View Full Version : I am now Federal Property

03-Aug-2006, 03:50 AM
Damage at your own risk.

Man, I just got back from MEPS in Chicago (Military Entrance Processing Station). If anyone has ever been through MEPS you know the boring hell it can be.

my Pre Meps experience was hell to!

The ASVAB(Armed Services Vocational Apptitude Battery) well I took my first time, and the guy grading it gave me a 6 (a horribly bad score, like the basic level to pass is 31)

Retook it 28 days later. Got a 83.

Went with my recruiter to MEPS last week, and found out I have to wait a full month to retake the ASVAB.

drove back to indiana

drove back to chicago on monday, took the ASVAB again (got a 82). Spent the night at a Hotel in chicago. Well I stayed up till 2:30. I couldn't get any sleep, and hung out with some girls who were already in the National Gaurd. woke up at 4:00. Finished the ASVAB about 5:30 was told to wait till 7:00 A:M to take the physical. So i got to hurry up and wait 1 and a half hour sitting there.

took the ASVAB again for confirmation on tuesday morning. Take a physical (blood,eye test, hearing ****,turn your head and cough) That was alot of sitting and waiting. Had to go get x-rays on my knees, sat there at the doctors ofice for 2 and a half hours. x-rays took all of 10 minutes.

But the doctors ****ing left before we got back at 1:30. So I got to stay another night at the MEPS hotel. Slept from 2:45 P:M to 4:00 AM ha.

Went to the Hotel and crashed the **** out, slept for 14 hours streight. Woke up at 4.. went to MEPS again, got my medical papers at 4:15. "The Ortho won't be in till 10:30, so you can just go wait till then."

Yea, So i got to sit in the lobby, for hours watching fox news cycle about the mid east crisis, and mel gibson.

seen the doctor, med docs checked out. waited another two hours for councling and MOS (military operation speciality), FBI background checks, fingerprinting ect.

Number of Hours Spent in chicago MEPS: 26
Number of times I was asked if I had ever smoked mary jane :8

But finnaly, I got sworn in to defend the constitution, fallow all orders from the federal goverment and state of Indiana.

I am now a slave to the president and the govna.

03-Aug-2006, 03:53 AM
congradulations :P

03-Aug-2006, 06:27 PM
Thanks! hopefully it all works out.

04-Aug-2006, 12:03 AM
Questions: What branch of the service? Army?

But finnaly, I got sworn in to defend the constitution, fallow all orders from the federal goverment and state of Indiana.

I am now a slave to the president and the govna.

Saying stuff like that, are you sure you should be joining the military? You're pretty anti-war; you do understand that you might have to go off to war, right?

I don't know, Exa, are you sure this is the sort of thing you want to do, or are you maybe doing this to prove a point o someone?

04-Aug-2006, 01:04 AM
Army National Gaurd

I am Anti War, Thats why I'm a Combat Medic, and not a infantry man. I'm there to save our guys lives not to kill.

Start off as a E-1 with the 738th Medical, ship out July 11th 2007 to Ft. Sill Oklahoma, and after that I go to FT. Sam Houston till Feb 3, 2008.

Arc, I have a critical MOS (Which is why I got the $20k sign on bonus) so after AIT i'm almost positive they will ship me over sea's.

04-Aug-2006, 02:56 AM
Last I heard (today right after this post, in fact) medics have to carry and qualify on firearms. I assume that means that you just might be called upon to take a life, in addition to saving one.

Just warning you ahead of time.

04-Aug-2006, 03:08 AM
Rode with a medic who served in Iraq up to MEPS on monday, you carry a 9mm berrata, but have the option to carry a rifle/carbine/smg. I can not how ever carry a heavy weapon.

Eh, I would defend myself or my patient as needed. Actully I would like to carry a SMG, as it offers more protection then a 9mm beretta, with out the weight of a m16. A mp5 or FNp90 would be swell.

04-Aug-2006, 03:16 AM
A mp5 or FNp90 would be swell.

Had a feeling you'd say that. Don't count on the P90, but you'll probably get an M-4. If you actually get there. My brother "signed up" but never went. Took the physical, took the ASVAB, filled out the forms, just never went through with it.

04-Aug-2006, 03:21 AM
Eh, the weapon is 2.2 pounds lighter then m16a2(loaded weights) and can penitrate standerd body armor at 200 meters. m4 would work well to, but I wanted the lightest weapon with the most punch.

Chicago MEPS sucked, but I did sign up for 6 years active and 2 reserve(reserve starts now) I was sworn in and I go to drill on saturday. So for all practical reasons, i'm in.

04-Aug-2006, 03:29 AM
Congratulations. I'm an active duty army nurse (just got my commission this past me, was enlisted before that since 2003). I'll be stationed in Washington DC. I'll be at Fort Sam myself in about 2 months. I remember the day I went to MEPS for the physical and all that stuff...sooo boring and the civilians treat you like ****! Good luck!

