View Full Version : Dang! I'm sick of the idiot Conspiracy Theorists.....

07-Aug-2006, 03:31 PM
We all know something bad happened that day - and it's obvious who it was......why all the simple minded bunk? -- It's amazing how many people suffer from selective neurosis.

idiots (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,207279,00.html)

07-Aug-2006, 04:43 PM

He's probably bringing it up now just because of "World Trade Center" being released soon. Speaking of....as much as I think it's wrong to make a film this early, it's Oliver Stone. Hopefully the man still has what it takes to handle the subject the right way.

07-Aug-2006, 05:20 PM

He's probably bringing it up now just because of "World Trade Center" being released soon. Speaking of....as much as I think it's wrong to make a film this early, it's Oliver Stone. Hopefully the man still has what it takes to handle the subject the right way.

I don't think that would be HIM bringing it up... he doesn't control when the media decides to do a story on something.

I, for one, have no problem with this. Freedom of speech is great. In fact, I pretty much agree with these theories because of things that just don't make any sense at all... but I don't feel like getting started.

07-Aug-2006, 05:20 PM
I believe what happened is what happened, it was no doubt convenient for the gubment afterwards to justify Iraq (sort of), but I do believe it all happened. Check out Maddox's website, he recently did a bit on how there was no conspiracy and linked to some websites which did insanely extensive debunkings of conspiracy theories - including some hack's documentary called "Loose Change".

I think a lot of these conspiracy people just WANT it to be a whole "thing", rather than just accepting that f*cked up things can (and do) happen. And even in this day and age, not everything can be explained. It's not exactly like flying planes into buildings was something that was field tested...sometimes sh*t JUST HAPPENS. :rockbrow:

general tbag
07-Aug-2006, 07:06 PM
there is one wierd fact that was widely reported and nicely never heard from again . the fact that some people were called sept 10th and told to stay home on the 11th. it almost the same debate with the oklahoma city bombin. there were alot fo questions raised.

07-Aug-2006, 07:16 PM
I don't think that would be HIM bringing it up... he doesn't control when the media decides to do a story on something.

I, for one, have no problem with this. Freedom of speech is great. In fact, I pretty much agree with these theories because of things that just don't make any sense at all... but I don't feel like getting started.

Yeah, but it's very convinient timing. You have to admit that....

Oh well. The guy's a loon, anyway...

Silly person...

08-Aug-2006, 02:03 PM
there is one wierd fact that was widely reported and nicely never heard from again . the fact that some people were called sept 10th and told to stay home on the 11th. it almost the same debate with the oklahoma city bombin. there were alot fo questions raised.

it vapored because it was bull****. the 9/10 phone calls were never coroborated. it's more theorist bull****.

08-Aug-2006, 02:37 PM
Although I think this is just another one of those crusades by Fox Mulder wannabes, I don't think some of the ideas are at all farfetched. 9/11 has become a tool and basically with every move coming, the excuse of "if we don't do this, we could have another 9/11" comes up. I do give some of the theories credit, but I don't think much of these theorists are in it for anything but the attention.

But either way, the U.S. thrives on cover ups. Roswell, Area 51, Kennedy, Oklahoma, 9/11, Scientology...

08-Aug-2006, 05:34 PM

Penn and teller, about nail everything in regards to 9/11. but if you really really want to see what the conspiracy was that led up to the attacks. Frontline covers everything in regards to John O'Neil.


08-Aug-2006, 05:42 PM

Penn and teller, about nail everything in regards to 9/11. but if you really really want to see what the conspiracy was that led up to the attacks. Frontline covers everything in regards to John O'Neil.


That Penn & Teller thing is ****ing stupid. I love them as magicians but their show ****es me off because it's all "Everything I believe is right and what you believe in is completely ****ing wrong".

One of his reasons that 9/11 couldn't have been set up by the US gov't: "This firefighter lost 50 friends in the World Trade Center." .....................WOW. Good job disproving that conspiracy!

I'm not trying to start anything up about the conspiracy theories... I'm just saying that show is ****.

