View Full Version : Worse Zombie Film EVER

09-Aug-2006, 11:03 PM
This could be interesting :rockbrow:

09-Aug-2006, 11:36 PM
I chose "other"
My worst has to be Video Dead - 1987

general tbag
10-Aug-2006, 01:11 AM
does the thriller video count...

10-Aug-2006, 01:21 AM
does the thriller video count...
ooooo good one! and, technically, it should.

there was one I watched a few months ago about a young couple living in a cabin that turned zombie. Can't remember the name of it. (NOT Zombie Honeymoon, I liked that one.) Anyhoooo, the flick I'm talking about lasted about 752 hours and 33 minutes. And was DULL DULL DULL DULL DULL!!!! Made me want to become..........a LION TAMER!

10-Aug-2006, 02:20 AM
wtf? land of the dead is on that list?

look, those haters of land need to realize, THEY EVOLVED!!!!

look up evolution

too many people were expecting dawn 2, jeesh get tf over it already


how house of the dead isn't in that list is mindblowing, yet land is :confused:

10-Aug-2006, 02:24 AM
wtf? land of the dead is on that list?

look, those haters of land need ot realize, THEY EVOLVED!!!!

look up evolution

too many people were expecting dawn 2, jeesh get tf over it already


how house of the dead isn't in that list is mindblowing, yet land is :confused:
you go, Boodle!!!!:D Tell it, Brother!!!!

10-Aug-2006, 02:34 AM
didnt someone say prison of the dead wasa terrible flick too? i havent seen that our dotd2. i voted other.

island of the dead <-- not a zombie movie but i have to say id rather be casterated then see this again

10-Aug-2006, 05:58 AM
House of the Dead is the worst zombie film ever made, in fact to call it a film is a huge mistake. I have to agree with creepntom on his comment.

10-Aug-2006, 06:41 AM
you forgot that **** hole of a movie"raiders of tha living dead"!!!:rockbrow:

10-Aug-2006, 12:00 PM
Contagium can suck my beanbag and like it, cos that movie was hideously atrocious.

10-Aug-2006, 12:43 PM
I haven't seen all of the movies on that list, so I had to choose Fulci's Zombi 2. It had no plot, bad acting, and I didn't know any of the characters any better after their first line of dialogue than I did when the movie was over. This is what I saw when watching the movie:
-Where's my daddy?
-On some island.
-Maybe some vacationers will take us there.
-Wow, that slut took off her shirt.
-What's a zombie?
-Oh, more boobies! They're soapy and wet!
-Oh, zombies are eating the doctor's wife.
-****, I can't Drive!
-Spanish Conquistadors are rising from their 400-year-old graves!
-Run awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
-Awww, hell.....it's time for a siege.

10-Aug-2006, 01:01 PM
:barf: :barf: :barf: Children of the living dead :barf: :barf: :barf:

10-Aug-2006, 01:37 PM
ZOMBIEZ!! Worst movie ever!! I hate this movie!! :mad:

10-Aug-2006, 02:54 PM
House of the Dead.
I can't believe that that wasn't on the poll.
Zombie 5 Killing Birds sucked badly too.

DOTD04 ****ed me off immensely, But I wouldn't say it sucked.

10-Aug-2006, 03:10 PM
Contagium can suck my beanbag and like it, cos that movie was hideously atrocious.

I agree with this statement fully, but I'd be afraid the ****tiness and sheer lack of quality of contagium would cause my penis to fall off in a flurry of bad acting, awful storyline, and poorly thought out zombies/general special effects. I seriously feel as if I lost an important part of myself that I once treasured after watching Contagium.

10-Aug-2006, 04:08 PM
I haven't seen most of those, so I had to go with "Dawn04". I thought about choosing "Night:30th Ann.", but it still had PARTS of Romero's classic in it so I couldn't bring myself to choose it.

As I've said before, I normally don't watch zombie films outside of Romero's because they're usually crap, anyway...

10-Aug-2006, 04:16 PM
I haven't seen most of those, so I had to go with "Dawn04". I thought about choosing "Night:30th Ann.", but it still had PARTS of Romero's classic in it so I couldn't bring myself to choose it.

As I've said before, I normally don't watch zombie films outside of Romero's because they're usually crap, anyway...
you need to check out SEVERED. You'll love that one, I think. In fact, it will p*ss you off more about Yawn'04.....what? an orignal NEW zombie idea?????? Go figure.

10-Aug-2006, 04:34 PM
Good point, I'd get it to suck copious amounts of someone else's beanbag, just in case I did get Contagium's weird-zombie-light-bad-everything-AIDs from it.

Children of the Living Dead was sh*t as, but I got it for a fiver in a dodgy "downtown" Norwich used media shop and watched it with my housemates and we laughed our asses off watching it, so it was actually quite entertaining (for all the wrong reasons of course).

We all know by now (surely) how I feel about Yawn04, I think that stranger's winkie would be in for another visit of bad zombie movie beanbag choking.

general tbag
10-Aug-2006, 05:09 PM
----tbags all bad zombie movies.

13-Aug-2006, 05:42 AM
good god i cannot stress how bad vampires vs zombies is in every way, it makes contagium look good!, yes its really that bad!:barf:

13-Aug-2006, 03:23 PM
I voted "Other" for City of the Walking Dead. Hard to believe that the same man who directed that dejecta-heap was the one who bestowed the great Cannibal Ferox upon us.

13-Aug-2006, 06:13 PM
Contagium and House Of The Dead were so terrible they almost made me want to beat myself in the head to make the pain stop. There is one more though that hasn't been mentioned, Night Of The Zombies. This movie was equally as excruciating. :barf:

13-Aug-2006, 06:21 PM
good god i cannot stress how bad vampires vs zombies is in every way, it makes contagium look good!, yes its really that bad!

wow! THAT bad? thats a bold bold statement :P

14-Aug-2006, 05:37 AM
i voted contagium but garden of the dead is a real pile of 2hit to.

14-Aug-2006, 07:01 AM
Other: The entire Return of the Living Dead series. I don't care what anybody else says, those were an insult to the zombie genre as a whole.

14-Aug-2006, 02:51 PM
Other: The entire Return of the Living Dead series. I don't care what anybody else says, those were an insult to the zombie genre as a whole.
I iked em, but they did bring in that annoying as hell
"all zombies eat brains" thing

14-Aug-2006, 03:25 PM
The first flick was a good, fun zombie flick that strayed from the serious end of the genre and was just daft fun. The second was also fun, but less good, the third was getting a bit much ... but it did have the chick with the boobs ... Necropolis was such an amazingly huge sack of sh*t, and I haven't seek part five, Rave from the Grave yet, but it'll suck a lot more bellend I'd imagine.

14-Aug-2006, 04:51 PM

Unfortunately, due to censorship rules aswell as banishment of foul language, I am unable to explain my reasoning. :p

14-Aug-2006, 05:10 PM
This could be interesting :rockbrow:

In my collection Hell of the Living Dead is the worst. I have Children of the dead. The first 10 minutes is a fun watch but after Tom dies it gets really really bad.

14-Aug-2006, 07:37 PM
The first 10 minutes is a fun watch but..

she could be talking about dawn 04':bored:

but heres an example of why vamps v zombies sucks

woman goes into gas station
asks guy to fill her gas tank
he agrees (god this must be how porno scripts start out:lol: )
turns and the car is gone.
he goes 'weres the car'
she says "what car" and shoots him

think thats bad, it gets worse.

woman kills girls father
zombies appear
they run into a big hospital to hide form the horde
they run into a room with 5 openings
...."gosh becky is it me or is it hot in here?".....
oh yes lesbo porn scene
.....as the zombies pour in all the doors
they die, surprised?