View Full Version : Dead 04 subtext?

03-Aug-2006, 12:39 AM
Ok. this may sound like something from the tin foil beannie brigade but did anyone else detect a political subtext in the opening title sequence of "Dawn 04"? Remember the sequence starts with Muslims at prayer as the awesome Johnny Cash song "The Man Comes Around" kicks off?
Then we get rapid cuts of general mayhem and civil unrest building towards attacks on the Whitehouse and culminating in a western News reporter and U.N
soldier being over run in what appears to be that ancient gateway to the west Istanbul.
BTW, hope this hasn't been covered already. IMHO, this was one of the best bits in the whole goddamn film!

03-Aug-2006, 01:09 AM
Ok. this may sound like something from the tin foil beannie brigade but did anyone else detect a political subtext in the opening title sequence of "Dawn 04"? Remember the sequence starts with Muslims at prayer as the awesome Johnny Cash song "The Man Comes Around" kicks off?
Then we get rapid cuts of general mayhem and civil unrest building towards attacks on the Whitehouse and culminating in a western News reporter and U.N
soldier being over run in what appears to be that ancient gateway to the west Istanbul.
BTW, hope this hasn't been covered already. IMHO, this was one of the best bits in the whole goddamn film!
It may have been covered.......but opinions are always welcome!!!
I thought this too,....at first.....but then realized that there are companies out there that make "opening credits" and it's not up to the director or writer what we see first. (in most cases) Some yee-haaa film student reject got that project without seeing the film, IMHO. the best thing about it was the Cash song.

03-Aug-2006, 01:34 AM
It may have been covered.......but opinions are always welcome!!!
I thought this too,....at first.....but then realized that there are companies out there that make "opening credits" and it's not up to the director or writer what we see first. (in most cases) Some yee-haaa film student reject got that project without seeing the film, IMHO. the best thing about it was the Cash song.
Maybe....but I don't buy this as Zack Snyder has a cameo roll in his own credits. You're Right 'bout the Cash song though:skull: . I really hope i'm right about this though, becuase right or wrong, Snyder had some big shoes to fill remaking such a cutting slice of social observation and whatever the motivation I'd like to think that some kind of point was being made wether I agreed with that particular P.O.V or not.
Now don't for one minute think that I'm saying that all films should be tub-thumping sermons, no way. This just struck me as someone with a message to sell, albeit a heavy handed one.

03-Aug-2006, 02:01 AM
Maybe....but I don't buy this as Zack Snyder has a cameo roll in his own credits.
I wish he had been holding a sign that read, "If You're Looking Too See a GOOD Movie, Walk Out Of The Theater Now, I'M A HACK AND HAVE NO VISION OF MY OWN.....P.S. DON'T BUY THE DVD!!!"
Then, I would have been impressed.

03-Aug-2006, 09:34 AM
I wish he had been holding a sign that read, "If You're Looking Too See a GOOD Movie, Walk Out Of The Theater Now, I'M A HACK AND HAVE NO VISION OF MY OWN.....P.S. DON'T BUY THE DVD!!!"
Then, I would have been impressed.
ROTF!:D Good point.

03-Aug-2006, 03:53 PM
I really dug the credits sequence. I don't think there was anything especially political about it, it just showed the break down of order without having to stage any elaborate scenes. Just guys in suits and some stock footage, as I recall. I may be wrong.

03-Aug-2006, 04:34 PM
Ok. this may sound like something from the tin foil beannie brigade but did anyone else detect a political subtext in the opening title sequence of "Dawn 04"? Remember the sequence starts with Muslims at prayer as the awesome Johnny Cash song "The Man Comes Around" kicks off?
Then we get rapid cuts of general mayhem and civil unrest building towards attacks on the Whitehouse and culminating in a western News reporter and U.N
soldier being over run in what appears to be that ancient gateway to the west Istanbul.
BTW, hope this hasn't been covered already. IMHO, this was one of the best bits in the whole goddamn film!

I wish the whole thing would have kept up the first 20 minutes--

BTW I like runners and shamblers...
