eat it Bitch!!!!!!" (I'd also want to be singing, quite loudly, "If I were a master-bater, please, a f*ck-face be me, please! - If I were a master-bater, please, your mother I would tease!" --- bitches,....I abhor the news media!)

**chomps a shroom / barricades the room / and giggles till he pees***

31-Jul-2006, 08:28 PM
that Mr. Gibson and his Father are probably anti semetic.

His Father is notorious for his writings that the Holocaust never happened.

Mel Gibson himself has apologized for what he said and admitted he was wrong.

Being drunk is no excuse for bad behaviour. Alchohol loosens inhibitions and usually what we say has a grain of truth to it.

Here on Long Island we are dealing with a 43 year old mother of three who ran over a retired Catholic priest out for a walk. Her blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit 2 hours after the accident. She is pleading not guilty to man slaughter (it may be upgraded to murder) because she says she called a alcohol treatment program three days before she got drunk and they had not admitted her yet. She just "graduated" from a rehab program six months earlier!!!

I am not anti alcohol. I drink and love a good martini. I have sometimes over indulged but what I hate is when people do not take responsibilty for their actions. You drink, you do something stupid....you admit it and pay the price.

Adrenochrome, we usually see things alike but we are far apart on this one!!!


31-Jul-2006, 08:39 PM
Adrenochrome, we usually see things alike but we are far apart on this one!!!

Not really....
you said "I have sometimes over indulged but what I hate is when people do not take responsibilty for their actions.
Well, Mr. Gibson did just that. He said a load of sh*t and then apologized.
If he said what he said and meant it, F*CK him!
If he said it while drunk, F*CK him, then, too.
There have been times I've had a little too much grape and called my girlfriend a nigger.....big whoop!!!
There have been times my girlfriend has had too much tequila and called me a "Honkey F*ckface Mutha F*ckin B*tch ass, Oh man, I'm gonna f*ck you up!!" --- Again, big whoop.
Alcohol doesn't bring out the "truth", it stretches a lie or just makes you mad.
We all say things we don't mean; whether it's under the influence of alcohol, drugs, anger or sobriety. It's how we feel when we're "sane" that matters.

I know I come off as an asshole here sometimes....but, I'm not an asshole in real life (and, to be honest, I don't think I'm an asshole here,....I think I'm Tom....um..er...Adrenochrome). I am more angry at the media than I am at ANYTHING that some celeb has to say.


31-Jul-2006, 08:39 PM
Police Report (original) Supposedly. Very Hard to read... try printing it.


31-Jul-2006, 08:54 PM
Police Report (original) Supposedly. Very Hard to read... try printing it.

ya know.....most of us have had "run ins" with the law.....let's all post our stories....

I have plenty.....none of them are evil or murderous, but, if I were a BIG star, they'd be scandalous...(and in one situation, the cop called me a "fag")...who wants to be the first? (I'll go if no-one else wants to start......typing after I post this)

when I was 20 years old I was arrested for "public drunkeness" and destroying a phonebooth.
Well, I was drunk.
I didn't destroy a phonebooth, I p*ssed on it.
The cop asked me "How long you been a fag, mother f*cker?" (I was not a fag and I never f*cked my mother)
What if I'd been Brad Pitt ****ing on a phone boothe?
My Dad was a cop for 30 years and would brag about making up police reports....they all do that.
If Gibson said what he said, it was out of stupid, drunken anger. But, there is always the chance of the cop making sh*t up.

31-Jul-2006, 09:43 PM
As I've already posted elsewhere....I recently got arrested for "Manufacturing Marijuana". I'm still confused as to why the dumbasses call it "Manufacturing".:confused:

Well, anyway.....two small plants(less that 12 inches - these were for personal use only, mind you) confiscated later and I have a felony, 10 grand bond, drug tests every week, and a court date to look forward to in 2 months. Plus much, much more to come.:|

If I was famous....it would already be over with. Four days later....

Im glad they caught me because me and my small plants were a problem to society. Maybe I should be like the rapists and murderers down the road so I can not have to worry about cops. Because after all....why would they do anything or arrest anyone that actually matters?:shifty:

01-Aug-2006, 04:07 AM
Like others have said, drunks say crazy sheet. Can't expect Proust from them. But Mel will have to say some REALLY crazy sheets for me to ditch The Road Warrior from my collection.

So far, the only person REALLY bitching is some Jewish Paparrazzi dude.

I'm not sure but isn't that dude the street announcer guy from The People's Court?

01-Aug-2006, 12:35 PM
I don't care if Mel Gibson is a drunk or not. I don't even care that he was scheduled to film a production about the damned holocaust. What I care about is that this idiot is capable of bringing legitimacy to hating people because they're Jewish. I also care that this freak threatened a cop, got belligerent and started by baiting the cop (who, knowing this was a high profile situation, was apparently pretty intimidated) by swearing about Jews, threatening Jews and then asking if the cop was a Jew. I'm Jewish and I'll meet Mr. Gibson anywhere he names.

I'm getting mighty sick hearing crap like this. Its worse than antiSemitic, its downright dangerous.

Its not just Gibson. I've heard a lot of people bitching and moaning about Israel and the recent airwar. I keep hearing innocuous comments like, "Israel doesn't have the right. How can they launch a war? Kill innocents?"

Since 9/11/01, over 9,000 Israelis have died at the hands of terrorists. How fast would the US react if 1 person was killed because someone launched a rocket across the Mexican or Canadian border? Let alone if those governments condoned the behavior and paid for the rockets? This isn't an occassional thing. It happened everyday in Israel from multiple borders. I've been to Israel, I've met people near the border who tell stories about being out with friends when a rocket out of nowhere blows up a car or explodes a house.

I have misgivings about our war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I believe that when it started, we believed there were weapons of mass destruction. In the time since, there's been little proof (some, but not much) of them but I think we went in with the right intentions. But why we stay is confusing me.

Israel's fighting the war on the terror that we should be fighting. They're the ones going into the houses and neighborhoods where the terrorists launch strikes while hiding behind civilians. These are the very neighborhoods that Israel gave back (after winning them in a war that started with an unprovoked attack) and the current wave of antisemitic, antizionistic sentiment is being misread by the media.

Screw Mel Gibson. Twenty years from now, people will know the moment that his career pretty much ended. His apology for his behavior did not include an apology for his antisemetic remarks at all. Max has, indeed, gone mad. And he's ****ed me off in the process.

01-Aug-2006, 01:52 PM
I was willing to continue seeing his flicks after Passion of the Christ, but he's lost me for good now. As$hole.

to each his own, but Mel is becoming as wierd of a d*ck as his Nazi apologist father.
I could give a crap less about his religion or even his inflamatory "Passion of the Christ"-- he is just an fn d*mb*ss much like in the vein of Tom Cruise and Travolta-- except with a "Jesus" slant....

Oh well-- I gues I saw his downfall when I watched the craptacular "Beyond Thunderdome"...


Like him or hate him, he seems to be a fading, washed up, d*mb f*ck...


general tbag
01-Aug-2006, 02:23 PM
well imho you havent lived until you get drunk and act like a dumbass, it a part of life.

big deal it was mel gibson, and big deal he was drunk and said whatever. drunkards do that.when was the last time society really took a drunkards word when intoxicated.

even the arresting offer said they should lay off.

mel gibson will survive, it not like he just cant retire right now, considering he bank rolled the pssion of christ with his own money .

01-Aug-2006, 05:41 PM
**chomps a shroom**

You got some shrooms?????:p :p Do share!!

I agree, the media manipulates the minds of many! My wife and I have a disagreement frequently where my position is that the people do not decide what is popular music/movies and that it is the media brainwashing people into believing the music is good.

think about it, turn the radio on and immediately start listening to what YOU want to hear. You can't!! (I mean the RADIO, not CD's) You will listen to what THEY want you to listen to! simple as that!!!!!!!

The public DOES NOT have any say over what music is popular, THEY tell YOU what to listen to and most people just go around thinking, oh that's great music, when most of the CRAPola coming out today SUCKS!!!!

that's why my presets on my radio are all set to the frequency og my mp3 player and all I listen to are CD;s and my mp3 player!


01-Aug-2006, 05:44 PM
I was willing to continue seeing his flicks after Passion of the Christ, but he's lost me for good now. As$hole.

PFFT yeah that $8 bucks you might have spend on Apoclyptico is really going to kill him. yep.

shut up, and stop believing everything the TV tells you.

With a BAL of 1.1 you'd be talking a mouth full of smack as well.

well imho you havent lived until you get drunk and act like a dumbass, it a part of life.

Exactly, it also enables us to catch fine shows like COPS.