08-Aug-2006, 06:02 PM
conspiracy theorists - paranoid schizophrenics ........ same thing.
It's like these idiots that actually believe there's an "alien space-craft" in area 51.....first; study physics and astronomy - that should settle THAT rediculous argument.
These 9/11-ers - they're as bad as the simple minded dolts sitting up late listening to George Noory, slobbering in their coffee cups, packing wood and dreaming of an alien invasion.

08-Aug-2006, 06:07 PM
conspiracy theorists - paranoid schizophrenics ........ same thing.
It's like these idiots that actually believe there's an "alien space-craft" in area 51.....first; study physics and astronomy - that should settle THAT rediculous argument.
These 9/11-ers - they're as bad as the simple minded dolts sitting up late listening to George Noory, slobbering in their coffee cups, packing wood and dreaming of an alien invasion.

08-Aug-2006, 06:15 PM
That Penn & Teller thing is ****ing stupid. I love them as musicians but their show ****es me off because it's all "Everything I believe is right and what you believe in is completely ****ing wrong".

This tactic differs from every major news outlet how? further they've blatantly stated that the show exsists to represent thier view point. nothing more. if you expected a balance view point, our neutral journalism. that error is on your end not theirs.

One of his reasons that 9/11 couldn't have been set up by the US gov't: "This firefighter lost 50 friends in the World Trade Center." .....................WOW. Good job disproving that conspiracy!

actually i don't think they make that direct point. they moreso introduced that firefighter as a firsthand witness to the events at ground zero.

this character limit bug is sofa king we todd did

conspiracy theorists - paranoid schizophrenics ........ same thing.
It's like these idiots that actually believe there's an "alien space-craft" in area 51.....first; study physics and astronomy - that should settle THAT rediculous argument.
These 9/11-ers - they're as bad as the simple minded dolts sitting up late listening to George Noory, slobbering in their coffee cups, packing wood and dreaming of an alien invasion.

i love the aera 51 nuts. the airforce has all but said it was a dedicated test site from Grummans' skunkworks division. yet these asshat bang the drum on and on about recovered aliens.

08-Aug-2006, 07:03 PM
what, and you don't believe that there are little aliens lieing in a test facility in Nevada? hmm? you don't believe that an alien space ship crashed in the new mexico desert? NOW whos the crazy one :)

I really dislike these people so much..they constantly try to disprove things that we know are fact...remind me of nut job evolutionists. but thats besides the point.

08-Aug-2006, 07:07 PM
WELL! Personally I think flying hot dogs hit the towers. the gov't doesnt want anyone to know.

08-Aug-2006, 07:35 PM
I really dislike these people so much..they constantly try to disprove things that we know are fact...remind me of nut job evolutionists. but thats besides the point.

Are you saying those who don't believe "God created all" are nutjobs??? If so, you may cause quite a dispute here...

08-Aug-2006, 08:09 PM
Blowback describes the unintended consequences of covert operations

These photos of Osama Bin Laden and Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under US President Jimmy Carter were taken at a Mujahideen training camp in Pakistan circa 1980.



Under the Carter and Reagan administrations the US supplied Pakistani intelligence services with advisors, funding, and weapons for the Mujahideen forces. The idea was to engage the Soviet Union in a war of attrition in Afganistan, much like the US suffered in Vietnam. These skills included advanced insurgency tactics, counter intelligence operations, and bomb making. The US trained and funded the insurgent groups in Afghanistan during the 1980's that later turned their skills toward the United States.

Now on to the conspiracy theories...

It boils down to a fundamental issue of government trust. In the past the intelligence agencies of the United States have deposed democratically elected leaders overseas, assasinated third world government officials, conducted illegal covert actions inside the USA... a whole host of which was exposed during the Church Committee hearings during the 1970's.

Many older Americans remember these events, but disagree on what they mean. Some believe agencies like the CIA are true patriots conducting Amercian foreign policy as directed by the president, staying in compliance with US laws. These honorable men do the dirty work required to keep us free and safe. Others see these various intelligence agencies as rogue elements operating behind the scenes as independent actors within their own agendas. This viewpoint believes these agencies will frequently act in a fashion that is either against US law, or against the interests of the American people.

What is the truth? Did the US intelligence community have any connection to the 9/11 attacks?

We should consider the evidence
1. Bin Laden's group attacked and nearly sunk the USS Stark
2. Several embassy bombings and attacks on America are credited to Al-Queda months before 9/11
3. The Clinton Administration fired off tomahawk cruise missles in an attempt to kill Bin Laden
4. Osama Bin Laden has claimed credit for the 9/11 attacks

Much of this 9/11 conspiracy is politically motivated. If you hate the Bush administration then 9/11 is a perfect straw man argument. "Burning of the American Reichstag" is now a catch phrase of certain radical political commentators.

Just like Pearl Harbor and JFK's death there will always be those that don't believe the "facts" as we currently know them.

08-Aug-2006, 08:20 PM
nut job evolutionists..
you're kidding...
Is that a typo or do you really think science is Nuts?!?

10-Aug-2006, 09:15 PM
Mike, I'm not saying that, I'm saying people who take Evolution and say that it is a scientific fact are nutjobs. I don't feel like getting into a big debate right now about Religion vs. Evolution.

And besides, I'll admit it, there are plenty of whack job christians out there as well. Look at Pat Robertson...he gives christians a bad name..

Oh and Coma, I didn't say science is nuts, I said Evolution is....theres a big difference between the two. Evolution is just a theory, there is no rock solid evidence supporting it in science.

10-Aug-2006, 09:30 PM
We all know something bad happened that day - and it's obvious who it was......why all the simple minded bunk? -- It's amazing how many people suffer from selective neurosis.

idiots (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,207279,00.html)

This JUST made natinol headlines? Its been a few weeks of bitching here. Gotta love Madison, I swear that cities exterme views helped form my ratinal ones.

I don't think that would be HIM bringing it up... he doesn't control when the media decides to do a story on something.

I, for one, have no problem with this. Freedom of speech is great. In fact, I pretty much agree with these theories because of things that just don't make any sense at all... but I don't feel like getting started.

You take issue with Oliver Stone creating media hype over 9/11 but no issue that the govenment took down buildings with explosives or just allowed attacks to happen?


11-Aug-2006, 01:02 AM
Mike, I'm not saying that, I'm saying people who take Evolution and say that it is a scientific fact are nutjobs. I don't feel like getting into a big debate right now about Religion vs. Evolution.

And besides, I'll admit it, there are plenty of whack job christians out there as well. Look at Pat Robertson...he gives christians a bad name..

Oh and Coma, I didn't say science is nuts, I said Evolution is....theres a big difference between the two. Evolution is just a theory, there is no rock solid evidence supporting it in science.

There is ABSOULUTELY NO EVIDENCE of a higher power of ANY kind.
There are few laws in science because it leaves itself OPEN TO CHANGE.
People who confuse science and religion give religion it's own bad name.
There is EVIDENCE for evolution. Thre is NONE for God, any God.
If you don't want a big debate don't spit out pious dogma.
Everyone can say there Religious beliefs all the time, bit God Forbid (:) ) you think it's all B.S.. Then they don;t want to talk about it.
Apply it to evoltuion, and it works
Apply it to Religion and the scientific method determines it impossible, at leat impossible to determine because there is zero (ZERO) evidence..
That is why devotees often hate science.
Honestly, that "I pity the non believer" really p*sses me off.
Why does it have to be My way or no way.
I want to live NOW not 2000 years ago. I don;t want my kids dragged down into that.

normally I keep my religion views to myself, because I give the religious consideration that tmany couldn't even concieve of giving others, but I think "Intelligent Design" is totally 100 percent Bogus and Propaganda masquerading as science, often propagated bu those that know better.

11-Aug-2006, 01:28 AM
There is ABSOULUTELY NO EVIDENCE of a higher power of ANY kind.
There are few laws in science because it leaves itself OPEN TO CHANGE.
People who confuse science and religion give religion it's own bad name.
There is EVIDENCE for evolution. Thre is NONE for God, any God.
If you don't want a big debate don't spit out pious dogma.
Everyone can say there Religious beliefs all the time, bit God Forbid (:) ) you think it's all B.S.. Then they don;t want to talk about it.
Apply it to evoltuion, and it works
Apply it to Religion and the scientific method determines it impossible, at leat impossible to determine because there is zero (ZERO) evidence..
That is why devotees often hate science.
Honestly, that "I pity the non believer" really p*sses me off.
Why does it have to be My way or no way.
I want to live NOW not 2000 years ago. I don;t want my kids dragged down into that.

normally I keep my religion views to myself, because I give the religious consideration that tmany couldn't even concieve of giving others, but I think "Intelligent Design" is totally 100 percent Bogus and Propaganda masquerading as science, often propagated bu those that know better.

