View Full Version : Intense weather

08-Aug-2006, 10:17 PM

Damn, I've been through 2 hurricanes and not just a few tropical storms but THIS was the worst weather I've ever seen, it was CRAZY! :eek:

Nickle size hail, high winds and rain like a curtain, you couldn't see five feet out the window, and the lightning, damn the thunder was a constant drone because there was so much of it. Pretty scary stuff for awhille there. :eek:

You can't really tell, but the cell went beyond red and into purple, terrible rain man, terrible.

08-Aug-2006, 10:26 PM
Sounds like my kind of storm!

Of course until
A) Someone gets hurt.
B) Your house gets flooded.
C) You get stuck somewhere horrible in it. IE: the mall, your girlfriends parents house, etc.