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View Full Version : dead rising killin 360 systems

general tbag
16-Aug-2006, 08:41 AM
anyone experience this yet... been reading that some people experience red rings of death after playing dead rising and the demo.

16-Aug-2006, 12:15 PM
As of now I haven't had a problem with Dead Rising at all. Except for getting my ass handed to me by the yellow rain slickered psychos that is :D.

A friend of mine had a problem where as soon as he started a game it froze up on him. After a little trial & error he found out it was an issue with his HDD. When it was out the game started just fine. As soon as he put the HDD back in & tried to start a game it froze. He got an extended warranty through MS so he called & they are mailing him out a new HDD.

Thankfully no issues with the red ring of death though :cool:.

16-Aug-2006, 12:45 PM
It's been hit and miss. i've only played it twice thus far(****ing BF2 Multi is like crack). but both times i've noticed various graphics errors.

Problem1- i booted the game up and during the frist cinematic, one of the Franks' vectors was off. the short version is his Z axis had no defenition to it, so he skin looked like a gigantic porucpine. this contiuned once i actually got into the game, and made it unplayable.

so after dicking around with it, then GRAW. i determined it was the Xbox, and quickly returned it.

Problem 2 - On Sunday i tried the game again on my new Xbox. which it ran fine, but after i finished the frist mission, saved, and jumped over to BF2 ther were graphical errors with BF2. all of the in game textures had sort of a silver carona about them.

however once i powered down the xbox and restared it the error went away.

suffice to say i think alot of the is dead risings doing. and i'm shelving it untill i buy a HDtv at the end of the month.

18-Aug-2006, 07:56 PM
p2501,you know the score with BF2 multiplay,i love it,getting too many headaches from being on it late though!PC version for me :)

25-Aug-2006, 06:42 AM
I just read a report on this earlier and they said that Dead Rising may be killing the 360's because it is the first game to utilize 2 processors, but Capcom will not confirm that it is using 2 of them. That same article said that there is a much higher percentage of bad machines than Microsoft is letting on. If this is true, I am glad I am waiting until next spring to buy one.

general tbag
25-Aug-2006, 10:44 AM
MS Denies EA Employee Claim of High Failure Rates Among X360s

Is the Xbox 360 failure rate higher than we think? And is Capcom's recent release of Dead Rising contributing to the problem? Microsoft and Capcom refute the claims of an EA employee who suggested that 360 failure rates were in the 30-50% range.

Yesterday we were tipped off by an employee of a major publisher who claimed that the Xbox 360 failure rate—at least within his studio—has been much higher than Microsoft has stated failure rates to be (around 3-5%). The employee suggested that the failure rates were actually as high as 30-50% among the 300 or so consoles they received. He also noted that Capcom's Dead Rising seemed to be making the problem worse, with many of the consoles getting much hotter than usual.

Although our source wished to keep his company name out of it, the bigwigs at Microsoft apparently sniffed it out as an Electronic Arts employee. Responding to this employee's letter, a Microsoft representative told GameDaily BIZ, "We can confirm that the letter was neither endorsed nor approved by Electronic Arts. At this point we have no reason to believe that the claims made in the letter are based on factual data as opposed to being just an individual opinion."

The rep continued, addressing the 30-50% claim, "We can't speak directly to the situation at EA and the conditions of use of each one of our consoles and would encourage you to contact them directly. What we can tell you is that the vast majority of Xbox 360 owners are having an outstanding experience with their new systems. Each incident is unique and these customer inquires are being handled on a case-by-case basis. We have not seen anything out of the ordinary in the current return situation that we experience."

GameDaily BIZ has contacted EA for comment but has not gotten a response as of press time.

The EA worker also complained about the customer service at MS, stating that owning an Xbox 360 would actually cost consumers two to three times the amount of Sony's PS3 price when you factor in repair fees beyond the three-month warranty. To this, MS responded, "The length of warranty and repair charge for unwarrantied consoles is consistent with electronic industry standards. Microsoft prides itself on excellent customer service, and we encourage anyone with a concern about the functionality of their Xbox 360 to contact us at 1 800 4MY-XBOX."

