View Full Version : More details on the "Dead" TV series...

13-Aug-2006, 11:05 PM
"DEAD is a show that takes place on day one of a world wide zombie plague.
Each episode follows a different main character through his day one experience.
The reasons why I do this is because it enables me to
A) Start off every story from the action packed "what you do if a zombie plague happened now" stand point.
B) Kill off any character then bring him back if I want to by having him interact with another main characters story line.
Reason B being the major corner stone for the evolution of a much larger story involving everyone separate story's in one way or another.
Now the fantastic side benefit of these self contained Day#1 adventures is anyone could jump in at any episode and not be lost story-wise. But if they have been watching every episode they get to witness the evolution of a much larger story.
The problem I always had with television shows such as LOST or BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (both of which I am quite fond of) is that you couldn't just hop right in without knowing anything about it. Many episodes and sometimes seasons of information were required to be able to fully appreciate what the hell was going on.
If not for me being sick one day and the Sci-Fi Channel running a Battlestar marathon I would have never had the patience to sit down and watch an entire episode of any of the current installments. And even if I had I don't think I would have enjoyed it the same way I did with the back-story included.
As you know. Patrick C. Dwyer passed away. His story happened to be a major hub in a much larger story.
So re-writes and some fancy re-editing has quickly become the order of the day to help re-direct certain plot points through some of the other major characters." -Zebediah De Soto writer/creator




and wait ...I've got more ...I talked to the writer of this show and was running some exclusive info for him ..I will be again once I set D-C.com back online ...the official website
DEAD TV Series (http://www.deadendproductions.tv/)

14-Aug-2006, 02:51 AM
This seems quite interesting... Which country/what channel is it playing in/on?

14-Aug-2006, 07:12 AM
It's funded by The Horror Channel I believe but as they don't actually have a TV channel and don't look like they'll have one in the future I'm wondering how this will be shown/released.

DC I'd recommend changing the thread title or asking for a merge as the title is a little vague to say the least ;)

31-Oct-2006, 09:40 AM
Anyone got any info on what's happened to this series?

31-Oct-2006, 05:32 PM
Say WHAT? A zombie tv series? Wow! More info man, more info! (panting)

31-Oct-2006, 06:23 PM
Finnaly some news for this, I'd love ti get more info on this too

01-Nov-2006, 03:18 AM
Isn't it kind of stupid to have a 'Horror Channel' but no actual tv channel to play it on?! WTF??? :confused:

As for the 'Dead' series, maybe the Sci-Fi Channel should pick it up?

:dead: Dawg

01-Nov-2006, 04:47 AM
this has been doing the rumor /info rounds around this fine forum for a good while, gotta say though i like the title rather than being another loser wannabe fil that puts "of the dead" at the end, shows that there thinking about the series itself not what people should be basing expectations on.

01-Nov-2006, 08:42 AM
I recieved an email last week from the writer of the series that he's changing his email addy....so it seems as though deadproductions.tv is now defunked...
other than that I've heard nothing from him...fading into obscurity I guess....

01-Nov-2006, 06:54 PM
that sucks..

02-Nov-2006, 01:40 PM
that sucks..
just like your avatar :lol: what's that from?

02-Nov-2006, 06:09 PM
Apparently its from freddy got fingered, the girl in the wheel chair who likes to give BJs

13-Nov-2006, 08:52 PM
Does anyone have any more current information on this project? Did any of these episodes ever air? I've scoured the horror channel website and can't find any mention of it. The last time I checked there was a webpage and a teaser trailer and info on the series and its creator. Anyone?


14-Nov-2006, 01:01 AM
I'd like to know what happened to this, too. I'd really like to see a zombie-themed TV show, and I'm really surprised that a really high-profile one hasn't come along yet. Heck, with kids and their "podcasts" these days, I'm surprised that there aren't any low budget straight-to-the-internet zombie shows around (unless there are and I just haven't caught them).

NHT Dead
14-Nov-2006, 01:16 AM
I really do like the idea as well, but they need to make sure that they can put a decent amount of gore in it. A zombie series wouldn't be as good if they didn't show anything.

14-Nov-2006, 10:09 AM
I really do like the idea as well, but they need to make sure that they can put a decent amount of gore in it. A zombie series wouldn't be as good if they didn't show anything.

I was gonna do my own zombie series for youtube, but people left the project, my equipment was stolen and so was the money to make it.

14-Nov-2006, 11:28 AM
god bless yobbos:lol:

though ditto to what he said about thinking about one, though id put file it meself since youtube would get some control over the uploads with copyright and such.

15-Nov-2006, 11:51 AM
I don't think YouTube get any control over the copyright...

15-Nov-2006, 07:42 PM
if you upload something on there then youtube has distibution and copyright control over that file, or soemthing like that, thats why i put mine on putfile instead.