View Full Version : Anyone seen the Blade TV series?

16-Aug-2006, 12:53 PM
Only just found out about it!

16-Aug-2006, 12:58 PM
skip it, it's pretty horrible.

16-Aug-2006, 03:00 PM
I love it! The series is really progressing nicely, with much better writing than the 2nd two films. It harks back to the style of the first film, fighting vampire houses. The gore is pretty brutal, the women are lovely. Blade is no longer a wise cracking badass, but a character with a lot of depth and background, and psychological issues he is dealing with. He is also capable of being taken down, not as indestructible as in the films. They've dipped into his childhood a few times. Report back if you check it out. It might take a couple of episodes to get hooked.

16-Aug-2006, 04:09 PM
I love it! The series is really progressing nicely, with much better writing than the 2nd two films. It harks back to the style of the first film, fighting vampire houses. The gore is pretty brutal, the women are lovely. Blade is no longer a wise cracking badass, but a character with a lot of depth and background, and psychological issues he is dealing with. He is also capable of being taken down, not as indestructible as in the films. They've dipped into his childhood a few times. Report back if you check it out. It might take a couple of episodes to get hooked.

Yeah i might be more apt to watch it if spike didnt advertise it like 3 times every commercial break! Plus it's prob hard for some people to accept cuz the last movie didnt even come out that long ago. Not to mention sticky fingaz is even more egotistical than Michael Rosenbaum from smallville! (man i hate smallville) But i think Kevin Spacey did real good job in the movie. Maybe I'll cath and episode someday. I am not protesting it, just not really intrested.

16-Aug-2006, 04:17 PM
I've been watching it and I'm liking it, so far. I like how they're exploring the concept of the many different vampire houses. The episode where they dealt with how Whistler and Blade first got together was pretty good. Jill Wagner as newly-turned vampire Krista is yummy is a good way. So far, the little girl who plays the head of House Cthon creeps me out.

16-Aug-2006, 05:05 PM
I have been watching the series every week and I really enjoy it. It adds a lot to the original blade story line and sticks closer to the first movie than the other two in my opinion. Does anyone know if it has got the greenlight for season 2 yet?

16-Aug-2006, 06:21 PM
So far, the little girl who plays the head of House Cthon creeps me out.

How about that scene with the baby in the limo? :eek: :eek: :eek:

16-Aug-2006, 06:23 PM
I have yet to see it, but two of my friends, both fairly critical types, seem to enjoy it quite a bit and have reccommended it to me.

31-Aug-2006, 03:40 PM
Neil, did you check it out yet?

31-Aug-2006, 09:54 PM
theres a blade tv series?:confused:

01-Sep-2006, 07:22 PM
Well i dont think its the worse thing on tv. Kinda hard to follow at times figuring out who is who and who is bad or good at times.:rockbrow: