View Full Version : film 4 is now free, so?, any thoughts?

09-Aug-2006, 05:57 AM
dont know if you get this in america but theres a film channel that used to be pay per view in the uk called film 4 that showed more ...well....studenty films than the crap on sky cinema and after the first month is over i wondered what you guys thought about whats no offer now.

so far i havent been drawn in too mutch theres a lot on offer and its awesome to see flicks that you never get on tv nowadays but its still not drawing me in as mutch as i though it would, heres a few examples:

r-point :described as full metal jacket meets blair witch, ive wanted to see it for ages, but its only been on once and i missed it ....****.:dead:

the godfather: ive never seen it and it only showed it once last month....****:D

and a few more but there were some good ones you dont see on tv anymore

the fith element: pretty underrated, i forgot how mutch i liked this film

trainspotting: never seen this but i saw on minionzombies site he thought it was damn cool so i checked it out and all i can say is......its pretty cool;)

the green mile: easily one of my favourite films to come out of hollywood in this century...that and the mothman prophecys that rocked too

ghost dog-way of the samurai: another film i was surprised at how good it was

theres a few more i cant remember right now but im glad i can see stuff like this for free compared to sky movies 30 quid a week rip off for mutiple showings of catwoman :barf:
and since im starting back to college in under a month and a half its cool to see the kind of films i can use for coursework rather than hunting down dvds you never find anymore, so overall lets hope they show more cool movies, and screw the zone horror channel now ive got something better to watch!:lol:

09-Aug-2006, 11:33 AM
Trainspotting is a great film.

The Godfather trilogy, in my opinion, is as boring as watching paint dry.

09-Aug-2006, 12:09 PM
About bleedin' time they made this free I say. Who on earth would wanna pay an extra £6 on top of their already too expensive Sky bill every month?! And what for? The same handful of movies played over and over again. They don't even have that "extreme" channel anymore, it's just FilmFour and FilmFour+1 now, lol.

Still, maybe they'll show something I wanna watch and don't already have. It's a shame they now show adverts during the movie now. I remember when part of their schtick was that the flicks were shown uninterupted ... hmm, not anymore, ya gits.

We've got the Sky Movies package on our Sky. It's good for catching a new movie, but to be honest we don't use it enough, but we use it enough that we'd miss it if we got rid of it...it's borderline. But my sister has Freeview so she now has a free movie channel, which is good.

09-Aug-2006, 02:32 PM
Trainspotting is a great film.

The Godfather trilogy, in my opinion, is as boring as watching paint dry.

Except for all the DeNiro Vito Corleone 1920s stuff, That is great to me and while only 20 minutes or so, Is one of the greatest gangster movies ever (just that section). In G2 it's interspersed, but in the Godfathersaga its all chronilogical, so get that and watch only the 1st 20.30 minutes.

And I loved Ghost Dog. It was almost a silent film

09-Aug-2006, 03:50 PM
ghost dog is so underated, but im really into far eastern culture so maybe i enjoyed it more cus of that, plus who doesnt love mafia films?, anyone?

plus i caught the end of scarface but they never repeated it and i gotta see that film!:cool:

09-Aug-2006, 04:38 PM
ghost dog is so underated, but im really into far eastern culture so maybe i enjoyed it more cus of that, plus who doesnt love mafia films?, anyone?

plus i caught the end of scarface but they never repeated it and i gotta see that film!:cool:

The end Of Scarface is the best part. I think it's overlong by about an hour though.
The refugee camp, the chainsaw scene and the end. The rest is waiting around for the good parts
"you're womb is so polluted you can't even have a little baby!"

09-Aug-2006, 04:52 PM
I think all of Scarface is excellent.

You especially need to see it, Hellsing, since you're a Vice City fan. It will be so much better for you after seeing Scarface.

PS - I have the Scarface soundtrack on vinyl. Found it while trashpicking records one time.

09-Aug-2006, 05:09 PM
Oh my fudging gawd ... you HAVE to see Scarface. The film is excellent, it drips with the 1980s vibe, it's legendary and like Mike was saying, you'll appreciate Vice City so much more afterwards. I was fortunate to see Scarface quite a bit before playing Vice City, so when I played GTA:VC I had a blast, it's almost like playing Scarface ... sorta.

Ooh you must see Scarface! Chop chop, you should be able to find it in a bargain bin somewhere if money is a problem, or download it ... it'll no doubt be on TV somewhere soon though...

09-Aug-2006, 05:11 PM
i know i gotta see it i saw the scene were it ends with him shot in the back by the huggie bear look-alike, that was class all the way "you think youse can **** with me?!?!", best indoor gun violence in a film. ever.:D

09-Aug-2006, 05:43 PM
You.....haven't....seen....."The Godfather"??? That's insane. Do yourself a huge favor and watch "The Godfather" and "The Godfather Part II". Only Check out "Part III" if you really enjoy the first two, but it's not quite up to par with the others. Dang man....SEE IT. NOW. CLASSIC.

09-Aug-2006, 06:01 PM
Oh my fudging gawd ... you HAVE to see Scarface. The film is excellent, it drips with the 1980s vibe, it's legendary and like Mike was saying, you'll appreciate Vice City so much more afterwards. I was fortunate to see Scarface quite a bit before playing Vice City, so when I played GTA:VC I had a blast, it's almost like playing Scarface ... sorta.

Ooh you must see Scarface! Chop chop, you should be able to find it in a bargain bin somewhere if money is a problem, or download it ... it'll no doubt be on TV somewhere soon though...

DO NOT VIEW ANY CENSORED VERSION!!! Even if your curious and it's on TV. The US TV version is screwed. You need all the f***s and guts (i made a rhyme)for the full effect.
I use to love all of it, but after the 10th or so viewing, I really only want to see the key scenes.
See it with a couple friends if you can, so you can get all the "Oh s**t!" with your buddies. Scarface is best viewed with some wasted friends.:)

09-Aug-2006, 06:06 PM
No problem there then, Scarface gets shown uncut on TV over here in the UK (where Hellsing also hails from). There was a special edition 2 disc DVD that came out a while ago (which I bought) and it was grrrrrrrrrreat! :cool:

09-Aug-2006, 06:09 PM
No problem there then, Scarface gets shown uncut on TV over here in the UK (where Hellsing also hails from). There was a special edition 2 disc DVD that came out a while ago (which I bought) and it was grrrrrrrrrreat! :cool:

There's a new one coming out soon. The "Platinum Edition". At least it won't have that ridiculous documentary about rappers.:rolleyes: I wanted to vomit after seeing that....

09-Aug-2006, 06:19 PM
Oh geeeeeezus, that rapper doc they stuck on was so ghey. Clearly it was done because someone had seen too many episode of MTV Cribs and noticed how many rappers watch Scarface. It's retarded how they see it as some kind of positive role model - the dude was a frickin' drugs dealer who ended up with no friends, no wife and his money means f*ck all cos he gets killed...how is that a positive tale?!

Daft bugger rappers ... notice how Mek-whatever was interviewed on the set of Yawn04.

09-Aug-2006, 06:34 PM
Film 4 for free! Bargain!

Been some good stuff on so far... I suspect every week there will be something worth watching on there for me!

general tbag
09-Aug-2006, 10:36 PM
There's a new one coming out soon. The "Platinum Edition". At least it won't have that ridiculous documentary about rappers.:rolleyes: I wanted to vomit after seeing that....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

im glad someone else thought that was pretty craptacular.

:lol: :lol:

yea godfather 1 and 2 is great, 3 is ok at best.