View Full Version : "Day of the Dead" Poll

16-Aug-2006, 05:46 AM
By now, most people around here who are pretty serious about GAR and his work have taken the time to read the original script for Day of the Dead.

So, my question to you all is:

Which do you think is better? The original script or the filmed version?

Your thoughts, sports fans....:D

16-Aug-2006, 01:54 PM
I voted for both.

I enjoyed the original script and the movie which was actually shot. It has been at least five or six years since i last sat down and read the script, while i actually watched the movie from start to finish just two nights ago with a friend who had never seen it before, but in saying that i don't really think any fair comparison can be made between the two different formats (paper script and motion picture). For me that is like making a poll to ask what do you prefer ... the T shirt or the soundtrack CD.

16-Aug-2006, 02:58 PM
You should of put a "don't care" option on the poll. I have the script but I am sad to say I never took the time to read it:confused:

16-Aug-2006, 03:28 PM
While I enjoyed both of the screenplays alot, I think the original gave the humans too much credit when it came to controlling the disaster. While I think some would be capable of pulling this off, I think it was a little farfetched given the stupidity of humanity in Romero's zombie world. I like it, don't get me wrong. It'd make a great film. But I liked the shot version because it was given a dark touch because everything was gone. There was no hope. Everything was dead. There were no armies of zombies to protect you and a small clan of survivors. All we had to see was a group of people who hated each other, stuck with each other, while just waiting to die.

16-Aug-2006, 06:27 PM
You should of put a "don't care" option on the poll. I have the script but I am sad to say I never took the time to read it:confused:

It beats a lot of crap out there...

16-Aug-2006, 06:53 PM
Hey is the script online to get or do u have to buy it? I have never read the original.:o

16-Aug-2006, 07:03 PM
It is on this site. At the top of the main page, click links, then click Day of the Dead, then on the right side of the screen, click original script.

16-Aug-2006, 07:20 PM
Pretty much a split descision, but I like the filmed version for it's dark stylings and desparity...

16-Aug-2006, 07:25 PM
You can't judge by a script alone so that kind of makes this poll invalid.

I like the original script, but being that we never saw the finished product(after all, a film can change ALOT from paper to screen), I definitely have to say that I love what we got.

It's the one that turned me on to this series in the first place.:cool:

16-Aug-2006, 07:25 PM
but in saying that i don't really think any fair comparison can be made between the two different formats (paper script and motion picture). For me that is like making a poll to ask what do you prefer ... the T shirt or the soundtrack CD.

As usual, way to contribute, Deadman.:rolleyes:

If that's the way you felt, then why bother to respond at all?

All it takes is a little imagination on the part of the reader to be able to compare the two.

16-Aug-2006, 10:27 PM
It is on this site. At the top of the main page, click links, then click Day of the Dead, then on the right side of the screen, click original script.
Hey, thanks ax...you I think I ask this before lol..I think I am slipping here lol..anyway I will look at it. Thanks again!!

17-Aug-2006, 01:37 AM
You can't judge by a script alone so that kind of makes this poll invalid.

Try getting that through his thick head :lol: