View Full Version : "Rules of the Dead" Movie? Or is this a Scam?

04-Aug-2006, 07:03 AM
So there are auditions in Orlando for a Romero Dead flick called "Rules of the Dead" The website for the comapany who claims to be making the movie is kind of crappy, but they claim to have a 50 million budget, and George Romero is exec producing the movie. It doesn't look legit, so I was wondering if you guys heard anything. The website is here, and it looks very home made.
I think it's crap.

04-Aug-2006, 12:19 PM
Yeah....it definitely looks home made. But then again.....maybe Romero has agreed to Exec. Produce.....Who knows?

04-Aug-2006, 01:11 PM
I googled it and it appears they really are making the film. Some staff of ?horrorweb.com? are involved.

04-Aug-2006, 01:43 PM
50 mil budget and a 50 centwebsite? c'mon, we're not that stupid

i never saw the 50 million statement. but it just looks like they're blowing smoke about Romero trying to get some free publicity for their two-dollar movie. i'm sure they'll apologetically announce that Romero has declined in a few weeks/months.

Here they announce "final negotations" with "george" (http://www.hurricaneentertainmentfilms.com/the%20daily%20scoop.htm)

04-Aug-2006, 01:58 PM
That website looks like total crap on every single page.
I call fake on that

04-Aug-2006, 02:18 PM
Anyone interested enough to research further, here is the contact info for the website.

Administrative Contact:
Vilafane, Mark hurricane6032@aol.com
Hurricane Entertainment
6224 Raleigh St # 802
Orlando, Florida 32835
United States
4077011727 Fax -- 4072919833

04-Aug-2006, 03:02 PM
Anyone interested enough to research further, here is the contact info for the website.

Administrative Contact:
Vilafane, Mark hurricane6032@aol.com
Hurricane Entertainment
6224 Raleigh St # 802
Orlando, Florida 32835
United States
4077011727 Fax -- 4072919833

I sent an email politely asking if this was a shamless attempt to draw attention to his project and business. I also asked him why his website was so ****ty.:)

04-Aug-2006, 03:27 PM
I sent an email politely asking if this was a shamless attempt to draw attention to his project and business. I also asked him why his website was so ****ty.:)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

04-Aug-2006, 08:41 PM
I sent an email politely asking if this was a shamless attempt to draw attention to his project and business. I also asked him why his website was so ****ty.:)

You gotta let us know his exact response!

05-Aug-2006, 04:40 AM
I just talked to someone who knows the director, and said the guys a nut. He said this guy has no credibility, and is a HUGE liar. A lot of Smoke up a few asses. I'm really interested to see if anyone gets a response from emailing him, or even Better, if George emails him himself.

05-Aug-2006, 04:59 AM
> Who is this? My personal E-mail is not given anywhere on the site so
> whoever
> wrote this is a coward. But hide behind some fake name. In case you were
> wondering the website is in a BETA form and we have not called attention
> to it, nor
> have we made any public annoucement that the project is in production. We
> at
> the very core are trying to keep this project in Florida to help promote
> and
> help the industry we have here. People like you only hurt it. So either
> you are
> man/woman enough to say who this is ~ or ~ hide behind the fact that you
> are
> a artist that is probably still struggling and headed to a life of
> bull****
> independant films and projects , which equate to loser! Either way
> remember
> this your mother is a whore! Good Luck and bye, bye!

my response:

At the Homepage of the Dead forums, we were checking out your project. Some guy posted your email address. If you're really doing this, we'd be excited. Your response makes it seem even more improbable.
That's my real name, Stephen Luke Long. My ISP reveals my region, Shreveport, Louisiana. I'm a Romero fan and a Computer Information Systems student. Don't give yourself a stroke, buddy. I'm sorry I struck a nerve.

05-Aug-2006, 09:18 AM
hahaha, he doesnt even speak proper english i bet its some overwieght guy who lives in his parents basement learning html between bouts of world of warcraft.

its lum the fat all over again.:lol:

wait he said independant projects equate to a loser?

yeah and working for the remake industrys kicking ass.

dude sounds like an r-2-d-tard to me, simple as.

actually having checked out the site im amazed some people thought so in the first place, it makes any geocities site look cutting edge my html site i made for my a level in media studies was way more complex now im sure its bull, but just in case i recommend emailing romeros official site to let then know about the name dropping.

05-Aug-2006, 11:15 AM
lol, that looks so dodgy to me...either that or it's just some terrible web design. :rockbrow:

05-Aug-2006, 02:22 PM
I regret to announce that GAR is unavailable for the executive producer role on "Rules of the Dead" (What a great title!!!) as he has already promised to pop around and paint my spare bedroom ;)

In regards to the wildman who is posting this crap on his tinpot "website" ... I would like to wear a suit made from his skin and dance around an open field in the moonlight ...

05-Aug-2006, 02:45 PM
I regret to announce that GAR is unavailable for the executive producer role on "Rules of the Dead" (What a great title!!!) as he has already promised to pop around and paint my spare bedroom ;)

In regards to the wildman who is posting this crap on his tinpot "website" ... I would like to wear a suit made from his skin and dance around an open field in the moonlight ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-Aug-2006, 05:09 PM
ill hold you to that.

08-Aug-2006, 11:12 AM
> Who is this? My personal E-mail is not given anywhere on the site so
> whoever
> wrote this is a coward. But hide behind some fake name. In case you were
> wondering the website is in a BETA form and we have not called attention
> to it, nor
> have we made any public annoucement that the project is in production. We
> at
> the very core are trying to keep this project in Florida to help promote
> and
> help the industry we have here. People like you only hurt it. So either
> you are
> man/woman enough to say who this is ~ or ~ hide behind the fact that you
> are
> a artist that is probably still struggling and headed to a life of
> bull****
> independant films and projects , which equate to loser! Either way
> remember
> this your mother is a whore! Good Luck and bye, bye!

From what I am understanding from this crackhead response that this guy gave you, he is saying that a struggling artist making indie films is a LOSER?!

Like the bull$hit he is involved in is great art or something?!!

Just because he puts a Kinko printed lame movie poster on a wall, has an office that is probably somebody's backroom and made four movies in two years, doesn't make you a Hollywood legend.

What a douche-bag. Exactly which brother sent you this email by the way?

:dead: Dawg

08-Aug-2006, 03:01 PM
From what I am understanding from this crackhead response that this guy gave you, he is saying that a struggling artist making indie films is a LOSER?!

Like the bull$hit he is involved in is great art or something?!!

Just because he puts a Kinko printed lame movie poster on a wall, has an office that is probably somebody's backroom and made four movies in two years, doesn't make you a Hollywood legend.

What a douche-bag. Exactly which brother sent you this email by the way?

:dead: Dawg

Vilafane, Mark hurricane6032@aol.com

yeah, he seems like a dumb, little b*tch:D

10-Aug-2006, 07:26 PM
I would like to set up a phone meeting to discuss the script and actual involvement of Mr. Romero. I assure you after we talk, you will better understand where we are at and what we are about. The Website is in beta form and only a very rough "ROUGH" template on what we are looking at doing. So please contact me at your earliest convience and we can chat.

Thank you,
Executive Producer
Topher Villafane

10-Aug-2006, 07:36 PM
To "RulesoftheDead"'s benefit, they can be like those guys who made 'Day of the Dead II'.

What is worse? A legit $50 million dollar movie that will probably look like crap or a $100 movie that will probably look like crap? (Your movie posters look very unprofessional, especially if you have a $50 million dollar budget. Sorry, but it doesn't look anywhere near real. Especially with your past films. If you are legit, hire a professional artist or photography to design you a better poster, especially if you have that much cash to throw around!)

I would prefer the $100 movie, because at least they tried and made a movie on only a $100.

Maybe somebody needs to contact George Romero to see if they are just throwing his name around or not.

If they aren't and it is legit, then congrats to them, hope their film does well and all. If not and they are just trying to sell a film with no involvement of George whatsoever, then that is really low...

Stay tuned I guess.

:dead: Dawg

10-Aug-2006, 07:44 PM
Check your inbox and call me.

11-Aug-2006, 04:43 PM
If GAR is attach what's his contact Information? What's his email? Not the one you can find on DGA.. :D

12-Aug-2006, 02:20 AM
Fizzle and dawg (?) were both invited to discuss the project Rules of the Dead. Apparently they would rather hide behind some computer as opposed to talking like men. They sit there and judges us for trying to make a quality Zombie movie and then refuse to let us explain what Mr. Romero's role is or how he is attached. We came here to correct what has been said but really feel very little need to address these weak people. But for the ones who feel they want or need an answer ~ please feel free to send us a private message and we will arrange a meeting.

12-Aug-2006, 03:15 AM
I'll talk to you... I have a meeting with my investors at 2 o'clock, but I can call anytime. Pm me with your contact information and I'll get in contact with you asap. My name is Lao...

13-Aug-2006, 01:03 AM
Neil, admins: Please don't delete this. I am seriously not trying to start a flame war or anything. I, along with others here I imagine, would like to know if this is legit, and if the makers of said movie can't stop acting the way they are and be professional about it, I'm sorry.

Fizzle and dawg (?) were both invited to discuss the project Rules of the Dead. Apparently they would rather hide behind some computer as opposed to talking like men. They sit there and judges us for trying to make a quality Zombie movie and then refuse to let us explain what Mr. Romero's role is or how he is attached. We came here to correct what has been said but really feel very little need to address these weak people. But for the ones who feel they want or need an answer ~ please feel free to send us a private message and we will arrange a meeting.

Dude, I was away from my computer for a couple of days. In fact, I had a massive migrane after I got your little PM about calling you. Are you literally sitting there to read every stupid message one of us may leave on here?!

This site is a "discussion" board. Why the f**k do I have to waste my minutes calling your @$$ up to explain something like this? In fact, I was sort of defending you if you actually even read my last post. In fact, from the way you reacted from the follow-up posts and private messages you sent me, I have come to the conclusion that you are actually NOT legit.

There is no way in hell someone who is would waste their time talking to people like us. You are making a two-dollar movie and nothing more. Guess what, that's great! I'm excited for you!!

Don't PM me and say that I am hiding behind a computer. You can discuss this here just as well as on a phone. I'm not saying you are a dumb@$$ or anything, sweet Jesus!

So chill out. I wasn't trying to start $hit if it came off as that. I got my opinion and you got yours as well as anyone of us. The last time I checked, this was still a free f**king country after all.

:dead: Dawg


10th, Aug 2006 @ 03:38PM

I would like to set up a phone meeting to discuss the script and actual involvement of Mr. Romero. I assure you after we talk, you will better understand where we are at and what we are about. The Website is in beta form and only a very rough "ROUGH" template on what we are looking at doing. So please contact me at your earliest convience and we can chat.

Thank you,
Executive Producer
Topher Villafane

Can't even address it to me proper like, instead copying and pasting from one sent to T-Fizzle.

10th, Aug 2006 03:39PM

I would like to set up a phone meeting to discuss the script and actual involvement of Mr. Romero. I assure you after we talk, you will better understand where we are at and what we are about. The Website is in beta form and only a very rough "ROUGH" template on what we are looking at doing. So please contact me at your earliest convience and we can chat.

Thank you,
Executive Producer
Topher Villafane

Still can't address me. Anyone call this number? "Rough" template?

10th, Aug 03:55PM

Originally Posted by Dawg
Originally Posted by Rulesofthedead
I would like to set up a phone meeting to discuss the script and actual involvement of Mr. Romero. I assure you after we talk, you will better understand where we are at and what we are about. The Website is in beta form and only a very rough "ROUGH" template on what we are looking at doing. So please contact me at your earliest convience and we can chat.

Thank you,
Executive Producer
Topher Villafane

Why set up a private phone call? Just reply here online for everyone to see and be done with it.

I can't speak for the rest of us, but personally, if you are legit, like I said, congrats. If not, that isn't right if he isn't involved. That's all I'm saying.


We are in the very early stages of this movie and to give away what is happening could endanger the whole project. I'm not sure why you would be afraid to come from behind your computer (?) What do you have to lose? You might be able to get a scoop on what's going on, or help us.

Okay, so he figures explaining this to everyone on this discussion board would endanger the project, but he is willing to talk via phone to two complete strangers about it?!! Am I signing a wavier over the phone or something? Like I can't post about it here right afterward? Hiding behind a computer? At one point he said T-Fizzle and I weren't man enough? WTF?! Here's something to help you with, explain yourself to EVERYBODY. How hard is that? If you are legit, then explain it. If not, leave troll.

That's all I got to say about this matter. I probably shouldn't have said anything, but oh well. $hit happens I guess.

:dead: Dawg

13-Aug-2006, 05:33 AM
does anyone really give two ****s either way?, who was gonna see it before hand and whos opinions changed now?, no ones?. thought so.

this threads turning into a metaphor for tim glomb.:shifty:

13-Aug-2006, 11:39 AM
Fizzle and dawg (?) were both invited to discuss the project Rules of the Dead. Apparently they would rather hide behind some computer as opposed to talking like men. They sit there and judges us for trying to make a quality Zombie movie and then refuse to let us explain what Mr. Romero's role is or how he is attached. We came here to correct what has been said but really feel very little need to address these weak people. But for the ones who feel they want or need an answer ~ please feel free to send us a private message and we will arrange a meeting.

If you are legit then start acting like it.

if you want to discuss your movie go for it, but dont come on here insulting other members just for having a very valid opinion. even for a website that is in beta stage, that looks like something a 10 yr old did in IT class. get over it.

Now as for the rest of your posts, by all means discuss it with other members in a way you feel comfortable. if you are genuine then good luck to you, i hope your movie does well. If you stick around here, and share idea's, discuss roles or whatever, you can learn alot. our members know alot about zombies and the GAR dead universe, you can learn from them if you want to.

on the other hand, if your not legit, which looks more and more likely everytime i see one of your replies, carry on the way your going. get bitchy over every single comment made and start a flame off. but i warn you now boy, even if you were GAR himself, i would not hesitate to ban you once you start insulting these members.

13-Aug-2006, 12:52 PM
Dawg, I'll call later today...:D

13-Aug-2006, 01:02 PM
Dawg, I'll call later today...:D

Sweet. Post up what happens, ASAP.

13-Aug-2006, 01:03 PM
will do

13-Aug-2006, 03:59 PM
Dawg, I'll call later today...:D

:mad: FLAME ON!:mad:


13-Aug-2006, 04:22 PM
If you are legit then start acting like it.

if you want to discuss your movie go for it, but dont come on here insulting other members just for having a very valid opinion. even for a website that is in beta stage, that looks like something a 10 yr old did in IT class. get over it.

Now as for the rest of your posts, by all means discuss it with other members in a way you feel comfortable. if you are genuine then good luck to you, i hope your movie does well. If you stick around here, and share idea's, discuss roles or whatever, you can learn alot. our members know alot about zombies and the GAR dead universe, you can learn from them if you want to.

on the other hand, if your not legit, which looks more and more likely everytime i see one of your replies, carry on the way your going. get bitchy over every single comment made and start a flame off. but i warn you now boy, even if you were GAR himself, i would not hesitate to ban you once you start insulting these members.


13-Aug-2006, 06:12 PM
I would be absolutely AMAZED if your budget amounts to even fifty thousand let alone fifty million.
Throwing around all this bull**** will do you no good in the long run. There is nothing wrong with a small indy production but when you promise a multi-million dollar trilogy produced by George A Romero whatever you eventually do come up with will be laughed into oblivion.

13-Aug-2006, 06:59 PM
that dosn't give you guys license to start flaming either :p

lets keep it civilised

14-Aug-2006, 02:44 AM
Lets wait until I call them tomorrow... I couldn't call them today cause I was away having fun and resting up for busy monday.;) I'll tell you guys if it's real or not. :elol:

14-Aug-2006, 04:38 PM
So did anyone actually phone the guy involved with "Rules of the Dead"?

What happened? Is it legit or not?

