View Full Version : Al Gore spoofs

07-Aug-2006, 04:09 PM
i do not have anything against Al Gore or his movie on global warming. It is an important issue but I found two videos spoofing him so I thought I will post the two here and share:D

07-Aug-2006, 04:37 PM
i do not have anything against Al Gore or his movie on global warming.

maybe you should do a little research. Google (and reality) is your friend. Al Gore is an imbecile looking to make a buck. Do some research on actual climate change; not some fear tactics brought on by people freaking out. The planet has been through many changes....all you have to do is research and you'll see.....for instance....here in Kansas City, people are screaming that it's never been this hot....well, it has....many times. www.noaa.gov will prove that.
I understand that your opening statement has nothing to do with the clips you posted (as usual) but, if you "do not have anything against Al Gore or his movie on global warming", there is a problem.

07-Aug-2006, 04:59 PM
Come on Adreno....I know you guys have the "we used to date so now we hate" syndrome going on but, chill out man.

Seems like you always make a rude comment to her when she posts. I know I'm no mod or anything but come on dude. Smoke a bowl and sing.

"All you need is love....."

07-Aug-2006, 05:03 PM
Come on Adreno....I know you guys have the "we used to date so now we hate" syndrome going on but, chill out man.

Seems like you always make a rude comment to her when she posts. I know I'm no mod or anything but come on dude. Smoke a bowl and sing.

"All you need is love....."
no no no....we never dated...never.....*shudders*....never....We started out as friends, she became a stalker....that's all.
it's not a rude comment, either.
Just suggesting that she do a little research. No big deal, really.

07-Aug-2006, 05:25 PM
Come on Adreno....I know you guys have the "we used to date so now we hate" syndrome going on but, chill out man.

Seems like you always make a rude comment to her when she posts. I know I'm no mod or anything but come on dude. Smoke a bowl and sing.

"All you need is love....."

He seems infatuated with me. I do not get it. I been going out of my way to be pleasent and post good posts without any crap in it but he seems to have the need to start things up. I just do not get this obsession that he has with me.

07-Aug-2006, 05:34 PM
He seems infatuated with me. I do not get it. I been going out of my way to be pleasent and post good posts without any crap in it but he seems to have the need to start things up. I just do not get this obsession that he has with me.
Nice try....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh my, how silly.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
All I was doing was suggesting you do some research. You have a habit of making claims without knowing what you're talking about (not a flame - FACT)
you forget to mention the problem I've had with you that required going to the MODS.......hmmmmm?
But, I'm done with this....you've been warned.

07-Aug-2006, 06:14 PM
He seems infatuated with me. I do not get it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh man, that's sig material right there! What a world what a world...

07-Aug-2006, 06:31 PM
The Futurama one was great, just makes me miss the greatness that was Futurama though, they need to get that brought back quicksmart (which I believe is going to happen, yay!), the voice Billy West does (that announcer voice) is great.

*can't believe eyes when "PG" is the rating on the trailer for 'horror looking' Lady in the Water*

Erm, yeaaaaaah. What really p*sses me off about this global warming thing - and the gubments 'solving' it are basically loading all responsibility onto us, the simple folk. We recycle, then they dump it all in landfills anyway. We're having to cut down, yet big businesses are just burning away with gay abandon. The tax on 4x4's in the UK was what, an extra £40, ooohhhhh, now there's something to avoid ... not ... geez.

It'd be good if it was like Futurama and we just dunked a phat icecube into the ocean, or we all farted in the same direction to blow Earth a little further from the sun. :lol:

07-Aug-2006, 08:23 PM
Scientists when discussing Global Warming say it has more to do with erratic weather patterns rather than Hot waether.

Recently her it was 99-103 for a week and just near me I saw many buisness with their doors open blasting AC onto the street. There is this Underground parking garage that had its gat open all day and I stood 10 feet away on the sidewalk and felt like I was in the artic. What a waste. And all of us regl'r folks are supposed to durn it way down while caldor cools down the pigeons.

07-Aug-2006, 08:34 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh man, that's sig material right there! What a world what a world...


The Futurama one was great, just makes me miss the greatness that was Futurama though, they need to get that brought back quicksmart (which I believe is going to happen, yay!), the voice Billy West does (that announcer voice) is great.

*can't believe eyes when "PG" is the rating on the trailer for 'horror looking' Lady in the Water*

Erm, yeaaaaaah. What really p*sses me off about this global warming thing - and the gubments 'solving' it are basically loading all responsibility onto us, the simple folk. We recycle, then they dump it all in landfills anyway. We're having to cut down, yet big businesses are just burning away with gay abandon. The tax on 4x4's in the UK was what, an extra £40, ooohhhhh, now there's something to avoid ... not ... geez.

It'd be good if it was like Futurama and we just dunked a phat icecube into the ocean, or we all farted in the same direction to blow Earth a little further from the sun. :lol:

how so very true.

the first one I posted because it was on the news so I decided to look it up. the futurama one i found as a bonus. Political jokes are always the best. You just got to love it. Ya, the governments of the world are really not doing all that they can. When it comes to it big businesses and the goverments will only promote what makes them money.

07-Aug-2006, 10:09 PM
Oh air conditioning, if only we had that in the UK. All homes have been built without that in mind, cos it can get damn hot here in the summer and even with the windows wide open it's still baking hot and makes it really hard to get a good night's kip, then your house gets invaded by insects.

I'd love to have air con in the house, you can heat it up just fine, but cooling it down is a big problem we've got here in the UK. Only businesses or people who can afford to splash out on a portable A/C have air con. Might as well go and sit in my Dad's car which has it, lol.

07-Aug-2006, 11:05 PM
Oh air conditioning, if only we had that in the UK. All homes have been built without that in mind, cos it can get damn hot here in the summer and even with the windows wide open it's still baking hot and makes it really hard to get a good night's kip, then your house gets invaded by insects.

I'd love to have air con in the house, you can heat it up just fine, but cooling it down is a big problem we've got here in the UK. Only businesses or people who can afford to splash out on a portable A/C have air con. Might as well go and sit in my Dad's car which has it, lol.
They only put AC in new , expensive houses, not that I ever had the pleasure of living in one. I live in an apt and had to bolt down the window to keep crackies from breaking in. And because I cant do a 400$ bill, I hardly use it.

When I was in school they didnt (prob'ly still dont) have AC and guys couldnt wear shorts, so it sucked/ Nothing like taking finals in 90 heat with the buildings heat still on (I'm not kidding). Keeping zooted helped alot.:)

and try a windowscreen for the bugs :)

08-Aug-2006, 01:04 AM
Oh air conditioning, if only we had that in the UK. All homes have been built without that in mind, cos it can get damn hot here in the summer and even with the windows wide open it's still baking hot and makes it really hard to get a good night's kip, then your house gets invaded by insects.

I'd love to have air con in the house, you can heat it up just fine, but cooling it down is a big problem we've got here in the UK. Only businesses or people who can afford to splash out on a portable A/C have air con. Might as well go and sit in my Dad's car which has it, lol.

God, I would die without air conditioning. lol I guess us americans are spoiled

08-Aug-2006, 01:56 AM
God, I would die without air conditioning. lol I guess us americans are spoiled
Speak for yourself

I could use some spolin":)

08-Aug-2006, 01:56 AM
Air conditioning good. It's gotten out of hand though. I think I have more ACs then windows now! :eek: