View Full Version : MPAA Helps parents of Lying Kids

31-Jul-2006, 08:58 PM

Talks about Romero's "Day of the Dead"

31-Jul-2006, 09:46 PM
Like this will make a flying f*ck of a difference.

Let the kids see the stuff.....I did at an early age and I'm not out harming anyone. I'm sure most of you are in the same boat...

31-Jul-2006, 10:22 PM
Now doesn't that just take all the fun out of it? lol.

I started watching horror movies when I was 9 years old and I'm fine, not once have I been in a fight and I've only hit someone once, and it wasn't even a proper hit, it was more like when you thump your desk in frustration, only the desk was my housemate's back when he was lining up a shot on the pool table in the local pub, ha! (He shouldn't have joked about my heritage!)

But yeah, horror movies won't f*ck you up unless you're the sort of person who is so mentally instable that even getting farted at downwind would turn you into a serial mentalist. :lol:

01-Aug-2006, 11:28 AM
i watched the shining when i was ****ing 4 or something!, i play gta all the time love games that open with "contain scenes of explicit violence and gore.

while this from an early age obviously had an affect on me copared to my brother who was born only 18 months after me it wasnt negative.

i love horror, i love to have the **** scared outta me. i also love comedy, bill bailey rules, i was a creepy kid that talked about ghosts and **** loved halloween more than christmas and told my primary school teacher i wanted to grow up to be a ghost hunter:) i like bands like HIM and cradle of filth, use way too mutch fake blood in my own movies and loved to play scary pranks on people when i was younger.

now heres the "effects of said life style of being raised on horror from a young age":

i dont use the f word more than 3 times a month in conversation because i never seem to feel the need.
i dont smoke.
i dont drink.
i dont vandalise.
i wasnt a bully at school, i threw the bullys off my freinds and stuck up for them.
i work hard at college.
if i had a job id work hard :D
i dont stay out for late nights at clubs ,though i do hang out with frineds till like 6 in the morning but we aint doing anythingother than makeing arguments that wouldnt seem out of place in a kevin smith film.

so yeah all this horrror and gore from a young age has made me into a really bad kid:rolleyes:

these guys are probably the kind of people who say manhunt makes people kill and childs play has mind controll effects and other sutch ****.

now lets focus on my brother ,born 18 months after me and never seen a horror film in his life:

he is selfish, violent ,he steals from my moms purse, drinks, i think he smokes in secret, bullys kids at school, gets violent with his computer games when he is losing doesnt want to do anything whn he grows up and has left school to work in a shoe store.

he prefers in his music 50 cent, will smith , and other such rap, and watches films like kill bill, interview with a vampire and never, NEVER misses any of the soap operas when there on.

though i know he has a rasmus cd hidden in his room :)

see i really do balem it on that rap music :lol:

see?, its the lack of seeing horrific stuff at a young age that makes people seek to cause harm later in life cus they dont know that "its bad"

and as for the assholes on the link

so how can i put this eloquntly?.....


01-Aug-2006, 11:39 AM
"Sadly, we may be entering an era wherein prepubescent boys will be kept from crying themselves to sleep at the memory of poor Captain Rhodes, snarling "Choke on 'em!" as his entrails are devoured by zombies."

Me? I know I wasn't a prepubescent boy, but I giggled...:D "Choke on 'em" indeed...probably more like taking two asprin....


01-Aug-2006, 01:59 PM
It's just a simple fact, kids need to be scared witless now and then. I know I certainly had a good few jolts when I was a kid, but it's something that kids need to experience and horror movies are an ideal way to do that. Fear is a completely valid emotion/experience - just like happiness or sadness - and yet you don't have people saying "these kids are too happy/sad, cut off their fun/crying", it's so lame.

01-Aug-2006, 02:03 PM
Yay lazy parenting enabled!

this is such utter bull****.

01-Aug-2006, 11:35 PM
I see a lot of people today preaching parenting is better than ever, yet I don't see it one iota. If parenting today is so great then why are more kids getting arrested, using drugs, and dropping out of school?

What p*sses me off is groups like the MPAA want to step in and assume parenting. Who the f*ck do they think they are? Who in this great world decided the gov't or organizations like the RIAA, and MPAA should be parents, or play big brother? I am sick and tired of the invasion, but I am also tired of these people with kids who blame media and entertainment for the little pricks they have unleashed on society.

Instead of worrying about what curtains will go with your $1900 sofa why don't you go up to your kids room and ask them how they did in school, or how things are going... instead you tell your kids you're too busy, or you have your own problems. If you didn't want to be a parent you should have taken birth control or wore a condom.... at worst pulled out.

STOP BLAMING EVERYONE FOR YOUR SH*TTY PARENTING SKILLS! The MPAA needs to stay the hell out of peoples lives and parents need to start parenting... PERIOD!