As for Dead Rising's role in this, the speculation is that the game can use all three processor cores of the Xbox 360 simultaneously, thereby leading to the system perhaps running hotter than with other titles. The EA employee's claim regarding Capcom's zombie action game is somewhat reinforced by Internet chatter.

PC enthusiast site Ars Technica, for example, writes, "Dead Rising is making zombies of 360 systems. This game killed my system last night; thankfully, I have a one-year product replacement plan so I already have a replacement, and apparently the demo did the same thing to another member of our forums. This could simply be coincidence, but as always make sure your 360 is well ventilated and nothing is blocking the vents. This game seems to put the hardware through its paces." The G4 message boards and other gaming forums contain similar stories from their members.

For its part, Capcom doesn't seem to think there's any issue with the game leading to overheating. A spokesperson told us, "The game works under the specs of the 360 system and was approved by Microsoft. For anyone having issues with hardware, we have referred them to contact Microsoft for hardware support."

Certainly, there have been plenty of other Xbox 360 titles on the market that utilize multiple (or all three) cores of the console. Some gamers had similar complaints about Project Gotham Racing 3 or Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Could certain Xbox 360 games make the system run hotter? It's possible, but the consoles that have been failing are more likely to be from initial production runs when MS was still scrambling to manufacture enough units to meet demand.

Note: Yesterday's original story on the subject was pulled at the source's request, and is no longer available.


I just read a report on this earlier and they said that Dead Rising may be killing the 360's because it is the first game to utilize 2 processors, but Capcom will not confirm that it is using 2 of them. That same article said that there is a much higher percentage of bad machines than Microsoft is letting on. If this is true, I am glad I am waiting until next spring to buy one.

i can see that. there is already one lawsuit going forward about it being to hot to run and faulty 360s. also it been recently announced that microsoft is gonna enter production on a chip revision that supposed to run alot cooler and faster with the same architecture. production begins in jan 07.

that kinda crappy if a fault does exist you end up having to pay 130 bux to have microsoft fix it. hopefully something happens with the lawsuit and we see a repeat of the free fixing like the ps2 had.

26-Aug-2006, 07:18 AM
well i dont think im gonna risk dead rising them ,ill wait for resi 5.

on this note oblivion got more and more laggy the more it got to the end for me and it crashed the whole system so even the silver button on the controller didnt work BUT it still didnt get hot i just turned it off and on cus morrowind had the same problems on the xbox.

and i may have said this before but when i got my 360 it got incredibly hot after an hour of play so i kept giving it a few hour breaks but when kameo stopped working i was ****tin myself but thankfully that turned out to be a faulty copy of kameo not the console (phew!),and now even after a 7 hour gameing spree into the early hours of the AM it doesnt get warm at all i think some people just overstrained it on the first day ,xbox live was probably a factor, but if such a problem does arise game gave me a years warranty to exchange in case it does.

but i dont care how cool a zombie game it is i aint playing it even if its a single % risk to crashing your 360, cus each time you put it in your tempting fate to take a few hundred bucks of you.:|

26-Aug-2006, 03:30 PM
I played Dead Rising for damn near all day yesterday, and it didn't lock up once. I'm using a launch system too. It should be safe to play man, its a console, thats what its there for, to play video games.

26-Aug-2006, 03:32 PM
true, but im damn poor and had to save all my cash for months to get one and if theres a chance no matter how small that the disc can break it im not risking it id rather wait for bioshock or something.

26-Aug-2006, 04:04 PM
I have noticed the 360 freezing up a few times to, kinda ticks you off sometimes when you randomly get a disc read error or it just dies. However, I plan on buying one of them fancy smancy fan thingies that atach to the back of them to help cool the bugger off.

27-Aug-2006, 09:12 PM
Wow...I'm glad I didn't buy one now.