View Full Version : Return of DEAD-CENTRAL.COM

10-Aug-2006, 09:51 AM
Like Neil, I too have moved my server, after 4 years with the same company I no longer use their services which is why D-C.com has been offline.
In the meantime I have totally recreated the site utilizing a CMS system and removed much of the Flash based content( too many browser issues with flash as of late)
So... with that I'm announcing that the site will be returning within a week or two, with an all new look, some really great improvements and it will be more of a community setting than ever before.

Some users were delete (many of the skimmers who never posted) but all of the main users who frequented the site will be kept and their passwrds remain the same.
I will announce it's official released date once I've finished up some details.
Thank you Neil,again, for allowing me to promote my site on your board, you da man!!


10-Aug-2006, 11:14 AM
Like Neil, I too have moved my server, after 4 years with the same company I no longer use their services which is why D-C.com has been offline.
In the meantime I have totally recreated the site utilizing a CMS system and removed much of the Flash based content( too many browser issues with flash as of late)
So... with that I'm announcing that the site will be returning within a week or two, with an all new look, some really great improvements and it will be more of a community setting than ever before.

Some users were delete (many of the skimmers who never posted) but all of the main users who frequented the site will be kept and their passwrds remain the same.
I will announce it's official released date once I've finished up some details.
Thank you Neil,again, for allowing me to promote my site on your board, you da man!!


Hey! At $10 a pop no problem... Invoice is in the post :)

What was the news on your site regarding a TV series?

10-Aug-2006, 06:38 PM
That was a TV show for the Horror Channel originally, 12 episodes have been shot & I'm in touch with the creator/writer of the show, but with all the changes over at THC, who knows what will happen with it now.

general tbag
10-Aug-2006, 07:01 PM
In the meantime I have totally recreated the site utilizing a CMS system and removed much of the Flash based content( too many browser issues with flash as of late)

good call.

16-Aug-2006, 01:31 AM
3 days and D-C.om will be back online, maybe less..

16-Aug-2006, 02:24 AM
****ing right! DEAD-CENTRAL IS DEAD NO MORE!...well, in a few days at least. But this is awesome. :D

Yeah, Neil is pretty cool about the shameless plugging. :p

Glad to hear you got things going though. I'll spread the word to the whole one person I know outside of the site...:D

16-Aug-2006, 06:47 PM
Well I was mistaken, it took much less time to get it up & running than I expected...there is still plenty I have to do and I'll be at it here and there, but it is accessable at the moment, DROP BY !!

17-Aug-2006, 11:25 PM
DEAD-CENTRAL.COM is on the air folks , got a few more things I'm working on, but the forums are up and running as are most of the links , it will be about a week before ALL the interviews have been posted