25-Aug-2006, 05:51 AM
I was out of town and out of mind for a few weeks. What's going on? Yes, I agree this is a royal Hose job! Someone who did a movie with Mark Villafane not too long ago is out here in Hollywood "West." He said the guy was and is a total Liar. I really haven't been thinking about this fake GAR movie, then I log on, and get crazy PM's from The directors Brother. Well, Topher Villafane why do I have to call you long distance and waist money that I could spend on watching a real movie? A 50 to 100 million dollar budget movie and no Toll free line? Not only no toll free line, but (Still) a low budget web site, NO word from GAR or his people, and the only press you are getting is BAD press from you on this thread. There are a lot of people who LOVE the GAR dead movies, and by coming on here and screaming the loudest that your movie is real does remind me of a famous quote. "The Lady doth protest too much." That's a popular quote. It seems to hold true here. I'm glad my original post got the fire burning, and made you update your GeoCities. However, it still seems very VERY unlikely that you are involved in any Legit and or Low Budget film. I don't even see proof of being incorporated anywhere. Where can your movies be purchased? Why after doing nothing, and a virtual "nobody" been given 50 million dollars to throw around into a movie with no stars. I understand that you want to cast all east cost talent, but with 50 mill on the line I doubt that any studio would not put even a B-lister in for safety.
Thus...I believe you are a fake, and I call Shenanigans!! Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!

And No, I will not call you long distance so you can lie to me on my dime. Why did you give your number out to me in a PM? Why not post you “Company” number on a post to everyone? With a simple reverse Phone number search, it turns out the phone isn’t even registered to Hurricane Ent. Films. So…… Shenanigans!

26-Aug-2006, 07:51 AM
Thus...I believe you are a fake, and I call Shenanigans!! Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!

...woah, god damn i gotta go get my broom!:lol:

22-Nov-2006, 12:55 PM
Hey guys!
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I think you guys may be wrong...looks like this IS going into production.

According to their myspace page:
myspace.com / hurricane_entertainment1
The movie start per-production in just a few days, and will begin shooting Jan 1, 2007
They are even having a pool party with the cast, and giving out bonus checks before they start.

I have a friend that was cast in this, and she says that they are giving her $500,000 for acting in the movie...which is pretty sweet seeing that she has never done any acting before.

Plus, with George A. Romero involved, I am sure it has to be legit. I can't wait to see this.

22-Nov-2006, 02:11 PM
If I am wrong I apologize, but this sure seems like a plant to me

22-Nov-2006, 02:52 PM
I encourage everyone to go to their myspace page and laugh your ass off. There is so much BS there that your computer will clog. Let's see...where to start... Ok... they have a countdown to PRE-production....Isn't pre production ANYTHING before production?? Next: No agents and all unknown actors are being promised 500,000 for a role (They also said that they did NOT want to go through agents...RED FLAG) Also they have a photo shoot at the directors house. Now that's not too strange, oh wait, you MUST come alone, and bring a bathing suit (NO ONE PIECES)....RED FLAG! Someone had posted a fake myspace page blasting the brothers who are "making" this movie. That page was obvoisly from a girl that they exploited, because she claimed on that page that all the Villifane brothers did was pretend they were making movies so they could sleep with young wannabe actresses....I'm not sure if that page is still up, but it's freakingawesome!


22-Nov-2006, 03:09 PM
I went there too and that whole pool party thing was so stupid and cheesy.
They are handing out 4-5 million in checks? Riiiight.
George should sue.
Definately a plant.

24-Nov-2006, 04:19 PM
That's very odd. They're still full of shiv in my book.

25-Nov-2006, 08:42 PM
That's fantastic that a guy who's never posted on HPotD before decided to bump a thread promoting it with a private myspace...


25-Nov-2006, 10:40 PM
I can't believe he mis-spells his own name in the DNS registration!
Mark Vil(l)afane...

28-Nov-2006, 02:04 AM
hey, havent been here for a while but i thought i would e-mail these guys and see what was up. this is what i sent-

hi, i happened to have been reading through an old web site i used to frequant and came upon a thread involving your movie, and i am quite interested in finding out more about this upcoming project. I have a huge interest in horror movies and i am quite interested in seeing a zombie written and directed by complete mental retards. i am used to seeing mental deficient inbreds working the soda machine at the local taco bell, or mopping floors at walmarts but to see a group of ****tards making a horror has really piqued my interest. the simple fact that you group of incested idjits have been able to write a script much less work a camera is wonderfull seeing as how most companies wouldn't pay people of such low intelligence such as yourselves to clean dirty ****ters from fear that one of your mental giants might get sick from eating the urinal cakes. remember- just cause it smells like mint dont make it a mint.

now the real questions i have are this.

1. how big will the bidget be, working part time at k-mart as a door greater dosnt make to much, so who will be investing the money?

2. what kind of cameras will be used, digital is the preffered media these days and i remember seeing a digital camera for sale at the local CVS and RITE-AID for around $17.00, it only has a one time usage, but you einstiens dont have the need for multiple takes. lets be realistic, tards drooling in one take mumbling lines is the same as ten tards drooling and mumbling lines in ten takes.

3. how many drugs did you force george romero to take to have gotten him to attach his name to the picture, im sure decent nice people like yourselves would never lie and make flase claims like that, but if you have lied, dont worry, mental retardation is great defense in almost any court case, so im sure romero wont waste his time suing.

4. how many children have been produced between yourself and your siblings? at wich age did you realise that your parents were brother and sister? and do you think that being inbred fat back mutants helped or hindered the creative process while coming up with this movie?

5.when will this movie released and just how much will you be selling the tickets to your backyard and/or basement for.

ok now that i have asked my questions i guess i should tell you a little about myself.

1. i am a genius, you are freaks. your movie is destined to make ed wood appear to be the second coming of coppola.

2. i am a decent human being with a real job and life, you are something more akin to the itching you get between your nutsack and your balls while out in public.

3. as far as film making goes i place you and your no-talent hack crew/friends/homo-erotic lovers at the same level as the child molester who was arrested driving near the local elementary school trying to offer kids cany to make home movies.

4. if there is any doubt as to what i think of you and your project please watch the movie pulp fiction, the rape scene with ving rhames. now picture your face on the body of the leather clad gimp. the existance of usable man-pussy living your life in a wooden box to be brought out and used for the enjoyment of others is what i truly believe you were intended for.

oh, and before i forget, have ahppy holiday. try not to commit suicide, the christmas season has the highest suicide rate of the year, and you way to much to live for.

ok you really dont have that much to live for but i dont relish the idea of walking down the street and having to dodge bodies of falling retards who have thrown themselves off of a high place.

28-Nov-2006, 02:14 AM
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I feel a bit retarded after reading that post :D

28-Nov-2006, 02:20 AM
Tell us how you really feel......

28-Nov-2006, 02:25 AM
Tell us how you really feel......

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'd better not.

30-Nov-2006, 03:54 PM
BWAAA HAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! ...Did They email you back?

30-Nov-2006, 08:39 PM
no, no e-mail back from anybody yet. but i will definately post the reply when/if i get one

01-Dec-2006, 05:49 AM
I doubt you will. THey made the "Rules of the Dead" Myspace page private, so I have to have my friend on their friends list tell me all the B.S.
Look like they made it private after we talked about how crazy they were acting on there...Guess they are watching and reading everything we say here...Be careful...These are power players we're dealing with :confused:

01-Dec-2006, 08:40 AM

This film looks AMAZERING!! Seriusly! The fact they got GAR to help them? Brilliant, ill just send him am E-Mail and see if he wants to help me with DUSK OF THE DEAD!!

On a Serius note, im sad to say ive sent a freind request so i can see what the hell this is all about.

AND ALSO, The link on the main page, the "geocitys" you call it has VANISHED. No linky-worky!

And as for the "Bigblue" Chap, it would be a shame if we have a case of Multi accounts :rolleyes: Im a mod on a DS Gaming site and i gotta ban people like that all the time. Maybe an IP check is in hand? :lol:

01-Dec-2006, 10:58 AM
If he's a multiple account user it would have come up by now, we have a system in place for such things. :sneaky::shifty::D

01-Dec-2006, 11:57 AM
jeez zombie thread much, why not send an email to romeros official site or wereever you contact for an autograph and link em to the site, tehn youll see if its legit.

01-Dec-2006, 12:12 PM
The fact that the only information about this "rules" stuff came from the people who have since closed the doors on their MySpace *sigh*, of all things, just goes to show it's all bollocks. You can't pull a fast one on your average HPOTD member...

01-Dec-2006, 12:28 PM
which goes double for you mr delavera:shifty:

02-Dec-2006, 04:09 AM
BigBlue has to be working for them. For Free, or for a part in this blockbuster!

02-Dec-2006, 04:13 AM
No, he's probably doing it for a check of $500,000 or more.

04-Dec-2006, 07:35 PM
BigBlue has to be working for them. For Free, or for a part in this blockbuster!

NO...I am NOT working for them...I don't even know them.
But, my friend said she is doing the movie, and I am happy for her. It is about time she got a big role in a movie, and one that is paying her what she is worth.

You guys have a lot of opinions about this even though noone here is part of the production. I don't know if it is legit or not, but my friend seems to think so, and she wouldn't lie to me.

If you guys have proof that this is not on the up and up, please let me know. But if not...shut your faces! :mad:

04-Dec-2006, 09:14 PM
If you guys have proof that this is not on the up and up, please let me know. But if not...shut your faces! :mad:
Yassah Boss.
I mean

05-Dec-2006, 12:00 PM
But if not...shut your faces!

Oh yeah, there's a nice way to join a community, eh?

How about - does anyone have any evidence this is real, as there seems to be f*ck all beyond the private MySpace account. And surely - if GAR was involved like was originally stated, he'd have said something by now in an interview - we would have also heard some other stuff about this from various horror sights - as far as I've seen - fudge all.

05-Dec-2006, 01:27 PM
to quote jeff goldblum "that is one big pile of ****", just add the word 'bull' were you deem it appropriate in said quote.:rolleyes:

05-Dec-2006, 01:52 PM

17-Dec-2006, 06:57 AM
Anyone send anything to GAR? What's the email for his people, and I'll find out what going on.

18-Dec-2006, 07:42 PM
I am willing to discuss this movie and Romero's involvement. Who is the head honcho in this group? I can call them and talk about who is and who isn't onboard.

I do want to make one comment; I am not sure why all the people who post on this thread want to see us fail? It is sad and pathetic, you do not even know us. Anyone who has ever made (or attempted) a movie will tell you that the odds are so against the production and it doesn't help when the community that you support (Romero, HOPTD, Zombie movies, Genre fans, etc.) are so quick to throw you under the bus. So who is in charge? Let's get to the bottom of this.

hey guys,
How about we all get together in one of the chat rooms tonight or tomorow(?) This way we can get to the bottom of all the misconceptions and accusations that are being thrown around. Who wants to organize this?

31-Jan-2007, 05:38 AM
Give us his agents number and we will call. Saying that you have his agents number proves nothing. I can pay the same money that you did on imdb to get it. Give us the number and let one of us call his people. IF you are on the up and up I'm sure they will back you guys right up. But honestly, this projects smells like you were talking big hoping that big talking would get you big investors. I see your production starting date has been pushed back 4 or 5 times. That is a big sign that you aren't getting the investors you hoped from this lie. I understand your idea. It was a brave idea. I'm sure you thought when all was said and done, you would get the money to make this movie, and the story of how you had to lie to get a buzz going to get money would be kinda funny.
Your idea backfired.
I can promise nobody who works for your production company will ever get legit work because of your serious ethics problem. IF this lie was all on one person, it's a shame, but it looks like at least 3 people were involved. The poor YOUNG actresses that are being used by the VILLAFANE brothers. The lies that they are telling these women are dangerous, and I wouldn't be surprised if one presses charges of fraud against them.

31-Jan-2007, 07:26 AM
Hey! Why get so worked up about it. I heard GAR say that he was making Diary of the Dead in an interview, and nothing about this Rules of the Dead. It all looks phoney to me, so why not just forget about it.

31-Jan-2007, 02:21 PM
I guess what get me, is that I talked to one of the girls "Working" on the movie. She is very young. It's clear that she is being used. She is smart enough to see what's going on, and she said she would watch out for herself. She is also VERY suspicious about how this movie is going down. I worry about her still because of some of the things she said the promised her. Things that can't be promised.
There are a lot of people on this site working very hard to make a low budget horror movie, and they are doing it right. These guys are liars to the point where it is dangerous. It's just going to make it harder for other people to make zombie movies down the road.