*got my commission this past May*

04-Aug-2006, 05:27 PM
I am Anti War, Thats why I'm a Combat Medic, and not a infantry man. I'm there to save our guys lives not to kill.

That's very brave and noble of you. I'm proud.

04-Aug-2006, 05:52 PM
Eh, the weapon is 2.2 pounds lighter then m16a2(loaded weights) and can penitrate standerd body armor at 200 meters. m4 would work well to, but I wanted the lightest weapon with the most punch.

Chicago MEPS sucked, but I did sign up for 6 years active and 2 reserve(reserve starts now) I was sworn in and I go to drill on saturday. So for all practical reasons, i'm in.

christ 6+2, that's a haul.

more than likely you'll be issued the cut down M4. that seems to be the "standard" over there. if not that then an MP5 compact series. as far as i know standard units aren't being issued P90's as they're not contracted military weapons. but i could be talking out of my ass.

good luck. also, if you want a leg up on you basic medic stuuf. check with your local EMS station. your county or municipality should offer EMT certifaction courses. they'll walk you through the BLS ****e, like airways, initial assessments, and basic Truam guidlines. i'd be one less thing you'd have to memorize once you hit your MOS skills school.

04-Aug-2006, 06:47 PM
Well I hope your safe, and Wish you luck.

05-Aug-2006, 04:31 PM
Damage at your own risk.

Man, I just got back from MEPS in Chicago (Military Entrance Processing Station). If anyone has ever been through MEPS you know the boring hell it can be.

my Pre Meps experience was hell to!

The ASVAB(Armed Services Vocational Apptitude Battery) well I took my first time, and the guy grading it gave me a 6 (a horribly bad score, like the basic level to pass is 31)

Retook it 28 days later. Got a 83.

Went with my recruiter to MEPS last week, and found out I have to wait a full month to retake the ASVAB.

drove back to indiana

drove back to chicago on monday, took the ASVAB again (got a 82). Spent the night at a Hotel in chicago. Well I stayed up till 2:30. I couldn't get any sleep, and hung out with some girls who were already in the National Gaurd. woke up at 4:00. Finished the ASVAB about 5:30 was told to wait till 7:00 A:M to take the physical. So i got to hurry up and wait 1 and a half hour sitting there.

took the ASVAB again for confirmation on tuesday morning. Take a physical (blood,eye test, hearing ****,turn your head and cough) That was alot of sitting and waiting. Had to go get x-rays on my knees, sat there at the doctors ofice for 2 and a half hours. x-rays took all of 10 minutes.

But the doctors ****ing left before we got back at 1:30. So I got to stay another night at the MEPS hotel. Slept from 2:45 P:M to 4:00 AM ha.

Went to the Hotel and crashed the **** out, slept for 14 hours streight. Woke up at 4.. went to MEPS again, got my medical papers at 4:15. "The Ortho won't be in till 10:30, so you can just go wait till then."

Yea, So i got to sit in the lobby, for hours watching fox news cycle about the mid east crisis, and mel gibson.

seen the doctor, med docs checked out. waited another two hours for councling and MOS (military operation speciality), FBI background checks, fingerprinting ect.

Number of Hours Spent in chicago MEPS: 26
Number of times I was asked if I had ever smoked mary jane :8

But finnaly, I got sworn in to defend the constitution, fallow all orders from the federal goverment and state of Indiana.

I am now a slave to the president and the govna.

Good luck and I am proud of you servng your Country!! Thank you! Especially in these uncertain times we are in...my son and daughter both served in the regular military (Air Force) son 8 yrs and daughter 5 years.
My daughter is inactive right now and hoping to go back in as reservist or regular...she was having some trouble with her knee and had to get out!
My son was in the Pentagon and my daughter went to Saudi and Turkey..So, you will get to see the world, she loved it!
All the best to you and God bless you!!!

07-Aug-2006, 09:24 AM
Exatreides, after reading your post all I can say is "Welcome to the military" and please expect more of the same. Hurry up and wait isn't a slogan - its a way of life.:lol:

Have fun at boot. Don't laugh at your instructers. And NEVER NEVER NEVER take any metal off the rifle range.

07-Aug-2006, 02:03 PM
Just got back from a RSD drill weekend, it's basicly two days of boot camp a month.

Nothing like standing at attention for 45 minutes streight, then getting permission from a specialist to go to parade rest and standing like that for a hour, then having the SGT. walk back in and scream at you for going to parade rest, and making you stand at attention for another half hour.

Didn't get singled out or smoked once, stayed as Invisible as possible.

10 more months of it, and I think basic should be alot easier.

Did good at two out of the three physical tests
13 push ups needed in one minute
Did: 36
17 Sit ups needed in one minute
Did: 36

But as we have the battle buddy system, and my buddy is the closest thing our platoon has to Gomer Pile(weight wise) and as if we finish the mile run with out our battle buddy close behind us, we get smoked with 30+ push ups.

I had to help him and encourage his ass to keep moving(helped him shave off 45 seconds) but still finished at 10:34 (needed 8:30)

157 bucks a month to get in shape? doesn't sound bad to me.