View Full Version : "offensive" photo

14-Aug-2006, 07:54 PM
My friends in the UK, your country is doomed I'm afraid, it's been a good run, and you have faced many foes over your long history, but your once mighty nation has finally been brought to it's knees....

By Political Correctness run amok (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=400528&in_page_id=1770&ct=5)

*head explodes*

14-Aug-2006, 07:56 PM
thats nuts, thats said i also thought it was nuts when they sent mine back becuase i was winking and giving the peace sign.:lol:

14-Aug-2006, 08:34 PM
lol, this country was f*cked a lot longer ago to be honest, no thanks to you-know-them who are in power, the biggest bunch of idiots the world has ever known, they literally have NO common sense, hence ALL the problems a little down the track after they've decided on anything.

This is just yet another one to pile on the pire. We've had Piglet being removed from Burger King promotions and Piggy Banks being removed from bank windows, all in the name of not offended Muslims - who are 1) in the VAST MINORITY and 2) aren't originally from this friggin' country in the first friggin' place!!!

If they don't like our piggy banks and piglets and bare kiddy shoulders they should f*ck right the hell off, no wonder people are turning to the BNP, I mean really...how can this pansy ass country get anymore messed up?!?! Sadly the voting masses are either too ignorant, paid for or flat out drunk from 24 hour drinking...

You know, I might actually consider moving country if LABOUR get back in, although it'd just end up being a thought, because I'd never be able to afford it in a million years. I'm going to be spending about £2430 on new camera equipment, right, and guess how much TAX is in there...*forgets precise number*...it's around £360. Darth Brown has got a lot to answer for, but maybe I can claim it back as "expenses" for my business...

14-Aug-2006, 08:42 PM
You know, I might actually consider moving country if LABOUR get back in,

you know i thought about this as the university i want to go to....which in hindsight you whent to, does film and america studies and i thought ,what if people who whent over to the us in the second year liked the u.s more than labour controlled england?

cus lets face it america has its problems but it'd be a hell of a lot easier getting indie films out what with sundance and whatnot.

14-Aug-2006, 08:48 PM
In comparison to living in the UK, America has lower taxes and a cheaper cost of living (face facts America, it is actually true) than what we have. Both countries have their plusses and minusses ... but we've both got idiotic administrations...

A friend of mine did American Studies at UEA and she went to San Francisco in the 3rd year and had a helluva time. When I'm a millionnaire (damnit, it WILL happen! :D) I think I'll get places to live in various places so I can pick and choose and always be able to come back to Britain, which is my default setting, if you will.

14-Aug-2006, 08:52 PM
The world is becoming pussified. People have too much time on their hands to worry about a bunch of what if's. I thought the problem was just in the States, but it appears that I was mistaken. This is a low blow indeed. Pathetic! :mad:

14-Aug-2006, 09:14 PM
yeah but too be fair this is a forum about 18 ceritficat films but we cant say s-h-i-t or f-u-c-k, which is kinda dumb considering you still get flameing and stuff regardless.

just an observation.:shifty:

14-Aug-2006, 09:39 PM
yeah but too be fair this is a forum about 18 ceritficat films but we cant say s-h-i-t or f-u-c-k, which is kinda dumb considering you still get flameing and stuff regardless.

just an observation.:shifty:

Quite true, we can get around such censor by typing sh!t or fcuk. It's just a mild annoyance.

As for the passport photo, what a load of fetid p!ss! Should she have a headscarf on instead you think? A veil covering her face? :mad: :moon:

Why the f.uck don't the government worry about their own people before they worry about anyone else. W.a.n.k.e.r.s!!!!!!

14-Aug-2006, 09:47 PM
well i have no religion so the idea of someone wearing a cross which was used as a tortureand killing device is slightly guesom to me, oh now we better ban all crucuifxes, oh what WILL the goths do now.:lol:

political correctness is bollocks if us ''white devils'' hand raided africa for slaves we probably woulldnt have any of this offending races crap so its our own damn faults.


just seeing if it was censored:D

14-Aug-2006, 10:26 PM
well i have no religion so the idea of someone wearing a cross which was used as a tortureand killing device is slightly guesom to me, oh now we better ban all crucuifxes, oh what WILL the goths do now.:lol:

Don't worry, Ankhs are WAY more Goth then Crosses :D


14-Aug-2006, 11:22 PM
Both countries have their plusses and minusses ... but we've both got idiotic administrations...

No truer words have ever been spoken.

Funny none of the muslims are worried about what might offend me. The extremists are busy trying to find ways to bomb my country and a heck of a lot more are applauding them on but lets not offend them with the way we dress, ok?

15-Aug-2006, 10:38 AM
Lostboy - damn straight, us first, everyone else second (I'm serious). If you can't help yourselves out of a hole, how on earth are you gonna help other people out of a hole? It's plain and simple sense. Also, you can say "wankers" just fine. :D

ZombieGirl - exactly, they're not at all worried about offending us, and quite frankly, I am deeply offended by the retardation of not being allowed to have piggy banks and piglets in my own damn country - you don't see the Jewish in the UK complaining about such items! Also, I saw this in the paper the other day, the people whose house was invaded (on the intel they had chemical weapons in there) are living it up in a FOUR start hotel on the tax payer's dime...or penny rather.

Immediately after it was discovered there were no weapons in the house, the liberal pansy lawyers rushed from under their rocks and descended upon the whole thing with gay abandon. Now - quite frankly - if you've got the intel that there could be chemical weapons, designed to KILL MANY PEOPLE, what are you going to do? Invade and risk it being a mistake on the intel's part, or sit back and do nothing because you're too afraid of offending someone and therefore run the risk of KILLING MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!

One was shot - what a surprise, you're invading suspected terrorists with the full works, it's bound to happen, especially if someone does not comply - and then came complaints that they weren't treated with respect ... erm ... excuse me, but do you treat someone with respect if you have been led to believe they are a f*cking TERRORIST!!!??? Get real people!!!

Also, the press conferance with these guys whose home was invaded, was a complete and utter f*cking joke, what a circus I tell you. There was such a fuss made about photographers NOT being allowed to use their flashes on their cameras because they've 'been through a lot' ... erm ... ex-f*cking-cuse me. But parents who are pleading on national TV to a kidnapping rapist to give them their child back have to sit through a thousand bulb flashes, and yet these men are somehow better or have gone through more?!

What the guys at the conferance were saying was also incredibly set up, it looked so un-natural and so set up to try and arouse the liberal pansies around the world to go up in arms.

It's like the Stockwell shooting. Now yes, it was a tragedy, I won't deny that. But quite frankly, illegal immigrant or not (you'll just get to stay anyway, I mean come on, the Home Office is an incompetant sack of sh*t), DON'T RUN AWAY FROM SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS WITH MACHINE GUNS DEMANDING YOU TO HALT ... also DON'T WALK THROUGH LONDON AND HEAD INTO A TUBE STATION WITH A BACKPACK WITH WIRES COMING OUT OF IT MERE DAYS AFTER THE 7/7 ATTACKS!!!! Immigrant or no immigrant, you couldn't have possibly not known about 7/7!!!


Sorry, another classic MZ rant, but this whole thing just gets my ass in a bunch...

15-Aug-2006, 02:16 PM
you know i thought about this as the university i want to go to....which in hindsight you whent to, does film and america studies and i thought ,what if people who whent over to the us in the second year liked the u.s more than labour controlled england?
It happens all the time. People say alot of Bad stuff about America/Americans (much of it justified to some extent) but when they go to a cool place and stay for an extended period they often want to stay. The US is very Rich person friendly, so we get a TON of loaded students who want to stay,

In comparison to living in the UK, America has lower taxes and a cheaper cost of living (face facts America, it is actually true) than what we have. Both countries have their plusses and minusses ... but we've both got idiotic administrations...
In some places maybe, but many US cities have are on the lists of very highest cost of living in the world, Like where I live. Plus we pay much taxes, but don't get much back. Crappy Public schools, punishingly expensive Universities, Zero Health Care.

A friend of mine did American Studies at UEA and she went to San Francisco in the 3rd year and had a helluva time.
Never occured to me that there would be American studies at foreign Universities, MAybe that's why people in other counries know more about us that alot of Americans do,

Alot of the supposedly random searches are pretty ridicuolous. Italian Grandmas from Queens are not smuggling bombs onto planes etc. I don't really see too many people , in gov or otherwise, giving a crap about offending Muslims here. I guess Muslims are a relatively big percentage in UK, or is it that they are REALLY loud?

15-Aug-2006, 04:36 PM
There are 2 million Muslims in the UK apparently ... so they're outnumbered by about 60 million non-Muslims ... which translates into ... "shut the f*ck up you terrorist minority (I mean terrorists, not all Muslims here), if you don't like our country with our WESTERN ideals, then f*ck off back home" ... aggressive response perhaps, but a handful of loud-mouth nutjobs trying to change MY friggin' country? In the immortal words of Will Smith ... "ah hell no!".

Now, just to clarify to anyone who might have been offended by my angry rant earlier in the day, I'm not in any way, shape or form a racist. In fact, I don't 'get' racism - we're ALL the human RACE aren't we? We all came from Africa when you look right back.

But I don't take kindly to the sort of political correctness rubbish that's going on in the UK which protects terrorists or terrorist sympathisers like abu hamza (he doesn't deserve capital letters, git, lol), and that's what I'm trying to express.

Appologies if I offended anyone, but I don't think I did as nobody said anything, I like to get a bit ranty now and then and like to do so colourfully - but in an entertaining way - I have never been racist, in fact I spit on racists (metaphorically speaking) who are scum in my view. But you know how it is, sometimes when you get a bit frustrated in real life you lose your composure or ability to say something in as classy a way as you usually do. (Yes, I am a classy person :lol: *burps*).

15-Aug-2006, 08:46 PM
As i read the other day..

"Not all muslims are suicide bombers,but all suicide bombers are muslims"


15-Aug-2006, 08:57 PM

I don't even know what else to say :mad:

15-Aug-2006, 09:29 PM
lol, a funny quote ... where the heck did you read that? I was kinda thinking it was a joke or a comedy routine, but as you read it then perhaps it's actually someone being serious ... but there's a bit of truth in it perhaps.

Now, yes, one of the plotters for this week's carry on was a white guy who converted ... kinda makes you wonder why he converted to Islam ... but whatever I guess (for a normal person anyway) ... but it makes you wonder what on earth made him convert to radical Islam extremism against his own country...weird.

Now, whoever that lawyer is that DEFENDED hamza (!!! I know !!!), she'd jump up and down on me for this ... but (not to offend, just sayin' is all), surely it would make sense to bring in a bit of "profiling". Because, well, the majority of the terrorists we're "facing" are ... actually ... *whispers* muslim. So surely...that'd make some sense, right?

Get a shedload of security staff (rope in Army surplus, the TA, the Salvation Army, anybody damnit! lol) and look out for suspicious behaviour - ANY suspect goings on by ANYBODY though.

But as the terrorists we're facing are mostly muslim extremists, then it'd make sense to keep an eye on muslim people going by - because, after all, the spotters don't know ANYBODY from Adam, so surely they should be "bullet point number one" on their list, and then everybody else.

Now that's not being racist, that's just making a statement that seems kinda obvious to me, because after all, if we were facing white terrorists in say a mostly black populated country, then it'd be completely politically correct to keep the closest eye on any white folk running around airports etc. We're all equal - in ALL aspects of life, after all, good or bad.

Getting some more folk on the ground would also help the situation, speed things up a bit, because how the heck can you blow up a plane with a BOOK. I mean really. Just flip it upside down and flick through the pages from start to finish a few times as you check through and bingo bongo - something to read on the plane whilst you try and ignore the screaming toddler whose chav parents won't tell it to shut up, because the staff took your Xanax off you as it might be a chemical bomb or something...:lol:

And indeed, it's this bastard vast minority of the Muslim community who are giving the bunch a bad name, and that's a shame and sadly it happens in all facets of society. There's always some bad apple who's gotta ruin it for everyone...

If only terrorists would just shut up and go live on their own terrorist island and leave us alone and we'd leave them alone (and secretely film them and make a new reality show: Big Terrorist Love Island Brother In The Jungle) ... of course, that's not what terrorists are about.

And speaking of the theory of terrorists, do they ever just give up and think - you know, us small and merry band of home-made body-bombers are no match for an entire country/world of people run by multiple, professional, know-everything agencies ... so come on lads, why bother eh? Let's go on that Terrorist Love Island thing and get us some dynamite-wrapped-ass. :lol::p