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View Full Version : night of the living dead comic part 2

darth los
08-Aug-2006, 02:40 AM
i realize that there was a thread on this subject a couple of months back. I came across some new info at:


The zombie series fans have demanded comes to comics in this fully-authorized series from the original creators - director George A. Romero and co-writer John Russo - and the story everyone was dying to see: a prequel to the original film! Written by Russo and fully-approved by Romero, this is the horror series of the decade from the men who defined the genre! We heard the eyewitness accounts and were shocked by the television news reports, but now for the first time we will experience the horrifying events which led to that first Night of the Living Dead! A strange mist brings the unburied dead back to life, hungry for the flesh of the living! There is nowhere safe to run, and no one could possibly prepare for the onslaught of the ghouls, ungering for human flesh! This incredible prequel to the blockbuster classic Night of the Living Dead gives new insight into many of the film's characters and locations, including horrific encounters at the farm house and Beekman's diner and, introducing us for the first time to The Cemetery Zombie, Sheriff McClellan, and Night's original hero, Ben!

Due october 2006:

Being that this is endorsed by GAR the thing that really jumped out at me immediately was the statement " A strange mist brings the unburied dead back to life, hungry for the flesh of the living!" An explanation for the cause of the plauge!?!:eek: All these years GAR intentionally leaves the cause of the plague unexplained and now he let's these hacks at avatar come along and spoonfeed us this crap!!!what do you guys think about this "explanation" and GAR'S endorsement of it.

Personally I think that GAR got tired of getting butt- raped by every no talent hack because of letting NOTLD fall into the public domain. I guess he firgured that like it or not anybody can pretty much do whatever they want with the film, so he might as well try to get some money out of it. Think about it, if you were responsible for a film that created a genre and revolutionized the way horror films are made/viewed and received absolutely no royalties everytime it's played,mentioned etc. wouldn't you be ****ed?:mad: I mean everybody but GAR has made money off the film. Every night NOTLD is being played somewhere in the world. The decisions about the lore of the GAR zombies such as this new "mist" explanation might be a nescesary evil in order for GAR to make some money. Avatar also wins because GAR giving his ok on a project is a big deal,especially to dead geeks like myself, and lends the project a certain amount of credibility.

08-Aug-2006, 03:26 AM
Night of the Living Dead:London was great and I am not sure GAR had anything to do with it.

The mist may just be a mist. Thats all. Thats not much of an explanation.

Sounds good to me anyway. Thanks for the heads up!

08-Aug-2006, 04:19 AM
It could be worse, it could be IDW doing the comic. Avatar is an OK comic company, they are no image or Dark Horse, but for a newer company their comics have decent stories and artwork. As far as GAR endorsing it, more power to him. He deserves to make money from his work.

09-Aug-2006, 03:40 AM
hmm...anyone else remember avatars escape of the living dead?, which claims dawn and day never happened and night was resloved but the goverment kept zombies and bikers took them from a truck that convieniently had lods on unrestrained in the back?

black gas was good but theyll never be as good as dark horse or image.
they put too mutch empasis on tits and ass in every few pages, basically the building for avatar probably has a sign saying "AVATAR PRESS, IF IT AINT GOT A NIPPLE EVERY FIVE PAGES WE AINT PRINTIN' IT!".

09-Aug-2006, 11:49 AM
black gas was good but theyll never be as good as dark horse or image.
they put too mutch empasis on tits and ass in every few pages, basically the building for avatar probably has a sign saying "AVATAR PRESS, IF IT AINT GOT A NIPPLE EVERY FIVE PAGES WE AINT PRINTIN' IT!".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

09-Aug-2006, 03:54 PM
if no one laughed at that i could never die a happy man :lol: