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View Full Version : Is there going to be a Dawn part 2

09-Aug-2006, 12:21 AM
Just wondering if anyone has herd of snyder making a dawn part 2

09-Aug-2006, 03:42 AM
nope, and would they really need to?:rockbrow:

09-Aug-2006, 04:47 AM
Just wondering if anyone has herd of snyder making a dawn part 2

They did. It was that video ESPN ran on Sports Center about Marion Jones and steroids in track and running sports.

09-Aug-2006, 02:50 PM
D2: Jessie Owens, the flying zombie

09-Aug-2006, 03:56 PM
wasnt that a hockey film:lol:

09-Aug-2006, 05:54 PM
They did. It was that video ESPN ran on Sports Center about Marion Jones and steroids in track and running sports.

Perfect, baby. Perfect.

They don't need another "Dawn04", in my opinon......The first one was enough torture.:p

And nobody knows for sure just yet, but there is a slight possibility that the "Day" Remake may be somewhat of a continuation of the characters(Ving Rhames) that survived. I'm thinking it won't be, though...

11-Aug-2006, 12:34 AM
If they were able to make a so-called sequel to Day of the Dead a few years back, then they certainly can for a remake of Dawn.

I have a book which has Stephen King talking about all the sequels that happened to the movies based on his books. I have quoted him as best I could, though it is not word-for-word. Fangoria interviewed him about his displeasure for Pet Sematary 2 which came out around the same time.

"The film company told me they would not release the first Pet Sematary unless I gave them the sequel rights. For obvious reasons, I was reluctant to. An executive said to me, 'Come on, they're never gonna make a sequel to this. How would they?'........(back to King) So I signed them over and it has been done. You can make a sequel to anything, it doesn't have to make any sense. All that matters is the box office."

12-Aug-2006, 01:31 PM
Halloween III: Season of the Witch for example

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 07:12 AM
I've heard rumors but they seem to have subsided with the making of the day remake.

27-Jun-2007, 07:13 AM
it would be HUGE coming off of his 300 success. the man really knows how to do a lot with a small budget

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 07:19 AM
it would be HUGE coming off of his 300 success. the man really knows how to do a lot with a small budget

He has to strike while the iron is hot. he might not want to waste his "capital" on a project like that, Like peter jackson did. He could have done anything he wanted after the LOTR trilogy and we wasted it and made a re- remake of king kong.

04-Jul-2007, 07:21 AM
I personally would really enjoy seeing a sequel to Dawn04 once they got to the isle and what happened next or did they all just die.

04-Jul-2007, 02:14 PM
if you have a copy of dawn 04 and watched the extras you would see where they said a group of people found the video tape at andys gun world, they should follow that group of people and see how they survived and where their going. that would make a good story line to follow.

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 06:47 PM
if you have a copy of dawn 04 and watched the extras you would see where they said a group of people found the video tape at andys gun world, they should follow that group of people and see how they survived and where their going. that would make a good story line to follow.

It would be much better than following what happened once they got on the island. It was apparent that they were not going to make it out of there alive. If anything that should have been an extra on the dvd instead because it wasn't going to last more than 10 minutes anyway.

05-Jul-2007, 10:25 PM
I agree with the extras thing, but I don't see a sequel. I've yet to buy Dawn 04 so I havent actually gotten round to see Andy's Lost Tapes, I'll get it soon.

05-Jul-2007, 10:52 PM
Dawn 04 certainly wasn't torture, it was alright. It wasn't good, and it was really ****ing horrible in some ways (such as the character of Steve), but overall I enjoy it every once in awhile as it's a good action flick.

If they made a sequel to it, I'd watch it. As long as they got different writers...

05-Jul-2007, 10:58 PM
If there is another sequel to the Dawn remake,
it would be like beating a dead horse, there is
nothing left to be said, so give it a rest Hollywood.

06-Jul-2007, 01:20 AM
I agree with the extras thing, but I don't see a sequel. I've yet to buy Dawn 04 so I havent actually gotten round to see Andy's Lost Tapes, I'll get it soon.

easily can br a sequel. the threat could be eradicated and then BOOM. one schmuck gets bitten again and there u have it.

darth los
06-Jul-2007, 01:34 AM
easily can br a sequel. the threat could be eradicated and then BOOM. one schmuck gets bitten again and there u have it.

We don't really know what caused the plauge though. There had to be a patient zero and the question is: How did he get infected? :confused:

06-Jul-2007, 01:42 AM
We don't really know what caused the plauge though. There had to be a patient zero and the question is: How did he get infected? :confused:

they could have it be anything. or think they got it contained only to find out its spread country wide like in the dawn "special report" on the dvd. it should be of epic proportions this time since we know snyder can crank out a 3 hour movie. the budget should be huge and could garner romero even more publicity

darth los
06-Jul-2007, 04:45 AM
they could have it be anything. or think they got it contained only to find out its spread country wide like in the dawn "special report" on the dvd. it should be of epic proportions this time since we know snyder can crank out a 3 hour movie. the budget should be huge and could garner romero even more publicity

Maybe they got it from mary jane rottencrotch? :barf: