View Full Version : Anyone ever notice this?

14-Aug-2006, 05:15 PM
Forgive me if this also has already been discussed. But has anyone ever noticed that when one of the police dock cops is climbing into the boat, he's carrying one of those civil defense survival boxes that are all stacked in the room where they live in the monroeville mall? was this done because they were just props or is there something more to this?

14-Aug-2006, 05:18 PM
BTW forgive the irrelevant image, just thought it was cool! :)

15-Aug-2006, 05:22 AM
Yes I have noticed that before. It is probably a combination of two things..
1) it was probably used just because it was a prop they were already using in the mall and
2) I always assumed that cop-types would have access to that kind of thing, and since he couldnt find any cigarettes, he grabbed something else he figured he might need in the future.

San Jose Shark
15-Aug-2006, 05:27 AM
i'm really scared

15-Aug-2006, 05:28 AM
yeah, thats what i thought. but i guess ut could all just be an inconsistancy in the story like darth los suggested to me earlier. anyhow, thnx for the reply!!! :)

15-Aug-2006, 11:19 AM
Forgive me if this also has already been discussed. But has anyone ever noticed that when one of the police dock cops is climbing into the boat, he's carrying one of those civil defense survival boxes that are all stacked in the room where they live in the monroeville mall? was this done because they were just props or is there something more to this?

Back in the 50's and 60's it was very common for Civil Defense to stock fallout shelters and air raid shelters with MRE'S and Civil Defense suppies that were all packaeged in the same plain brown wrappers.

So it would be no surprise for a Police Officer to have a Civil Defense box of supplies and they would be the same supplies that were in every other shelter.

Recently here in New York an old bomb shelter was unearthed and the NYC government made a big deal out of finding it. They showed pictures of the boxes stocked in the shelter and they looked very much like the ones in the movie.

Mayor Bloomberg and some members of the city council even tasted some of the food that had been stored away for at least 40 to 50 years! :eek:

15-Aug-2006, 12:34 PM
no offense, but some of you need to see a head shrinker, too many of yous dissect these movies WAY too much

you could sit here til jesus comes back asking "why" questions

it's a movie, for entertainment, accept & move forward :)

15-Aug-2006, 01:59 PM
no offense, but some of you need to see a head shrinker, too many of yous dissect these movies WAY too much

you could sit here til jesus comes back asking "why" questions

it's a movie, for entertainment, accept & move forward :)
If it wasn't for dissecting, this board would barely exist.
It's MORE than entertainment, As far as I am concerned

15-Aug-2006, 03:29 PM
no offense, but some of you need to see a head shrinker, too many of yous dissect these movies WAY too much

you could sit here til jesus comes back asking "why" questions

it's a movie, for entertainment, accept & move forward :)


If you are not here to discuss and dissect these films, why are you here?

That is what we do here! There are plenty of message boards out there for folks who wish criticize and bash others for their net habits and life obssesions. Fortunately for us, this board is not one of them.

I've asked a million times, but I'll ask again:

What is it with these folks who pop onto a thread and post a reply of this nature? If you simply are trying to entice hatred or negativity, then I can see it, but what does that comment add to this discussion that is positive????


You ain't gonna fit in real well here Tom with those type responses. Perhaps that is your aim, no worries, we have dealt with those types around here for years! MOST of them don't last very long!!!


Oh, one more thing, gotta love those folks who think they know what I "need".

Your right Tom, there are times when I certainly need a head shrink (er??? wtf), but it damn sure isn't caused by this board or the discussions that arise here!

15-Aug-2006, 03:37 PM
Back in the 50's and 60's it was very common for Civil Defense to stock fallout shelters and air raid shelters with MRE'S and Civil Defense suppies that were all packaeged in the same plain brown wrappers.

So it would be no surprise for a Police Officer to have a Civil Defense box of supplies and they would be the same supplies that were in every other shelter.

Recently here in New York an old bomb shelter was unearthed and the NYC government made a big deal out of finding it. They showed pictures of the boxes stocked in the shelter and they looked very much like the ones in the movie.

Mayor Bloomberg and some members of the city council even tasted some of the food that had been stored away for at least 40 to 50 years! :eek:

wow! thnx for that info. i guess i prob coulda figured but it is fun to discuss. thnx for givin my thread some love! :) as for you creepntom, those guys's comments pretty much covered it i think.

15-Aug-2006, 08:30 PM
no offense, but some of you need to see a head shrinker, too many of yous dissect these movies WAY too much

you could sit here til jesus comes back asking "why" questions

it's a movie, for entertainment, accept & move forward :)

If you do not want to discuss the movies why then did you even bother to register here???

This is the "Dead Discussion" board...so we DISCUSS.

Off with you child......we dont need any trolls here!!!!! :lol:

16-Aug-2006, 01:02 AM
well that rattled some chains

discussing movies is one thing, but you have to admit some of these "what if" questions are kinda out of the realm, at least from where i stand

there's no emoticon for sarcasm, sorry if some of yous perceived it as anything else but with the shrink comment

tell you what, i'l try & keep from being a wise ass(too much :p) with some of these scenarios as long as some of my responses are accepted as sarcasm

that's the best i can offer as far as that goes

sorry for derailing your thread dude

16-Aug-2006, 01:30 AM
well that rattled some chains

discussing movies is one thing, but you have to admit some of these "what if" questions are kinda out of the realm, at least from where i stand

there's no emoticon for sarcasm, sorry if some of yous perceived it as anything else but with the shrink comment

tell you what, i'l try & keep from being a wise ass(too much :p) with some of these scenarios as long as some of my responses are accepted as sarcasm

that's the best i can offer as far as that goes

sorry for derailing your thread dude

Hey you didnt de-rail anything. I didnt even say anything to you, besides they covered it :) no offense taken man, but maybe were bigger fans than you?:p :p :p

16-Aug-2006, 05:58 AM
I read about that New York thing on AOL news, GRMonLI.

It was in one of the Bridges, actually...and they said they found hundreds of crates of hard-tack style biscuits. One of the guys who tried one said that it tasted like cardboard! LOL!:D

16-Aug-2006, 08:44 AM
Until the 1980's the local public schools used to keep both civil defense food and water stockpiled.

16-Aug-2006, 12:30 PM
well that rattled some chains

discussing movies is one thing, but you have to admit some of these "what if" questions are kinda out of the realm, at least from where i stand

there's no emoticon for sarcasm, sorry if some of yous perceived it as anything else but with the shrink comment

tell you what, i'l try & keep from being a wise ass(too much :p) with some of these scenarios as long as some of my responses are accepted as sarcasm

that's the best i can offer as far as that goes

sorry for derailing your thread dude

No rattling or derailing, I just continue to be utterly amazed at folks you on message boards. I can't see where the motivation for a post like that comes from.

Dude, have you read any of the posts here? Do you know why this forum exists?

Seriously, if that is the way you feel about what goes on here:

a. Why are you here

b. Why not just keep them to yourself?

There are plently of wise azzes here, that is not the problem, it is how you chose to display your wise azzness to world that will earn you friends or enimies around here.

Peace Brothas and Sistas!

16-Aug-2006, 04:33 PM
Having discussed this i wonder why they never even open one of those boxes! sure they had better food downstairs but wouldnt you just get curious? also when the monk zombie is trying to get in, if frannie had stacked the boxes back to the wall instead of just trying to use thier weight he couldnt have gotten in no matter how heavy the boxes were. I understand if she had then it wouldnt have been a dramatic movie moment, but i cant help thinking what i would do! :)

16-Aug-2006, 05:22 PM
Having discussed this i wonder why they never even open one of those boxes! sure they had better food downstairs but wouldnt you just get curious? :)

They do open one. There is the whole conversation between Roger and Fan about how they find Spam and Roger asks Fran if she had a can opener, she says no, and he says "Dont knock it, it comes with its own opener" (I paraphrase I know)

I too realize it's "Only a movie" but I also say to myself, what would I do?, would I do that or this? :lol:

I think its part of the fun of being a major fan of a movie. I mean putting yourself in the situation and thinking about what you would do or how you would handle the situation.

16-Aug-2006, 08:07 PM
They do open one. There is the whole conversation between Roger and Fan about how they find Spam and Roger asks Fran if she had a can opener, she says no, and he says "Dont knock it, it comes with its own opener" (I paraphrase I know)

I too realize it's "Only a movie" but I also say to myself, what would I do?, would I do that or this? :lol:

I think its part of the fun of being a major fan of a movie. I mean putting yourself in the situation and thinking about what you would do or how you would handle the situation.

Oh yeah sorry, sometimes my stoney nature comes to the surface! :p but i guess i forgot it cuz theres also barrel looking objects that were never checked and i just spaced the spam comment. the funnest part of that movie is thinking what you would do. i think Roger and Peter nailed it pretty good.

17-Aug-2006, 02:59 AM
[QUOTE=trancelikestate] but i guess i forgot it cuz theres also barrel looking objects that were never checked and i just spaced the spam comment. /QUOTE]

Your right they never opened the barrels.

I think they were Sani-Toilets or something!!!!! :lol: :D :p

17-Aug-2006, 07:44 AM
Contents of Civil Defense Fallout Shelters


17-Aug-2006, 08:36 AM
you know i really love this site and all the people i have encountered on it. i ask for little, and get so much. this is as a matter of fact pretty good info to know. i'm so happy i grabed a good topic and happy i could share it! However i would still like to find douglas center students out there! AKA home of the savini school! please contact me! :) talk you fine peoples lata! :p