Bravo! I agree with all of this, 100%--oh, except for the part about keeping my religion views to myself. ;)

general tbag
11-Aug-2006, 01:48 AM
ah reguardless of anyones views, it a known fact that all goverments arent always truthful. corruption is rampant in every type of goverment. media lies, people lie. but hey people believe that crap because they saw it on the t.v.

and all that was very apparent on 9/11 , the us news vs the canadian news on that day was very different. also in the same day working for the biggest isp. they did a few things to do some filtering. so dont lay that, it all a conspiracy stuff.

stuff like the warren commission is a prime example, same with new mexico.

11-Aug-2006, 07:35 PM
you know...I don't want to argue this...it's not worth the time and effort man, I apologize if I came off as combative. I respect the fact that you have your beliefs.

oh and by the way, I get more BS for not believing in evolution then you do for not believing in God, so I think I can spout off my beliefs every now and then dont you think?

anyway, I don't see why people need to believe all of the theories surrounding 9/11....we know what actually happpened, and it's far fetched to believe that the states destroyed the towers...

17-Aug-2006, 10:47 PM
I am sick of the idiots posting about idiot conspiracy theorists...........:D

18-Aug-2006, 07:45 PM
yea, and the fact that people think George Bush is human..whatever, he is obviusly three grapes and a hammer in a man suit

18-Aug-2006, 07:49 PM
yea, and the fact that people think George Bush is human..whatever, he is obviusly three grapes and a hammer in a man suit
Whoa, Mo!...you on the side of HLS??? wow. That's kinda sad.

I have a question......how can you NOT believe in EVOLUTION?

18-Aug-2006, 07:56 PM
it's called being sarcastic Tom...I like hearing about this stuff, but I think that the nut-jobs who think this stuff are crazy, so I like to get insight into why they act that way. I'm siding with no one.

To be honest, I've NEVER believed in Evolution, even as a non christian. It has never made since, and I think that Macro-evolution is a steamy load. Besides, the earth and the universe are far too complex for it to happen just by random chance, i'm sorry, but I don't buy it. your telling me that we (humans) and every other creature on this planet are by-products of randomness? I'm sorry, but no. Your trying to tell me that we have abstract thought, and our massive intelligence, just from random chance and adapting? uh uh, not for me. If this is true, then there is no point to life in anyway. Nothing matters, and personally, I don't like the idea that my life doesn't count for s**t. Thats my view on the matter, and I know I'm going to get labled a nut job just because I think Evolution can't happen on a large scale.

18-Aug-2006, 08:07 PM
it's called being sarcastic Tom...I like hearing about this stuff, but I think that the nut-jobs who think this stuff are crazy, so I like to get insight into why they act that way. I'm siding with no one.

To be honest, I've NEVER believed in Evolution, even as a non christian. It has never made since, and I think that Macro-evolution is a steamy load. Besides, the earth and the universe are far too complex for it to happen just by random chance, i'm sorry, but I don't buy it. your telling me that we (humans) and every other creature on this planet are by-products of randomness? I'm sorry, but no. Your trying to tell me that we have abstract thought, and our massive intelligence, just from random chance and adapting? uh uh, not for me. If this is true, then there is no point to life in anyway. Nothing matters, and personally, I don't like the idea that my life doesn't count for s**t. Thats my view on the matter, and I know I'm going to get labled a nut job just because I think Evolution can't happen on a large scale.

How did we "be"? -
Why has "Evolution never made sense"?
You said this, "the earth and the universe are far too complex for it to happen just by random chance"....think about that statement. Explain it.

"....there is no point to life in anyway." - yes there is, my friend. To be.

I don't think you're a "nut job",.....I might think you're a bit weird, but hey, we all are!

Why can't you see it all? I'm not attacking you; I have my way and you have yours. I'm curious about yours. Why can't you see? Seriously.....it's really not all that bad.