View Full Version : the almost war between michigan and ohio

02-Aug-2006, 05:20 PM
over toledo of all places. michigan gave up its claim in exchange for statehood AND the upper penninsula. you tell me who got the better deal.


02-Aug-2006, 05:51 PM
that's awesome.

but i'll see your ohio-ian skirmish and raise you a war in Athens

ATHENS, Tenn. - Harold Powers was only 20 when he watched a frightening sight unfold here 60 years ago: Battle-hardened World War II veterans in a shootout with armed sheriff's deputies.

The so-called Battle of Athens began Aug. 1, 1946, when veterans opened fire on the local jail to stop corrupt local officials from stealing an election.

The rest is at the link.

03-Aug-2006, 02:15 PM
that's awesome.

but i'll see your ohio-ian skirmish and raise you a war in Athens

ATHENS, Tenn. - Harold Powers was only 20 when he watched a frightening sight unfold here 60 years ago: Battle-hardened World War II veterans in a shootout with armed sheriff's deputies.

The so-called Battle of Athens began Aug. 1, 1946, when veterans opened fire on the local jail to stop corrupt local officials from stealing an election.

The rest is at the link.

That would be a hell of a movie.
Thanks for both links. good stuff/

Here's one about the bonus army that it interesting