View Full Version : A great new movie idea...What does everyone thing?

09-Aug-2006, 02:57 AM
Here is what I am proposing...
How about a 1st person zombie movie. You know everything through the eyes of the main character. Like a first person shooter game. I don't want to see what he looks like. We could project ourselves into his character better that way. Lets see the demise of his life. The helplessness. Lets see how he has to deal with the loss of his friends and family. What if he found out early on how to kill them and he had to do his wife or kids or both. I don't want him to be the great hero that does great hero acts. I want a real life situational story. Also nothing funny. No funny little bits here and there. I want to see him struggle and have to work things out in his head. Lets hear what he is thinking too. Start him off as the happy husband with 2.5 kids. A nice little house, a good job and lots of good friends and neighbors. Then lets move to fear, desperation, mental despair, physical breakdown and finally hoplessness and defeat. Lets see him do all the things you and I would do. I love this idea...what does everyone else thing?

09-Aug-2006, 03:26 AM
Thats an interesting idea, it would be a difficult movie to make...but in the end would probably be pretty cool.

09-Aug-2006, 03:28 AM
Too Blair Witchy. Some might like that.

But what about the gore? The only way the audience would see it is if the FPS (First Person Survivor) stood by and watched folks getting torn to pieces while breathing heavy and muttering effeminate OMGs through the ordeal.

On the other hand, the FPS view would work well for those stinger moments, zombies jumping out of closets and such.

Guru ofthe Dead
09-Aug-2006, 03:36 AM
I like the idea. The gore stuff would'nt be too hard. Have enough stuff happening around you and it could work. Keep up the good thought.

09-Aug-2006, 03:36 AM
i tired this before, it cannot work becuase you could not have your character everywere seeing everything at once, or hed be standing by watching people die at some inevitable culling point for storys sake and it leaves to many plot possibilties undo-able, so its pretty mutch impossible.

heres an example, think of land of the dead seen from just the eyes of the lead human, how boring would that be the audience wouldnt know stuff like "what happened to the guy in charge of fiddlers green ?,how did the zombies make it there?,ect."

09-Aug-2006, 12:02 PM
"Yawn's" :D

EDIT: Yawn of the Dead ... anyone?

09-Aug-2006, 12:43 PM
Actually this is possible... Think Saturday Night Fever. That film is all from the 1st person perspective. Every scene in the movie has John travolta and you are seeing the disco scene and the world of Brooklyn, Ny through his eyes.

You can't do it like a FPS game, it would be too hokey, but if you do it from the same perspective.

09-Aug-2006, 04:19 PM
Actually this is possible... Think Saturday Night Fever. That film is all from the 1st person perspective. Every scene in the movie has John travolta and you are seeing the disco scene and the world of Brooklyn, Ny through his eyes.

You can't do it like a FPS game, it would be too hokey, but if you do it from the same perspective.

Is that truely 1st person?

By the way Saturday Night fever was and awesome and underrated movie.

09-Aug-2006, 07:25 PM
I like the blair witch project

Its a good idea but the first person wouldnt DEFIN aggrivate some people

09-Aug-2006, 07:54 PM
Other than the 1st person (probably wouldnt work), it sounds like something I would be into

09-Aug-2006, 08:10 PM
thats a cool idea but what about focus on the very bare beginning of a zombie plague maybe a little more depth into how it begins?:sneaky:

09-Aug-2006, 10:28 PM
How about a cult cinematic masterpiece (IE: Black & white) based in the immediate aftermath of a worldwide undead epidemic as seen through the lens of a small camera strapped onto the back of a cockroach .... or a goldfish on a skateboard?

Or maybe even a full on "multiple angle" option ...

100% FPS would drag on forever inside of a "non interactive" screen, and even the creators of the worlds best FPS games equip their products with the option to "toggle" the camera view ;)

10-Aug-2006, 12:18 AM
Thanks for the support and ideas Deadman_Deluxe. Your that guy that was picked on in school huh? Anyway everyone else, I think the idea would be hard to make. If put together right I think it could be cool. Sure we would want it to drag and a really good writer could keep that from happening. Thanks everyone...

10-Aug-2006, 06:27 PM
doom had a first person shooter section and it was quite entertaining but I don't know if a full movie filmed like that would work.

11-Aug-2006, 01:02 AM
thats a cool idea but what about focus on the very bare beginning of a zombie plague maybe a little more depth into how it begins?:sneaky:

wow, thats just about every indie romero clone ever.

no offence, but it really is:skull:

12-Aug-2006, 11:35 PM
I personally think the fist person camra angle is a horrible idea, and an even worse idea for being used for an extended period of time. I think that the purpose of film is to bring the audience into the story and the world of the film, and a first person camera angle brings thier attention to the angle and therefore takes them out of the film as they are focused on the film making. However; I realize that this is just my opinion and many others might think this style is cool and could make it work. Here is a link you might find helpful, there has been many movies made before that use the 1st person angle, this link shows a list of them with a brief description:
good luck

13-Aug-2006, 04:42 AM
what about the bliar witch though tehcnically camera view its still the same way and i love that film , not many people do though cus it got parodied to death.:rolleyes:

14-Aug-2006, 05:12 PM