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03-Aug-2006, 02:19 AM
How many of you are sick and tired of the argument "Shamblers VS Runners"????
Zombies are zombies!!!!

03-Aug-2006, 02:27 AM
I'd prefer shufflers but I'll take what I get. As fast as some of those zombies moved in Dawn 04, if some of those people had moved that fast when they were alive then would they ever have been bitten in the first place?

03-Aug-2006, 03:40 AM
How many of you are sick and tired of the argument "Shamblers VS Runners"????
Zombies are zombies!!!!

I am sick of the same people arguing about it, but like it or not the forum is for new people as well as old timers. People are going to continually be asking the question.

03-Aug-2006, 03:49 AM
there's several topics that keep getting regurgitated

this just happens to be one of them

general tbag
03-Aug-2006, 03:51 AM
all it really did was speed up the rate of infection. i prefert he slow movers myself it much more realistic. maybe in the new day remake they will be doing hurdles to.

03-Aug-2006, 03:59 AM
there's several topics that keep getting regurgitated

this just happens to be one of them
This is true. My take is this..like as has been already said, this forum is for newcomers as well as old-timers. A new member of this forum may have never had the opportunity to discuss certain topics which are old hat to the rest of us. This does not make them ignornant, just curious. I suggest that we either ignore these types of threads, or add valuable insight that we as GAR experts have. Criticizing, or making too many smart ass comments (I mean, some smart ass comments just have to be made after all) does no one any good, and may discourage a newcomer to not come back to the forums.

As far as the shambler/runner argument, runners as not part of the GAR universe, and any discussion about this is just a matter of preference. Many newcomers do not even know the difference between GAR and others, so the more education newcomers get, the less repetitive topics will occur.

Guru ofthe Dead
03-Aug-2006, 05:10 AM
I agree with Philly and Kaos on this subject. Newcomers will be in all of the time and will post threads that some of us have alread hashed out. I personally did that with the Gorillaz. I did not have a clue that it had being discussed. Of coarse I have'nt been a forum member for very long. I have visited the site for a couple of years now. Look in the past in the guestbook and I have posted comments their. Plus we all know shamblers are the best. Also new ideas on the content must be explored even if it gets under the hardcore GAR fan like myself.

03-Aug-2006, 05:19 AM
This is true. My take is this..like as has been already said, this forum is for newcomers as well as old-timers. A new member of this forum may have never had the opportunity to discuss certain topics which are old hat to the rest of us. This does not make them ignornant, just curious. I suggest that we either ignore these types of threads, or add valuable insight that we as GAR experts have. Criticizing, or making too many smart ass comments (I mean, some smart ass comments just have to be made after all) does no one any good, and may discourage a newcomer to not come back to the forums.

As far as the shambler/runner argument, runners as not part of the GAR universe, and any discussion about this is just a matter of preference. Many newcomers do not even know the difference between GAR and others, so the more education newcomers get, the less repetitive topics will occur.

I answered with my opinion because I am one of those new members who had never seen the topic before. I'm still getting used to this place so, for right now, I plan on replying only to the stuff that can be found on the first page or two of each forum.

I don't think it is such a bad idea to rehash a topic from time to time. I don't know how often this one has come up in the past two years but people can change their mind. I hated Day of the Dead when I first saw it, since I watched Dawn and Day for the very first time one right after the other. Watching those two back to back gave me a feeling of disappointment at the time. It took me several viewings, and months, to really appreciate Day.

If you drastically change your mind about something, or even change it a little, it is kind of pointless to go back and try to edit a post that you wrote several months ago. Who is ever going to read it again, especially if the thread was a few pages deep and your reply was in the middle somewhere? You'd either have to do an all new reply to the original topic saying your perspective has changed or create/reply to a new thread.

For the record, I always use the search feature before posting new topics in any forum. I'm just looking at it from the point of view of someone who rehashes an old topic.

03-Aug-2006, 08:05 AM
some of the best arguments are old ones. and somtimes we get to re-argue points that can also be fun.

03-Aug-2006, 11:59 AM
There is no argument. Regardless of what a few mindless people say......runners are just ridiculous. Not because they run and "they're dead" and all that....but because it takes away the entire suspense and horror aspect of it.

03-Aug-2006, 12:13 PM
but in a world where the dead come alive why would it be less or more likly that they are runners or shufflers or a mix of the 2.
And anyway I love the scene where the large women dies and then gets up and chases Ana in the dawn 04 remake.

03-Aug-2006, 02:36 PM
There dead.
There all messed up.
Running is a cover for lack of ability to create suspense

Nut what I am sick of is
"brain eating zombies"
They eat guts. and eyes. and fingers and brains.

03-Aug-2006, 02:40 PM
Running is a cover for lack of ability to create suspense.

My thoughts exactly.

03-Aug-2006, 04:47 PM
How many of you are sick and tired of the argument "Shamblers VS Runners"????
Zombies are zombies!!!!

Well Tom, you know I prefer the shamblers, but without arguements like that, what the hell else would we talk about 'round here?:confused: :confused:

03-Aug-2006, 04:49 PM
Well Tom, you know I prefer the shamblers, but without arguements like that, what the hell else would we talk about 'round here?:confused: :confused:
Ya, I was a little bored when I made the first post.....just curious as to what the reaction would be.:D

03-Aug-2006, 06:21 PM
but I do prefer "shamblers" :p

In my own humble opinion I thought that the runners, although exciting, helped kill the mood of the film which should have been about the human interaction of the survivors.

The new film with the runners concentrated too much on action and was definately an action film not a horror movie to me.

03-Aug-2006, 09:58 PM
all it really did was speed up the rate of infection. i prefert he slow movers myself it much more realistic. maybe in the new day remake they will be doing hurdles to.

Didn't you hear? They fly in the Day remake. :D

03-Aug-2006, 11:40 PM
Didn't you hear? They fly in the Day remake. :D

Thank GOD!

Im definately gonna see it now!

04-Aug-2006, 09:50 AM
but I do prefer "shamblers" :p

The new film with the runners concentrated too much on action and was definately an action film not a horror movie to me.

Exactly I think the movie would have been better if it was not tied so closely with GARs version as in a movie of its own an action horror as opposed to a suspenseful horror as GARs version was.

Didn't you hear? They fly in the Day remake. :D

LOL superman turned Zombie I think I have read some fan fiction based on that

04-Aug-2006, 05:54 PM
There dead.
There all messed up.
Running is a cover for lack of ability to create suspense

Nut what I am sick of is
"brain eating zombies"
They eat guts. and eyes. and fingers and brains.

I agree with you too...afterall if a movie is gonna be gorey why stop at the brains...besides how in the world would they (zombie) bite right in to the brain anyway??? Plus its more scarey to eat all of the body.... here's a thought, if they were gonna eat just the brains everyone could wear football helmets and be around them ,and you be would be able to kill them at your leisure or make sport of them like in "Shaun" at the end of the movie ! lol...just a thought!!!

25-Feb-2008, 01:14 AM
Zombies may be zombies, but they are shamblers, simply because they are animated corpses. duh. fast zombies? why not flying pigs or radioactive roaches?

25-Feb-2008, 01:31 AM
People can run, so I have no problems with zombies running.

And I'd prefer to be surrounded by GAR's shamblers than Shnieders swift mofo's I can tell you that much!

25-Feb-2008, 01:37 AM
People can run, so I have no problems with zombies running.

And I'd prefer to be surrounded by GAR's shamblers than Shnieders swift mofo's I can tell you that much! Agreed.....the film that really messed up with zeds was Day 08.

25-Feb-2008, 02:50 AM
People can run, so I have no problems with zombies running.

And I'd prefer to be surrounded by GAR's shamblers than Shnieders swift mofo's I can tell you that much!

Right, humans run but the dead are dead. The body stiffens after death.

My last comment ever concerning this area is that runners are complete ****ing bull ****!

25-Feb-2008, 08:05 AM
While my love of course started with shamblers. I do have a special place in my heart for runners though, mainly due to the fact a shambler can't really seem as ferocious and as animalistic as a runner due to it's lack of speed and urgency, sure it wants to eat flash, but it's ferocity is not really seen until it's ripping someone apart.

This debate I'm sure will go on for many years, it's good to see a lot of people accepting both types though, even if they prefer one from the other.

25-Feb-2008, 12:03 PM
Right, humans run but the dead are dead. The body stiffens after death.

Sure man whatever you want....,but if we bring logic into this they shoulded even be walking in the first place.:confused:

25-Feb-2008, 12:27 PM
i will say that i prefer the shambling romero type. guess i just like to kick it old school when it comes to zombies.

nice piece of thread necromancy by the way.