31-Jan-2007, 08:05 PM
It’s so easy for you to throw stones over the internet. Like some pathetic troll out to tarnish anyone and everyone who is trying to make it. I personally have not lied to anyone concerning this film and I am trying my hardest to keep this alive. You make accusations like a child without so much as a name to back this up. What young girl are you referring to? We obviously know you or someone close to you and your soul point is to disparage my name. WHY? What did we do to you? Now you say at least three people lied; who and what about? Again I have made the challenge out there to anyone who wants to talk; call me, or I will call you. T-fizzle I’m sure that a “Baller” like you can spend three dollars and talk to me for a few minutes. Or at the very least ask your mom if you can make a long distance call; I’m sure she will say yes! This goes for anyone out there. Call me and talk to me; don’t hide behind a bull**** screen name. Thanks.

There are no young girls working on this movie! but you are going to argue different; at least tell me what was promised to her?

01-Feb-2007, 12:00 AM
Err.... The link isn't working. It gives me a phisher site.

01-Feb-2007, 01:04 AM
ive come to realise something.

who gives a crap?, now at first i like many was going "oh it says its a romero associated movie or whatever and all that, but is any gonna see it?
show of hands?

01-Feb-2007, 02:48 AM
Right. We all know it's bullshiv. This most likely won't ever be made and Romero never had anything to do with it (and 99% likely never even heard of it).

01-Feb-2007, 07:46 AM
T-Fizzle says it's a scam and ~ then it's a scam, so says T-fizzle and you all come out of the wood work. Why can't one of you be respectful and call me? Let "ME" tell you Romero's involvement or lack of and answer the questions that T-fizzle and his mole are throwing out there. I have never said that Romero is directing, acting or producing this film. It's sad the way you all are acting.

Even someone like Minionzombie who is a moderator on this site would let you guys flame me and my company for unfounded comments on one persons behalf. Very Sad!

He is the only one saying it's a $50,000,000.00 million dollar budget, or that we aren’t going with a casting agency, 500,000.00 dollar paychecks for non-actors and a pool party, and God knows whatever. Anyway, I implore one of you to step forward and discuss this with me. P.M. me and we can arrange to talk. Or if you want to discuss it here ask me the questions and I will answer them! That simple.

Can't anyone see that T-fizzle joined in August of 2006 and immediately began attacking me and the production? We believe that T-fizzle is or was at one time associated with this project and is airing out his grievance. Since August he has posted 13 times and 11 are soley for Rules of the Dead! People wake up and either let me clear the air or do the right thing and back off!

01-Feb-2007, 11:00 AM

please don't PM me about stuff that has to do with this movie, or people giving you a hard time. No one is going to hold your hand and walk you through the valley of darkness. Here are my thoughts on this situation.

#1. if this was a $50 million flick, you wouldn't be in here. There is a guy making a $500,000 documentary about George and his work, and he doesn't even post that much about it.

#2. If the DAWN remake, LAND, and DIARY couldn't get $50 million dollar budgets, then there is no way RUles of the Dead will get a $50 million budget. The last zombie film to see a budget even close to that was Resident Evil 2 and that was only because it is a video game based movie.

#3. If George is involved, wouldn't this have been announced by now, and no one having $50 million bucks would use the standard go daddy software to design their website. It would be in flash or php.

Look I am not trying to razz you or put you down further, but coming onto a forum and saying... "GAR is EXEC Producing my ZED flick for $50 million" only sets you up to be laughed at, ridiculed, and makes your reputation questionable. We all understand your enthusiam for zombie films, and speaking as a filmmaker I would love a $50 million dollar budget to make a zombie film, but that just ain't going to happen, even for George Romero.

You can do two things right now. You can continue your possible charade, and I say possible because if it is true I will be the first to whole heartedly apologize to you for doubting you.


You can admit you are TRYING to get something done and you over exaggerated it in hopes of garnering more attention to the project. If you end admitting it was bull****, I can forgive you and just let bygones be bygones. I cannot speak for the rest of homepage of the dead. Each member has to make up his or her own mind on how they will accept you if it turns out you are lying and admit it. If you do admit it, I am sure, most of us being adults will forgive and just drop the subject.

Balls in your court.

01-Feb-2007, 11:22 AM
Thread Closed