View Full Version : Time to Watch Ghostbusters...

01-Aug-2006, 12:01 AM
As an Avid fan of this piece of comedic fired gold, and having seen it over 30 times during it's theatrical run, I decided the one film that must be shown on my recently purchased 50" TV has to be Ghostbusters.

So in honor of a great comedy, and cinema in general I suggest you all break out your GB DVD's and sit back and enjoy the paranormal ride of your lives. :D

01-Aug-2006, 11:11 AM
30 times in the cinema ,damn the most ive seen is the lord of the rings 11 times, my brother saw it 27.

01-Aug-2006, 12:13 PM

Greatest comedy EVER.

I watch it AT LEAST once every two weeks. Yeah....I'm a freak.

I've loved this film for as long as I can remember. I've got 4 posters, the book "Making Ghostbusters"(for a film maker like yourself....I highly recommend this, DJ), 6 shirts, plus much more. Hell, I like it so much that I'm making a proton pack and suit for my halloween costume.:p

Sounds like a great one to pop your tv's cherry, DJ. You know....I'm gonna take back some of the things I said about you. *pulls out Crunch bar* You...you've earned it.


I can quote this entire movie, I swear. I try to use a quote from it in everyday life, once a day.:lol:

01-Aug-2006, 12:38 PM
30 times in the cinema ,damn the most ive seen is the lord of the rings 11 times, my brother saw it 27.

Jesus christ! 27?!?! Have you any idea how much money that is?! At the average cinema around me that would amount to spending $256.50!

01-Aug-2006, 12:43 PM
tell me about it, three times i saw it was because the film i was watching burnt out and i got to see this for free instead.

the worst of that was when i saw episode one, and like any star wars fan i hated it, then whent to see austin powers 2, 7 times abefore the film didnt burn out and get replaced by the phantom menace... grrr......:mad:

01-Aug-2006, 12:54 PM
Jesus christ! 27?!?! Have you any idea how much money that is?! At the average cinema around me that would amount to spending $256.50!

I probably would've surpassed 27 times with "Ghostbusters" if I had been older in 1984.:D

I think I saw "Ghostbusters II" about 7 times in theater. Although a good and funny flick....it doesn't really hold a candle to the original. They kinda made the sequel a bit more kid friendly after the success of "The REAL Ghostbusters".

01-Aug-2006, 02:20 PM
Ghostbusters is indeed legendary. I watched both back a couple of months ago (having watched them back with my sister over Xmas) and they're still fantastic movies, everything is right about them, they've just got so much heart and soul. I doubt there'll be many current movies which will be able to hold up for as long!

Ghostbusters (1 and 2) were two of my favourite childhood movies, I had a certain group of films that I'd watch over and over and over, including:

*Batteries Not Included
Short Circuit (1 and 2)
The Money Pit (Tom Hanks version)

Ahhh...those were the days. I got both Short Circuits on DVD (for really, really cheap too) and watched them back with one of my housemates (who also was a major SC fan when he was a kid) and I was shocked to find out I still knew the movie like the back of my hand. I was saying the lines of dialogue and knew where every music/sound effect cue came and went - like the movie itself is an orchestra I know so well.


01-Aug-2006, 02:24 PM
Ghostbusters II was the very first movie I ever saw in theatres. I was 4 years old. I can still remember walking up to a big building with my Mom and asking why we were there and what it was... she simply pointed to a Ghostbusters II poster. I remember looking up at the screen (what seemed like it was 50 stories tall) and thinking the actors were behind the screen somehow being magnified so everyone could see them. Man, I was an idiot.

01-Aug-2006, 02:35 PM
As an Avid fan of this piece of comedic fired gold, and having seen it over 30 times during it's theatrical run, I decided the one film that must be shown on my recently purchased 50" TV has to be Ghostbusters.

So in honor of a great comedy, and cinema in general I suggest you all break out your GB DVD's and sit back and enjoy the paranormal ride of your lives. :D

Amen! :D

Just watched both of them last night. Those flicks are awesome.

"We came! We saw! We kicked it's ass!" Vienkman is the best...

01-Aug-2006, 04:44 PM
Jesus christ! 27?!?!

"In a row?"

(I know, shameless use of a Clerks quote... couldn't help it. :D)

01-Aug-2006, 05:50 PM
Venkman was my favourite, and The Real Ghostbusters was friggin' excellent, I had three (or was it four?) Venkman action figures (one of each for the others, lol - including Jenine!). Murry is a legend.

A fun fact I always like to trot out - Bill Murray played Peter Venkman in the films. Lorenzo music voiced Peter Venkman in The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Lorenzo also voiced Garfield in the Garfield & Friends cartoon. Bill Murray then voiced Garfield in the live action/CGI film version. *raises eyebrow, smiles and go's "nyaaahhhhh"* :D

01-Aug-2006, 05:53 PM
A fun fact I always like to trot out - Bill Murray played Peter Venkman in the films. Lorenzo music voiced Peter Venkman in The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Lorenzo also voiced Garfield in the Garfield & Friends cartoon. Bill Murray then voiced Garfield in the live action/CGI film version. *raises eyebrow, smiles and go's "nyaaahhhhh"* :D


I was going to say that earlier on, but decided not to reveal my jedi like "six degrees of kevin bacon"-fu.

goddammit i'm sad. :confused:

01-Aug-2006, 05:58 PM

You are such the geeky dork too though, great nerdy minds think alike, chap. :cool:

01-Aug-2006, 06:06 PM
Bad news... I have to re-watch the film today. Last friday during shooting of EATING HABITS (see Film Discussion for Teaser) I landed myself in the hospital because I had some kind of attack (Not heart, but doctors said it might of been anxiety, but could not confirm it.) anyway, My regular doc put me on XANAX... I never had this stuff before so I took the meds and popped in the movie, I passed out when they arrived at the hotel to capture Slimer. That was 8:40 or so last night and I just woke up 20 minutes ago. (I Like this stuff :D)

So, I am getting geared up to watch it again, once I get back from having my blood tests and Heart Ultra Sound. Hopefully, this time I can stay up long enough to finish it. I need to get GB2, I don't have it on DVD. :(

01-Aug-2006, 07:38 PM
A fun fact I always like to trot out - Bill Murray played Peter Venkman in the films. Lorenzo music voiced Peter Venkman in The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Lorenzo also voiced Garfield in the Garfield & Friends cartoon. Bill Murray then voiced Garfield in the live action/CGI film version. *raises eyebrow, smiles and go's "nyaaahhhhh"* :D

I stated this in another thread a while back. What does that make me?:( :p
Nah....I'm okay with my Ghostbusters geekdom. I think I can safely say that I know everything about the franchise that a fan can possibly know. And Im proud of it....

So, I am getting geared up to watch it again, once I get back from having my blood tests and Heart Ultra Sound. Hopefully, this time I can stay up long enough to finish it. I need to get GB2, I don't have it on DVD.

Don't expect any special features.:rolleyes: Sony refuses to release that film with special features for some reason. And believe me.....there are plenty that can go on there.....I've got em downloaded(about 3 featurrettes, 3 music videos, storyboards, and even some deleted scenes). The only thing on the GBII DVD(the new ones with the green slime on the cover) are two episodes of "The Real Ghostbusters". And they're not even the episodes that follow up after the first movie.....go figure.

I never bought the new GB DVDs because they're basically the same as the original releases only with different covers. You've got to love their marketing strategies.:mad:

01-Aug-2006, 11:04 PM
I have the original DVD release. It sits on my top 50 DVD's shelf within the ranks of GOODFELLA's, GODFATHER, SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, DAWN of the DEAD (78), and 45 other of my favorite films.

GB2 would never make that shelf, but I still consider it a good movie.